I'm not qualified to give reviews.@ataxian So worst the experience? The buzz around this little vape is for its power.
Been following this thread and I'm now seriously thinking of buying the lotus. I'll probably get pipe + WPA kit. Before I buy I'm wondering if anyone could answer some questions for me...
Is it worth getting the better lighter, or is the standard good enough? What butane brands are best and where do other UK heads get theirs?
Also, I'm completely clueless with glassware so hoping someone could give me a run down on what I need to hook up the lotus w/ WPA to a bong?
Finally, is the short stem likely to be a harsh hit? Would like something that's easy to slip in a pocket, but I'd prefer a smoother hit. So if a longer pipe is what it takes I'll go for that
Can't wait to get back to vaping daily since months of combusting after breaking my DBV![]()
Sensible move mate…
I had better luck with the standard
Have fun!
The Lotus Rangers come through again. Thanks, I appreciate the feedback.Just purchased! After your advice I went with long stem and standard lighter. Thanks for your advice guys. CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!
@Max Jitter As a web developer, can I make a suggestion for the website (don't know why I'm asking, I'm going to make one anyway)? The whole checkout process (of course apart from interaction with paypal) is handled insecurely - that is, the site is served over http and not https. Not assuming any technical competency, so I'll explain what I mean. Basically http is an insecure protocol in that data can be sniffed or tampered in transit. However, https guarantees security as communication is encrypted, safe from sniffing or tampering in transit. Whilst you're not accepting credit card details insecurely, you are taking a number of personal details (email, name, at least one address), which given the product being purchased might be considered sensitive data, and should be treated as such.
Hopefully that doesn't come off badly, just trying to give a friendly tip in case you weren't aware of the issue or implications of http. I regularly teach non-technically inclined people to never buy from sites without https. So apart part from being the Right Thing To Do™, and putting paranoid nerds like me at ease, it may also help your conversion![]()
I will rip on it again before bed with some GPD FLOWERS.Got mine today. I chose the short stem kit with black vapor cap. It's significantly more substantial than I expected. Very finely crafted. Minimalist where it counts.
It took two runs to get it right. On the first try I heated too long and drew too slowly. Got into a combustion situation and stopped. After a quick cleaning the second run was perfect. I got the lighter control just right. Flavorful first draw and then a stunningly large second that I was sure must have involved some combustion, but no. Just lightly golden material. Third draw just like the second. Huge, smooth and equal in my experience only to the various tabletop vapes I've owned.
I'll give it a couple weeks to get past the initial impression stage, because at the moment I'm very enthusiastic about it. I will commit to this: of any vape I've owned this one had the shortest learning curve and the most unexpectedly good results.
I don't like cotton!I'm having great results with some tootsie roll consistency hash, full melt, have tried it a few ways.
1. straight on the screen, but don't like thinking some of it may powderize and not be utilitzed properly. I notice a lot of buildup inside the wpa so a lot of vape ash and whatever does oveheat seems to accumulate much more than with other digital vaporizers. Not necessarily a negative, just an observation that it requires more cleaning and that stuff gets sticky and gummy so you want to use ISO to keep it clean.
2. as a base, then you add wax on top. You grab a bit of the full melt, make it as flat and round as you can, then lay it in flat and center on the screen, then use it straight or add some other wax on top of it. Works great and then you get double duty.
3. I have had challenges with flower and hash where sometimes the hash doesn't seem to heat up enough without the flower combusting. To be safe, I tried the hash pancake on top of the flower which worked much better as i made sure the pancake was large enough to cover almost the full size of the screen and pretty much covered the flower which made it more likely to heat without combusting. It all tasted amazing and this way was also able to include additional wax if desired for a true 3 part salad.
I've experimeneted with some butter with flower as a base, and any kind of wax, butter/crumble, honeycomb and even some sticky taffy like stuff. It all works well and tastes amazing in the Lotus ( and most of the other devices I have presently, but they aren't getting much use thses days).
I must say though that i really don't like the Cotton and am also looking for the best alternative short of something like the coil cut down from the herc sr71 so the concentrate can have some resistance as it melts and drips away.
As i have seen the idea to cut down a nail and use it as a bowl, I would like to find something that can help minimize what might leak through. I have used cotton but not sure I can continue to use it with the Lotus due to its ability to combust. I have done this multiple times and I must admit I have had some nasty results when overheating while using cotton with both flower and hash. If not mentioned previously, I have discovered that you want to be careful about how you place the flower under the hash as the hash needs more flame time and heat FME and the flower will likely burn. Wax on top of flower is amazing BTW, as well as wax on top of some full melt.