In honor of winter fading away I decided to go all Frosty the Stoned Man style yesterday......
Found this Corn Cob Pipe at a local store for $3.99 and thought hmmm...
So at first I just threw in a 18 to 14 reducer and tried it this way....
I could not believe the smoothness and vapor that followed. I really was just going to throw this up as a joke/homage to this thread and old man winter, but after that first try I decided that I would see what I could do to make it better.
I whittled away at the bowl so that the 18-14 reducer would fit in nice and then threw a small piece of high temp silicone tubing over the adapter to make a nice seal around the top. Now I can see the lotus nicely for lighting and the thing hits just as nice as the aluminum stem. (Even better with that homemade feeling you get!)
Cannabic Creativity at its finest.
Now I am off researching better corn cob pipe options that offer filter-less removable bent stems and standard 19mm chambers (bowls). So now I have VAS, GAS, and CCPAS (Corn Cob Pipe Acquisition Syndrome)....
It never ends.....