I know its been posted around the board before and specifically in this thread, but I can't seem to find it today, so please forgive me for not giving proper credit. Will be happy to edit post and give credit for...
Vaporizer Signatures are real! I first read about them in this thread but I admit I didn't quite believe that it was real. The logical side of my brain was thinking about the process of heat+herb=vapor. As long as the source of the heat is the same temperature two vapes should be roughly the same. I'm leaving out the conversation about convection vs. conduction as that is a larger topic about the delivery of the heat, and that does make a difference.
I've been using Herbie to the exclusion of every other method of delivery for the past 6 months, and with my aunt using our 2nd unit quite heavy I've gone back to my PAX for a while. I noticed Herbie wasn't hitting quite as hard as he did when I first got him, and I was thinking it was the current batch from the dispensary just wasn't up to par. I loaded the same herb ground fine into my PAX, and it felt like a punch in the face

Later that night I used Herbie for a nightcap, and it was nice, but didn't have the power it once did. I think I'll be using my PAX for a few days at least to try and 'uncondition' myself to Herbie.
Herbie is still my favorite vape for many reasons, but this tells me there is a concern with long term use of a single vape (at least for me). Since its clear to me that marijuana will be a long term part of my life I need to rotate my use of vapes - why do I think I just came down with a case of VAS
p.s. I just got a notice from UPS that I have a package inbound today from San Diego - it will be nice to have two Herbies in the house.