The Infamous El Guapo
Where do you get the adapter to mate the Inh with a bong?
i ordered one of these do you get the adapter to mate the Inh with a bong?
Where do you get the adapter to mate the Inh with a bong?
EDIT: same thing as vapenstone. I generally suck up in or do a twist and scoop from my container of pre ground but I never intentionally pack it in any more than that. I can easily get over .2 without packing with a proper grind from my mendo vape grinder.
@559stonerr you better let me know when you get it off. I was screaming for joy since I can't jump up and down. Let me know what you did. I think I have PTSD from it. I remember it so clear like it was yesterday well actually happening right now.
I use a space case 4 piece and I grind once like normal then I flip it upside and grind it again to get even a finer grind.559stonerr you are welcome. Do put it back on though when you have time cause you will need it when you are out to make it smell proof and also so you don't break your capsule. You will have to practice to get it on and off but it will get slightly easier and you will find a method.
VapeNStone what kind of grind do you use. I will ask what kind of grinder as well but that might not help me since I am not so knowledgeable on them.
When I read the MFLB vapopedia it has pics of grind and I believe I use a medium to course grind but who knows. I have a 4 piece decent no name and the two piece vapeworld gives. The grind looks the same to me. I guess I can only see the difference when I put it through a fine screen to make dust. I haven't really had much issue with the different grinds although sometimes I can run the capsule twice but that is thanks to Vito who asked me why I don't. I certainly get more meds on the second run so I guess it is ok.
I suck my bud into the capsule and insert it into the INHL facing upwards.If you guys arent packing down the capsule then how is the bud not falling out when you put the capsule in place?![]()
Two words: upside down.If you guys arent packing down the capsule then how is the bud not falling out when you put the capsule in place?![]()
A nope...I know there is a way to do it with the MFLB but when I read it I thought it was like a french inhale we used to do on cigs if you ever smoked. To me it sounds like you put the INH in your nose. I would never do that as IMHO I think it can do damage to the sensitive membranes in there. I don't even like to blow vape out of my nose as it gets sore but I still do it for stealth reasons sometimes.
Ok. I never thought I'd live to see the day where I no longer know how to use a bong. Like these double percolater deals. Do bongs come with instruction booklets now???![]()
I'm with you brother. I was browsing around in some of the glass forums because I've been thinking about getting a new bubbler and... whoa. I was reading about shower heads and thought i wandered in to the home depot forum. ahhh progress. makes me feel old.
i just tried vaporizing through my nose for the first time. has anyone else tried this? wasn't half bad actually - just don't do it when the mouthpiece starts to warm up.
I often inhale through m nose when on a new strain and want to smell everything, if the hit is light the nose takes it like a champion, if it's thick my nose doesn't like it. But it's fun! I use the vapo lung so I can sniff the whole bottle at once (no drag)!
I was wondering is there a need to empty the capsule once in awhile and stir the herb and reload it back in order to get the most out of the herb![]()