Bass Vaper
Well-Known Member
It's not up to any of us to make excuses for them- THEY are the ones who thought they were capable of doing all this.
Not sure if "starting a company is hard" is a valid reason for disregarding people's concerns and frustration...
Another great point. I'm starting to believe that we think the same way simply because we both have guitars in our avatars...

I'd venture to say that 8 out of 10 people have never started their own business. I do appreciate the positive outlook folks are trying to keep, I am too, but I think we just have different levels of expectations as consumers.
For me, I received an email 7 months ago leading me to believe that I could order a product (that I thought to be in production already) and that it would ship within a couple months. That was 5 months after inquiring about how to order one. Today, still no product, multiple new shipping delays, and very vague (borderline pc bullshit) replies to legitimate inquiries.
It's fair for anyone to be upset. No way would anyone fully pay for a product in a retail store and be okay waiting this long for delivery. Especially if a couple months turned into almost 2 years. That's almost unfathomable.
Bad biz acumen, starting a business is hard, this is a revolutionary product, etc... are all super lame excuses in my opinion, true or not. But, if they came out and just said that, I bet there'd be a lot more acceptance from the crowd goers vs the approach they continue to take.