I just sold my DaBuddha vape. Got fed up with the whip falling out/spilling and getting dirty. Also found it lacked flavor. I also disliked having to crank it up then turn it down before the sesh. Way too forgetful for that.
I think I'm gonna replace it with a Lotus. I like that you can walk anywhere with the Lotus without worry about whips, and have instant heat. I love it's size and it's bong centric design.

It reminds me of a snapper bowl. Small, quick, hard hitting, and great taste. This will be primarily be a home vape, complimented by a MFLB as a portable. I have a few concerns though.
- Can the Lotus produce similar clouds? I've heard it can. I'm not a cloud chaser, but i do like a heavy high every now and again, which the MFLB can't provide.
- How does the unit preform in a group setting? How about around drunks/in a college setting? Is the bowl sized for 1 person? For two? I may eventually get a volcano for when people are over but for the next ~2 years this will be my group vape. Do non vaporists tend to spill or burn anything?
- Is the stem worth it? I've had bad experinces with j-hooks, so i know i don't wanna go that route. I typically prefer my vapor through room temp water. I'm leaning towards getting a full Lotus kit when it hits Massdrop because i assume it won't be much more then the Lotus+WPA kit directly from them. I anticipate using it mostly at home, but could see value in having a super durable and grinder-less vape for camping/festivals.
- That lighter looks like junk and i'm having trouble finding one that looks/feels nice and has good reviews. The Vector Minitro or Minitro X2 looks good, but is expensive and not really pocketable. Plus i worry about the safety breaking and/or being a pain. The Blazer GB2001/GB4001 look good but I could see myself quickly getting annoyed with adjusting the gas every light. The Blazer Firefox look like a decent push button solution. I also considered a Bernzomatic micro torch, which i could also use for sottering. All these are rather large which got me considering the off brand "ergonomic torch lighter" shown earlier in this thread... is it any good. What are your opinions on the lighter? Should I just stick with the stock one at first? Is it as bad as it looks? I know a bad lighters will ruin the experience for me. I also don't wanna spend $60 on a lighter only to have it accidentally pocketed. I don't wanna swap the headache of a whip for the headache of torch lighters. I'm leaning towards getting a Vector Minitro X2 for $35. Any opinions on this lighter/lighter vape combination.
- How variable is the bowl size? My DaBuddha bowl was too big to consume alone, and my MFLB bowl is too small to share. I've heard it's very variable in the E-Nano and really like that. Is this similar? Does one bowl do it for one person? Whats the load size? I usually get 'mids'. Rarely headdies and no concentrates, hashes, or extracts (yet).
- I've heard (in a review from a guy who had it for 3 years) that paint may chip/wear and that the natural finish would hold up better. Can anyone confirm? Leaning toward natural anyways.
Originally i had intended to go with an E-Nano. With the added cost of a Vector Minitro and lighter bringing it to a similar in price to an E-Nano i'm considering this route once again. I like the instant vapor and freedom of the Lotus, but if the E-Nano will be better for friends and give me less lighter issues then perhaps thats the way to go. It wasn't that bad being tied to a wire...
I'm sure i'll be happy either way. Thanks for your thoughts guys!