The DDave Herbalizer Review
So, what's the deal? The deal...
the Real Deal is Herbie!
So what can I say that hasn't been said already? Instant/Precise Temperatures, Well Thought Out, Nice Looking. Easy to use & clean.. It's all in this thread already.
Since comparisons of Vape against Vape are not looked upon favorably, I bring to the table a review of Herbie against the DDave Mod! As many are aware, I wasn't satisfied with the performance of a previously used vaporizer, so I set out to improve it. After a bit of trial and error (much more trial, much less error! hahahaha), the DDave Mod was born. The mod allowed this particular vaporizer to reach a higher heat at herb level, extract goodies from product with less effort, allowed quicker elevation when necessary but also accommodated a slow flavorful session, and was easy to clean/maintain. This mod was met with much enthusiasm, as more FCers implemented and circled back to report results.
So, why do I present this in a thread dedicated to Herbie? Because Herbie does all this! And does it SO MUCH BETTER!
Extraction: (or Mass Extraction?) Don't have time? Feeling a bit down or woozie? Or worse, nauseous? Need a quick lift. Sometimes we all do. I had to mod my last vape in order to come closer to what Herbie already has covered completely... The Art of Extraction! Just set your desired temperature, put a quantity of herbs in the bowl, and hit the whip in whatever fashion is needed. Slow and steady or like you're trying to mimic the vacuum in a Black Hole in outer-space... no matter. Herbie's awesome heater and intelligence keeps up! When extraction is complete, the vapor production just stops... the product spent... (no wispy remaining flavorless hits like is seen with other units whose temps vary during use.) Winner: Herbie!
Effects: With the DDave Mod, there was a good amount of guessing to be done. Now, with Herbie, there's no guessing. Even if you just picked up a new strain, after an initial temperature-to-effect experimentation session, just dial in your desired temp and duplicate your desired results EVERY TIME! Precision heat, kept at desired levels, makes dosing easier and expected effects so much more predictable. Need to elevate just enough to relieve that headache, a bit more to kill the nausea monster, or reach sedation level quickly to chase away the vertigo or get some much needed sleep, Herbie has what you need-when you need it! Special delivery! Winner: Herbie!
Ease of use: That was a big benefit IMO of the DDave Mod. Very easy to load, process, and unload your product. Very few parts to clean. Hit and run style! Herbie has this covered, and beat! The bowl is awesome! Quarter turn to open/close, genius! Product enclosed by double screens (sound familiar yet?) so no spillage, no fuss, no muss (and what the h3ll does that mean?)... it means you'll spend more time enjoying Herbie and less time bathing him! This bowl remains incredibly clean on its own. And keeping the screens clean is a simple as swapping their locations occasionally, so the top screen in placed in bottom of bowl and vice-verse. If you ask for easier, I may as well just vape your herbs for you! Winner: Herbie!
Safety: Anyone think of this much? In order to be ready for use at all times, the DDave Modded vaporizer needed to be on, heating at desired temperature, all the time. I know this isn't near combustion levels, but there was still a really hot unit sitting out that at minimum could burn someone unexpectedly. With Herbie's rapid heating technology, that is no longer an issue at all... not even a passing thought... Why? Because Herbie doesn't need to be running at set temperatures... he'll come up to set heat quicker than you will be ready for him to! Plus, don't discount the auto-shutoff function, should he be tipped over! Winner: Herbie!
Stealth: So, anyone rate a Desktop Vape for Stealth yet? Yeah, there's been some mention... but I'll take it a bit further. With the DDave Modded vape, the stealth factor was in the fact that it included an AromaTherapy bowl, that would kind-of hide that fact that it was an MMJ-related device. Did that work for me? No. In order for my unit to be ready for use at all times, the actual herb-processing bowl of the unit needed to be installed and heating, so AromaTherapy bowl was out, and so was the Stealth Factor! With Herbie, that all changed! Needing only a Whip and power cord to connect, I don't even need to leave him out in the open. He's safely tucked away, behind locked cabinet door. When needed, he comes out to do his work. When done, disconnect power cord, roll whip, and store... Even without the black mask, very Ninja-like! Winner: Herbie!
Sedation: I touched on this briefly, but wish to elaborate. Anyone with sudden Nausea or Vertigo attacks... or any other ailment that comes on quickly and hits like a ton of bricks, you know how valuable it is to be able to reach your desired medicated levels as quickly as possible. I created to DDave Mod so my other vaporizer could come closer to the fast medicating speed I needed in order to reach desired elevation levels before my ailment made that not possible. It came close. Closer than stock anyhow. Herbie outdoes this mod, then runs circles around it! When I feel a major episode of vertigo coming on, or worse, awaken to find I'm half way there already.... well, I have very little time before I'm on my back and not in a good way! Now, enter Herbie. Yep, this unit is an Extraction Beast! Sedation effects occur mostly at the high temp ranges with MMJ. Herbie's there in seconds. Then, with bowl loaded, rip as hard - as fast as you want... Herbie keeps up. Heat doesn't waver, doesn't falter. So much vapor gets produced, it's almost dab-like... And sedation can occur before the Nausea monster takes hold... this is really what it's all about for me!
So I hope with this review, to have provided a baseline that we are familiar with (the DDave Mod), then have shown how it was simply out performed in every way by a stock model Herbie.
Long Live FC! And Long Live Herbalizer!
Big thanks to Josh and Team for
raising the bar with this incredible unit!
PS. Oh.... and the most important part.... Ultimate Winner: US! (for having the option of such an awesome device).