The headiest piece I've ever seen!


Well-Known Member
So crazy, too bad it's just a bubbler!








Well-Known Member
Well shit, 20 grand for that!? :shrug:

It seems like the artist just threw a bunch of random stuff together. This creates a lack of flow in my opinion- so many distinct sections makes it difficult for your eyes to smoothly follow the artwork. Maybe it doesn't photograph well but those colors look like they clash pretty badly. Definitely not my favorite mothership...
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Authorized Buyer
That would get broken in about two minutes at my place.

I'll wait for the massdrop.

Edit: Some of the detail is pretty cool though.:peace:
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Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
The only piece that looks remotely appealing to me is that rainbow tube.

I know it comes down to personal preferences and stuff, but some of those super-duper heady-weady insanely worked pieces just look to me like the artist just kept throwing shot on there...

Kinda like those painting which are just flicks of paint everywhere...
I'm sure the artist has some kind of intent going in to it, but to my eye it looks like a mish mash of random crap as an excuse to charge like a wounded bull.

Compare it to a heavily worked möbius tube, or photoriders recent earl jr rasta lion recycler for example, and while there's not as much "stuff" on there, the art that is there shines so much more, and to me, looks much more like art that has had time and thought put into it, as opposed to as many techniques and pieces as possible...

I guess it just comes down to a less is more kinda thing...

On the other hand, mad props to any blower who can make a piece that is legitimately worth $20k (as in, there's someone out there willing to pay that price for it)
That much cash flow can fund much more art going forward :)
On the other hand, mad props to any blower who can make a piece that is legitimately worth $20k (as in, there's someone out there willing to pay that price for it)
That much cash flow can fund much more art going forward :)
I recon that Scott deserves the maddest of props for finding the willing. The little company he started has done quite nicely in the high high-end.

clouded vision

Well-Known Member
There is an entire subculture devoted to collecting functional art, just ask our resident glass collector @PhotoRider. Even though whoever buys that $20k piece may never actually smoke out of it, it wouldn't be worth $20k unless it is functional.
I really have no idea why artists make these functional. Just make it a piece of glass art.

clouded vision

Well-Known Member
It doesn't but no one would pay $20k for a piece of glass art that looks like Dr Seuss threw up unless it is functional. There are definitely glass sculptures out there worth far more that are not functional but they typically won't be that "heady" so they will have a broader appeal to art collectors
Since when does art have to be functional.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't but no one would pay $20k for a piece of glass art that looks like Dr Seuss threw up unless it is functional. There are definitely glass sculptures out there worth far more that are not functional but they typically won't be that "heady" so they will have a broader appeal to art collectors

I don't know man. I have a hard time putting any dollar amount on any piece of art. How in the hell does one do that? What may be total crap to you may be fucking beautiful to someone else. There's no such thing as universal appeal when it comes to any kind of art, eh?

clouded vision

Well-Known Member
Excellent point, it's very hard to put a dollar value on art as beauty is in the eye of the beholder (or beerholder at last call :cheers: ). I guess my point was that when a lampworker makes a piece that looks like the op, it is worth more if it is functional, even though it may never actually be used.
I don't know man. I have a hard time putting any dollar amount on any piece of art. How in the hell does one do that? What may be total crap to you may be fucking beautiful to someone else. There's no such thing as universal appeal when it comes to any kind of art, eh?
clouded vision,
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Diagnosed with level 11 G.A.S.
actually the most worked glass I have seen isn't functional at least a water/dry pipe :)
It was a lamp set and was $50K. Guess its functional for light... Super nice pieces, a 2 lamp set
Wealthy people, the 1%'ers, that is no issue. Not about cost, its art to impress and to keep up with the Jones.

If an artist spends a few weeks on it, it would be expensive...

Also, I saw a marble that cost over $20k. 2", and sweet, but $20k wow...

But think about it, people buy Leica cameras like a M8 that cost $6000 while you can grab a Nikon/canon Dslr for like $700, 10% the cost of the Leica...
They never look at the price tag...


If I had $20k to drop on a pipe... I guess I would also have funds for that Red Epic I have always wanted:rockon:
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