Calm Consistency
I also feel like a fool calling you a man @Squiby, so apologies for that! I shouldve known reading your posts here for a while now... Anyway THANKS GIRL! Your tips were perfect for getting me going with essentially zero learning curve yesterday
Was getting very even heating and it worked perfectly for a nice organic temp stepping session as I honed technique with each hit across 3 bowls I think it was. I can see now why this has been such a popular analog vape for so long, very impressive simple effective design, well done @Max Jitter!
Love how even it exacts, the way it works just like a bowl with the torch, built in stirrer, so easy and convenient. Also digging the bowl size, perfect for small or large loads, and uses the same half inch screens I have plenty of from Lily. In fact, the 14mm size led me to this:
This Frankenvape allowed me to try Lotus dry (fantastic taste btw) through a wooden vapor path and worked perfectly. There's a little room beneath it even to load a small Lily bowl so you could double up infusing the second bowl with vapor from the first (will try this some day)...
This is how I used it for the most part though, a perfect fit for this inline honeycomb bubbler from Kathy on dhgate:
Very smooth airflow here for any draw rate, I'll try other glass pieces eventually, and whatever else I can think of (maybe even through the Daisy body?) But yeah so already Lotus is a keeper for me, very fun, very effective, very simple. Nice to finally see what all the fuss was about, don't know what took me so long really
@Alexis I saw you decided on VapCap, can't go wrong there, but I will say they are very very different beasts. Lotus is more pure convection while VC is a hybrid (plenty of conduction depending how you heat), Lotus you heat while inhaling so more pipe like, especially with the wpa it really is just a vapor bowl for any 14mm bong or bubbler. Lotus is capable of a much larger bowl and actually seemed to hit smoother to me, but both will depend on temps and vapor path length ofcourse. I also actually had less learning curve with Lotus apparently, did not see that coming at all, but it is a very subjective area ofcourse (could have to do with my prior VapCap experience, as well as Daisy/Lily/Brick). Good luck with your journey, there are a lot of other great vapes with great threads here, PM me if you'd like some more direct comparison info on these or any others (so not to go off topic here, gotta keep thread discussion centered around that vape)
Woooo! Wasn't sure how you'd take to this vape, but I'm glad to see you're taking to it like I did. Not at all opposed to getting another one someday. It's a good feeling knowing the vape is still with someone and not just gone. Idk, it's almost a comforting feeling, like passing something down to your child, hahaha.
Lotus has a special place in my heart because it converted a combusters who just couldn't quite make the swap to vaping. He used my Nano, LSV, arizer air ... Just couldn't switch. He LOVED the effects of vaping tho but felt a few things about it limited him (combusting friends, cords, heat up times, RITUALS...that's a big one for combusters.)
Showed him the Lotus the day I got it, and within 2 days he texted all his friends saying he'll no longer combust with them, and purchased the Lotus a few days later on his pay day. He bought my bubbler which I purchased from a friend, and I get pics every now and then of his Lotus on my bubbler and it's just such a great feeling. Haven't done anything nice in a while, maybe I'll secretly gift him a J Hook

Anyway, seriously happy you're enjoying it, and even if it's not your driver, it's an amazing piece to have. And not a single vape out there decorates a water pipe nearly as well imo (log comes close).
...and that easy as hell to use WPA, amirite @ataxian ?? Best in the game!!