The Lotus Vaporizer


formally cwheezy
That'll be hard to hide but I'll try my best.

Just currious, since I'm getting the high temp cap, what is the best way to use ful melt concentrates, just mix with herbs?


formally cwheezy
I placed my order on Monday and it still hasn't even been processed yet. What gives, and does anyone know who they ship with internationally? Any other Ontario ents with this, How long did it take you to get it?

I'm just very eager.

David and Michael

I placed my order on Monday and it still hasn't even been processed yet. What gives, and does anyone know who they ship with internationally? Any other Ontario ents with this, How long did it take you to get it?

I'm just very eager.
Your order came in on Tuesday and was processed and shipped the same day. If you have any questions please contact us using the contact page on our website


formally cwheezy
Awesome, hope I didn't bug ya by that. All I had gotten was the pay pal receipt and it didn't really say anything. Thanks a lot.


Cloud Chaser
I've been rocking the new Black Lotus the last few days in my rotation, great to have it back in my life. ;)
I really dig the flush mounted top plate and the black ceramic coating, really cleans up the aesthetics.

I've only used it on a bubbler, but just with flower, with great satisfaction! It will white wall a piece like no other vaporizer. It appears to take the extra heat required to do this fine. If you're really putting the heat to it you better be pulling a lot of air through it or it will combust. I've found I can "cash" a half load bowl in one big long hit. And it's amazingly smooth and flavorful.

Technic is important in all these kind of hits, so practice, practice! :nod::science:


Well-Known Member
Got my Lotus just over a week ago now. Really efficient and fun to use. I got the j-hook kit and it is so fun to use with a bubbler . But for the first time today I tried it in the J-hook no water filtration. I used about 0.02 g's and was literally blown away by my first hit, open the vapor cap to see that everything is a nice golden brown .

Really impressed with this device, I use it all day which saves me a lot of material and only use my Volcano right before bed. I smoke little but often so this device is a perfect fit for me. Thanks for all the advice in this thread, they have helped tremendously .


Well-Known Member
Is this vape much different then the vapman?i had one of those and didn't like it for only one reason. It was a great vape but it was so easy to burn the load. I'm think it may be different because the lotus is convection if im not mistaken. Literally one or two seconds torching the vapman too much could scorch the load.
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Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
You're quite welcome. If you have trouble with a Vapman you will likely find the same with this unit. Others love it and find not hard to control at all, including myself. But admittedly, I have had it combust on occasion. To me, not a big deal but can see it being a huge deal to folks like yourself. Different strokes for different folks is the phrase here.
Good Luck on your quest.
I think there are many threads about which vape is best for me, type thing.


Anyone can make clouds with lotus but it really is one of the vapes where a more advanced technique is learned through experience, particularly dry and blind through the al. stem. IMO the al. stem is so flavorful, but most importantly it gives me so much information on how to control the remainder of the draw.

Your mouth and tongue learn exactly when you have hit that perfect temp for that specific strain. You will learn how to do it evenly all at once (I add a slow spin with the cap for this, but there are more than one ways to skin it), and you will learn how to stretch it out as well. Ultimately your driving- fast or slow, you are in charge.

You will still combust every now and then, but only because we all like to push the limit sometimes;)


Well-Known Member
I love my lotus despite having access to various vape's past and present its such a wonderful device that can produce some amazing clouds and flavour, I find it a very intimate device as you learn fairly quickly how far you can push it and learn as you got, so enjoyable.

Got mine with the WPA and a j hook which works well, got a small steamroller pipe that fits it too but using that requires you to preheat until it glows a light red on the plate then inhale, can't have a torch lighter to close to your face. Prefer it as do others in the bong that gives the best results IMO, do it dry as well for flavour country :rockon:


Well-Known Member
Oh, wow, so circling while heating isn't necessary with the black lotus? That's a big plus to me. Edited after getting reeeeeal high: I continue to be amazed at the Lotus's efficiency, one bowl in it gets me more high than twice the amount in my EQ
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Well-Known Member
Oh, wow, so circling while heating isn't necessary with the black lotus? That's a big plus to me. Edited after getting reeeeeal high: I continue to be amazed at the Lotus's efficiency, one bowl in it gets me more high than twice the amount in my EQ

I know the feeling it's such a unique device and very well loved by those in the know, I went to a hemp expo a while aback and got chatting to a vapouriser seller, the lotus came up in conversation and all of a sudden three people from around the back came out and stated there love for this little beauty, seemed to trigger them to come forth and share there knowledge.

I don't overly circle with mine, heat in the centre until I get a slight glow, pull back off the flame and start the inhale, then bring the flame lower toward the plate to milk it up massively. Bowl is done rapidly I've found using this technique. My girl does the whole circling thing but she's a sipper where as I'm a ripper and the lotus can cope with us both.

Anyone hit it with a double torch much? I got one but it's a hard nut to crack, I still get better extraction using the single flame method as I find it's easier to control fully but would love to master this.

I too have a EQ and while I love that also it's far easier to grab the lotus and get cracking instead of pre heating for ten or more mins, connecting elbows and glass ware etc.


Well-Known Member
I too have a EQ and while I love that also it's far easier to grab the lotus and get cracking instead of pre heating for ten or more mins, connecting elbows and glass ware etc.
My general routine now has the Lotus as my primary vape, and I just use my EQ to make sure I'm fully extracting the bud after it goes through the Lotus. I've cut my consumption in half since I started doing that.


Well-Known Member
I get more flavor out of my lotus spa than any of my other vapes dry.

I find the same lotus and WPA in a dry bong is top for flavour, closely followed by EQ which I love also but it's so much faff setting it up and waiting an age until it's ready to hit, even then I find clouds come easier from the lotus (with the right technique, it's all about the tech :nod:)

The EQ does look cool once the glass is all setup and warm, the lotus is much more sutble and discreet. My single gripe about the lotus is the heating of it once it's perfectly vertical, my torch lighter struggles to stay lit so I have to hit it on a slight angle, might have to buy a angled glass fitting so it's permanently on a slant.


in hypno-vision
now that I've had it for about a week, i have to say that the lotus is now my favorite vape to use. top notch flavor, excellent construction and design, ease of use, and what really sets it apart in my opinion: that it provides for a very intimate vaping session. i really love how much control it gives you over the vaping process.
also, of all the vapes i own and have owned, this easily holds the most appeal to my friends who smoke. they all love it. i'm working on getting them all to buy one.
the lotus scores a 10/10 in my book. love it.
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