Yay! 3 days after you posted this, he was released! Justice
Forchion’s sentence was
vacated on Jan. 30 and he was released after spending a total of 130 days in jail.
This will be a growing issue, as more and more states look at decriminalization / legalization.
It;s kind of amazing, as this has happened before - when alcohol prohibition ended, there were thousands of people in prison for possession of alcohol. And nobody thought about what would happen to them when prohibition ended. Many, if not most, ended up serving out their full prison terms.
I can only hope that some of the states will add an amnesty provision to their legalization bills. If they do not, every single case will need to be litigated, as US Constitutional law specifically prohibits general grandfathering (retroactive application of new / changed law). Courts have allowed it when passed as part of larger amnesty and reform laws, like immigration amnesties.
Meanwhile, though, the Supreme Court and state law have made it an order of magnitude easier for your home to be searched without a warrant, made holding the supervisors of cops who intentionally violate rights next to impossible to be held accountable, and have made habeas actions logarithmically more difficult (see Fernandez v CA, Ashcroft v Iqbal [the latter both for judge's personal judgment being substituted for actual evidence and legal reasoning - "the judge's personal judgment and common sense"- and for gutting Bivens v Six Unknown Named Agents, one of the major precedents on supervisory responsibility], the cert denial list from June 11 2012, and the boatload of habeas-restricting laws and lower appellate cases from the '90s).
Taken all together, getting yourself out of a patently illegal imprisonment has, in some states, become as hard as in Russia. This is not an exaggeration. I know of over a dozen such cases in Texas alone, including a good friend who was illegally imprisoned there for over 4 years. The prosecutor, sentencing commission and warden all admitted to him he was illegally detained, but that they could not do anything about it. He even had access to counsel from a major DC law firm, and it made no difference. Not surprisingly, my friend now lives primarily off the grid.
Ashcroft v Iqbal-
Fernandez v CA-
Habeas cert denials-