Puffitup also will work with you in pricing if you message him, they offer the xmax v2 pro even cheaper and it has better temps and replacable batteries over FM5s, and they offer the Imag+ or 3 very very cheap I believe...
The thing is everytime you then it on it will cook the bowl so effects and predominantly taste will suffer, but you likely won't care given your experience. My buddy used his Imag on demand esque like that, it does short sessions but you can pack a full bowl and have it last. They all have the same ceramic tube ovens actually.
They function more joint like than bowl like, but manageable, have another friend who replaced his bowl with an xmax, so it can be done. More pipe like, would be analog vapes like Lotus or Lily, not quite as stealth but great for a quick hit or two like Elevape, Firefly, and even Thermovape are...
Poke around some of these threads and see what you like, there are actually quite a few solid options