Smelly Dog
Well-Known Member
Yeah, Home Depot has hose that will work! Go and buy 1/4" x 3/8". Be forewarned that the whip as is won't fit right over the top of the herbalizer bowl top. Youll need to cut small slits on two side of one whip end to fit it over the herbalizer bowl, and then the other end (whatever length you want) can be stuck into an 18mm M2M. This will improve airflow VASTLY. SSvV tubing is flexible and better, but the Home Depot stuff is definitely a good start. The stock tubing on the Herbie is nice IMO but not well-suited for water usage, which needs maximum airflow.
If you're having trouble milking a glass piece, revert to @stickstones method and toast a full nug in the bowl for a few hits of whispy vapor before crushing it with your hand and re-packing it. This can also be done with normally ground weed, you just have to be careful while toasting it. Either way, you'll have a chamber filled with stuff that is just ITCHING to milk a bubbler or bong.
Thanks again!