The Lotus Vaporizer


Tarzan @ KloudSociety
Okay, so my brand new Lotus just arrived from (after the longest First Class International shipping I've ever experienced), and I think they've sent me the old model (no stir stick, and the WPA and aluminium stem bowls seem to be the same size). How do I tell for certain?

How long has the new revision been around again? It's been at least several months, hasn't it? I wouldn't have thought there'd be any old ones left in the retail channel, especially with so few online distributors.

Safe to say you have an old one, the stir stick should be attached. Also the WPA and Bowl would be the same size but only as of recent. Which again leads me to suspect you have an old bowl. If you could pack it more than .15g then its the new if no where near that, the old.

David and Michael

I'm struggling with the FC interface but:
We do accept postal money orders.
The new stems have exposed magnets as opposed to magnets half hidden by the bowl.
We have been selling the new Lotus since March.
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David and Michael,
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Sith I care
The new stems have exposed magnets as opposed to magnets half hidden by the bowl.
We have been selling the new Lotus since March.

Crap, that's mine. Do I have any recourse? Really not happy about this.

If the Vaporstore guys decide to be jerks about it, would I be able to exchange it for the current model with you? I've kept it unused of course.


the new Water Pipe Adapters are here; bright, shiny and the same size as the present Lotus pipe bowl.
I just placed my order for the pipe/WPA kit. It looks like I waited for just the right time...thrilled to hear that I'll get the new WPA.

This will be replacing my Pax. Can't wait!

David and Michael

Crap, that's mine. Do I have any recourse? Really not happy about this.

If the Vaporstore guys decide to be jerks about it, would I be able to exchange it for the current model with you? I've kept it unused of course.
Sorry but you'll have to deal with Vaporstore about this.
David and Michael,


Well-Known Member
Okay, so my brand new Lotus just arrived from (after the longest First Class International shipping I've ever experienced), and I think they've sent me the old model (no stir stick, and the WPA and aluminium stem bowls seem to be the same size). How do I tell for certain?

How long has the new revision been around again? It's been at least several months, hasn't it? I wouldn't have thought there'd be any old ones left in the retail channel, especially with so few online distributors.
the new WPA just arrived. afaik vaporstore is stocking the old models, no stir stick, smaller bowls. the Lotus is a wonderful product but there is a glaring lack of product information update on the sites. buyers should confirm with Max or at the lotus website for the latest model.


Alright, so I know the standard response is "any will work," but can someone recommend a waterpipe (and any accessories) to use with the Lotus/WPA? Something I can order online (I live in the US) and receive with little hassle...

I'm willing to spend some money, but I need something small, efficient, and ideal for the I will not be using for any other purpose.

I am considering this (not necessarily from there; it's widely available) - any thoughts?
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Sith I care
This is what I have on the way to use with mine, assuming I ever get to use mine, that is.

Never mind the quality, feel the price! I think it's free US shipping ATM, too? If you get a good one, you should love it. And if you don't, they'll probably change it. :p
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Sith I care
Do the new WPAs have a magnet catch like the stem?? It would be nice if you could lift the whole unit out at once and not have to clear through a load.
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David and Michael

Do the new WPAs have a magnet catch like the stem?? It would be nice if you could lift the whole unit out at once and not have to clear through a load.
No, the WPAs don't have magnets on them. We are trying to keep the price point low, so no magnets.
David and Michael,


No time for a full review yet, as I'm about to go run some errands.

But I'm on day 2 of owning the Lotus...and let me confirm that it is amazing. This is the vapor I've been looking for.


Well-Known Member
I was big fan of Lotus a couple of years ago and moved on to the to other vapes since I am OCD about buying them. Anyway, extended power outage the other day and the LOTUS IS BACK IN ROTATION. I love this guy...Most concentrated/flavorful vapor of any vape I have used. Don't even use it as a portable. (No need for one.)

Thanks again Max!


Salutations Max Jitter,

...We do accept postal money orders.

Thank you for letting me know. Ideally i'd prefer a kit with matching sizes, magnets, etc. I do have high expectations from the apparent quality inherent in this 2 paths concept i would think.

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No time for a full review yet, as I'm about to go run some errands.

But I'm on day 2 of owning the Lotus...and let me confirm that it is amazing. This is the vapor I've been looking for.
The Lotus continues to impress.

However, I do feel somewhat jipped of $5 for the herb scoop. It was literally just a piece of flat, perforated metal that came with instructions on bending it to form a scoop. Well, I guess I took its strength for granted and bent it a little too far. Not thinking it'd matter, I bent it back a little and that caused the perforation to break. So I now have a useless piece of scrap metal.

Now that I've got this torch lighter, maybe I'll try to weld it back together. ;)


Tarzan @ KloudSociety
If possible, could you post some more pics of the setup, like a side view etc? This is the j-hook you're using, right?

Correct, ordered from that guy. It was shipped from Texas (received in 3 days) under a company called Duck Quack on the box. (If you are concerned about discreetness)



That is way too much money for such a simple j-hook design, especially in 14mm. :/

Interesting, Im a pretty Frugal person :myday: Please do us at FC a favor and share a J-hook link for online ordering cheaper than $15.00 (includes shipping). Realize some peoples LHS may find these for $10 but in my area for certain the lowest would be $20 after haggling down from the $30 price tag. :2c:
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Sith I care
Interesting, Im a pretty Frugal person :myday: Please do us at FC a favor and share a J-hook link for online ordering cheaper than $15.00 (includes shipping). Realize some peoples LHS may find these for $10 but in my area for certain the lowest would be $20 after haggling down from the $30 price tag. :2c:

Oh, $15 is fine. When I clicked the link to the iOffer page the price quoted at the top was AU$56.68, which is about US$50, which is just silly, even including shipping to Australia.

But now that I look again at the bottom it says the lowest accepted offer was AU$15.26 including shipping, which is about what you'd expect for bulk Chinese glass, so either his default price is high, or he has a high shipping cost added for international orders.

I also noticed it's Greenbuddah, though. Didn't Andrew from Colie glass have some sort of beef with him? I forget the story, but I know I've seen some Colie pieces listed on the Greenbuddah store from time to time, at higher price points than Andy usually sells them.
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Alright, so long story short, I've only had my glass waterpipe for a day. But this thing has changed everything.

I'm also very new to the Lotus and, admittedly, I tend to get it a little too hot. Several times, with the pipe, I'd take a huge rip and know I burned the plant. I'd open it up and it'd be just about to combust.

But with this's a whole different ball game (so to type).

I am taking huge rips, producing crystal-smoothe vapor...and as I take off the cap expecting to see it burnt, it is instead colorful and beautiful.

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