As usual, not very much substance in this update. Could have left it at the first paragraph, but for some news of a future machine and revival of the accessory design process. I do appreciate hearing from them, and he does offer some optimism, but,
"We are looking forward to getting the last ones out the door."
Okay, the end of the Campaign is in sight, but as a pre-orderer I wish he'd have spun that differently, maybe a little more forward-looking?
I'd suggest that as they transition to being a real company, maybe someone who's good with PR should be employed. Opening or closing with a Happy New Year! might be a nice touch, for starters.
This being a critique of the Update only.
Beyond this, I wish GHL all a Happy and abundant flawless Grasshopper producing New Year!

and to combustion fuckers everywhere, a belated Happy and abundant cloud producing New Year!

oh. I guess everyone else, too...