What I find remarkable like @
letter never sent is that he mentions not getting nice clouds until 390. As you know 390 is where you set temp goes from balanced to intense. I have a 24 inch triple frit. At 440 I fogged that sum bitch in 7 seven seconds. That's cloud worthy to say the least and there still was no charring on my flowers.
During the day (work hours) I start at 290 and work my way up to 375. I get no couch lock at all nor have I released enough THCv to get my brain into Munch mode.
After hours I start Herbie at 375, I usually get 5,6,7 nice hits between 375 and 400 before moving into the fog machine zone.
From 400 to 450 I can pull anywhere around 4 - 6 more hits before the taste of a spent load kicks in.
Now, with that being said, all herb is not created equal. I've had strains that just won't fucking give of clouds and others that start the steam at 350. I think what Herbie is proving to us, the vapor nerds, is that the density of a cloud doesn't really matter at all. It's purely extraction!
In the last few day's I've achieved levels of medication that I've never encountered before.
And @
nigel - I wasn't saying they should jump on a port today, that wasn't my assumption. I think Josh is a guy that likes to think ahead. He's smart, he's probably got one designed already like Sony working on PS5 years before launch.
I was simply throwing ideas out there not only for us to enjoy but as Josh reads through the thread he can pick up on ideas that could enhance the company, not just a device.
ResonantOG - I have a condition too, mine is Parkinson's Disease. I find that the lower temperature control of Herbie helps alleviate my tremors for a little while. I'm 40 years old and currently take over 30 pills a day. Most people don't understand PD, even doctor's have been unable to answer certain questions due to limited knowledge on a disease I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
Parkinson's is debilitating, I have what's known as the European version of the disease, much more aggressive than the American one. Even as we speak my disease is outgrowing my meds like Sinamet and Requip and I will be up another 5 - 10 pills within the next 6 months. I imagine at some point this is going to start damaging my kidneys.
Why am I telling you this? Because cannabis is proven to aid in neurological disorders derived from the Vegas system in you head. This is why I set out to try and treat appropriately using cannabis therapy to try and cut down on or hold off and more pills. I'm a fighter, and between the Herbie and evo I now have been afforded to make my odds better.
I got three beautiful kids counting on my fight....
and I'm not about to let them down.
Resonant - I do know a lot about vaping, shit, I'm practically a master. I am always available by PM to help you too. Feel free to reach out anytime you feel your not getting the answers your looking for. I can't guarantee I'll always have an answer - but I promise to fucking try as hard as I can!