I've recently used the EJ Mix with great results. I love going in public with confidence that I can enjoy without offending others, or them even knowing what I'm doing. I'm using the new Kanger e-smart top-coil for stealth, and it's great for that.
Thank you for your purchase, we're always glad to hear the EJmix is doing it's job well.
The only thing I'm curious about is that my "flavor" is not as complex or flavorful as some of you mention here. First thing is that with the EJ Mix, I definitely taste the mix. It's not bad , but it's different from straight concentrate. I'm using a 50/50 mix. If I reduce the mix to let's say 25/75 - would it even work in carts? Seems like it would be too thick.
You can certainly try reducing the amount of EJmix needed, we recommend everyone start concentrated and gradually dilute. Try a few drops on your wick, if it's two thick add a bit more EJmix and try again until it works well. Once diluted however, you can't return to concentrated state unless you add more wax/oil. Winterizing and reducing the wax content is our principal recommendation for reducing the amount of EJmix needed for smooth flowing liquid, as well as producing the ultra-high purity extract that only a perfectly non-polar solvent such as butane allows for.
But my concentrate is also not as flavorful as I would expect or hope for. I'm toasting on 200 for 20 minutes or until just brittle. I'm then doing an Ethanol extraction (not in a good place to do BHO). I'm freezing and filtering several times. The oil I'm producing is golden when thin, and black when balled up. The consistency is very pliable at room temperature, almost like putty. It melts super quick, seems to be very clean and the effect is amazing. So where did the flavor go? Was it from the toasting, maybe something in my extraction process, or is that when waxes are completely removed flavor will diminish? I love it from a stealth perspective - zero smell. But now wondering what to do different if I want full flavor for use at the house.
We praise your efforts highly for toasting, both your toasting time and temperature is correct, although 20 min is a bit on the "green" end of the spectrum and you may benefit from toasting for 25 to 30 min.
The cause of your muted flavors is due to the drawbacks of ethanol extraction and result from the below combination of factors:
1) The first issue is that ethanol, although an excellent organic solvent, doesn't hold a candle to butane when the chemistry of extraction is concerned. With ethanol/iso there is always a trade off - if you do a quick wash you will achieve a reasonable degree of purity but you will leave behind quite a bit of oil that will be lost. If you wash for too long you pick up excessive impurities. With ethanol it is inevitable that some polar impurities will be dissolved as well which will muddy the flavor profile.
2) An ethanol extraction however would still capture those toasted flavors, but you hit a brick wall when the time comes to evaporate such a large amount of ethanol. The principle cause of your loss of flavor are the natural enemies of any herbal extract - heat and oxidation.
The Liquidizer setup is deliberately designed for a speedy extraction and since only 3ml - 5ml of ethanol is used, evaporating it away only takes 15 minutes so that the loss of flavor/aroma is minimized as much as possible.
Once you use a large amount of ethanol, unless you have laboratory equipment you are in lose/lose situation. If you apply heat to speed up the evaporation, the extended heating time is like placing food in a crock pot - although the temperature is low after several hours it will soften and denature into mush. If you avoid heat and just use a fan and open air to evaporate, imagine an apple slice or banana exposed to air, or the way an avocado (rich in oil) or guacamole turns brown quickly. Oxygen is unforgiving and the very same large surface area of the evaporation tray that allows for fast evaporation, also exposes most of your oil to air as well for a corrupting effect. Even if you use the hardware store style of vacuum pump that folks are fond of for butane, using such a pump for a large amount of liquid ethanol will inevitably result in the ethanol recondensating inside the pump hoses and motors, dissolving the motors oils, weakening seals and pretty much ruining your motor quickly.
3) Winterized extracts are delicate and need greater protection from the elements. Waxes serve an important function in plants, they provide structure and are key in retaining moisture and odors the air would otherwise quickly corrupt. In other words waxes are nature's fixative. By removing the waxes in a sense, you remove the last of the substances that's protecting your flavor and odors from oxidation. This is why our winterization guide uses very little ethanol, and further once it is evaporated away the winterized juice is stored in a syringe to protect it from the air as much as possible. If you are handling the extract by hand, certainly further degradation is occurring. Also in our experience, a fully winterized high-purity extract is a flowing liquid syrup at any temperature just above freezing and can't be handled with your hands.
The good news is that as you mentioned, your oil is still effective. The spectrum of organic molecules in extracts from lightest to heaviest is aromas, flavors, essential oils, plant fats and waxes. Those essential oils are hardy, which is why as we've mentioned, you can toast for 45 minutes, have something completely odorless and flavorless and still be very very impressed with the effect. This is why heavily processed and refined extracts such as "pure gold" or "liquid gold" have to add in limonene at the end to produce any aroma/flavor at all.
Making boutique quality extract is a challenge, it requires the right solvents, good technique, and quick work to avoid the decay heat and air causes and the solution we've put forth so far is the Liquidizer, not just the extractor, but the complete system and instructions that work as a whole. So we commend your efforts as a great start, the fact that you are in pursuit of greater flavor is an excellent sign as well. There are many people who don't care and wonder why someone would bother for "flavor", but that's like asking why pay a premium for single malt scotch when there's discount vodka available. Fine extracts have a character and balance that elevates and completes the herbal experience in our opinion, and particularly with so many distinct herbal strains and combinations of extracts possible, each with their own therapeutic profile, we simply strive to bring our users the ability to customize their extracts exactly as they best prefer them. Thank you again for using our products, we hope we have the opportunity to serve you further in the future.