@just_the_flu basically it got to do with what u want to use it for. Normal cap is for flowers and HT cap is for solid. Both can be used for both types but having used both versions, I can tell you what they're best for.
HT cap needs more heating to get some temp going, therefore it gets hotter quicker than the normal cap. Respectively, it needs more time to cool down than the normal cap. The normal cap can vake the bud easier than the HT cap but you can combust it easier than the HT cap as well. To combust it with the HT cap u really need to try hard to do it.
Overall, even with the HT cap, you can get the job done as good as the normal cap with any type, either 'erb or solid.
Learning curve wise, I think that if you start with the normal cap, there is some technique that you have to develop regarding the way you'll hit your lotus each time and if it's going to be with the stem or with the WPA. Having spent some time with the normal cap, the learning curve for the HT is definitely smaller and much easier. In case that your 1st ever contact with the Lotus is the HT cap, then you will have a more "stressful" learning curve than the normal cap but with less chance of combusting bowls so less herb thrown away for nothing. Now, if you're vaping solid, just flame da hell out of it and don't worry about getting the cap really hot... it'll burn as hell but that's the way to get your hash vaped...
Vaping hash with the normal cap, will probably get your wooden part charred after some time.
/quote mode off
It's magic though.. whenever you change a screen and you do a quick clean to your stem your draws are like something totally new... WOOHOOO.. resist less tokes that fill ur lungs to the very last spot!!!
That's it for now...
PS: Apologies for my long-posting