I'm thinking that the cutting out is air pockets, meaning that my purging technique could still use some refinement. I'm also thinking of getting that purging tool from ebay as well.
If that were true, my other torch ligher would exhibit the same characteristics. However this isn't true, my other torch lighter behaves much differently. I do the same thing to purge every time - use my mini T30 torx driver to purge the gas. I purge with both the lighter upside down and rightside up until there is literally nothing left. Note I use the same butane in both torches.
I bet the flame cutting out is because it's a little to big and is actually blowing itself out.
Again, I think it's a combination of flame size, flame distance, and torch itself which affect the reliability of the design. My Honest lighter is very sensitive to flame size - too long and it cuts out all the time, too short and the lotus doesn't heat sufficiently.
Yet my Zico torch works no matter what! Small flame, big flame, it works, doesn't cut out until the metal lip of my torch practically touches the plate before it will cut out! While my Zico doesn't seem to get as hot (the tip of the Zico's flame doesn't get quite as "sharp" as my Honest torch), it's still 100000% more reliable than my Sleek Honest torch. Note I'm using the same purging techniques on both torches, and using the same butane.
I'm really starting to suspect the quality of the honest torches is shoddy. One's torch might work perfect, while another won't work nearly as reliably. I think this hold's true for most torches we'll buy on this thread, unless you drop $60+ on some name brand BS (which even then, I question).
I have my third torch coming hopefully this week - it's a trigger-finger style torch (Kitchen torch design) from Jobon (ZB529). I'm not holding out much hope for the torch, but maybe it'll impress me.
Gah, My D020 is getting boring, I need more GLASS!!! I don't have any old glass from my combusting days aside from a Molino bubbler with no GONG connection. Time to start shopping I guess!