I posted this over at grasscityforums, and I'm going to post it here because I think it's worth sharing:
So, here's been my experience with this vape so far...
I bought one in March from Capital City Hemp in Washington DC. By the beginning of May the heating element had stopped working. I went round and round with GotVape about getting a replacement due to the lifetime warranty on the heating element. They wanted to ship the replacement out to Capital City Hemp, but Cap City wasn't having it. They post signs everywhere that say all vape sales are final, and I honestly can't blame them for not wanting to be involved in the swap of used "paraphenalia". DC is hardcore about their laws surrounding the selling of items like this, so I completely understand. Once I got GotVape to buy this (Thanks, Amber and Ambie!), they agreed to accept my unit under RMA and ship me a new one directly. This process took about 30 days from start to finish, but just yesterday I finally received my brand new Aroma Classic from these guys. It's now obvious to me that the original was a dud because it didn't heat up anywhere NEAR as hot as this new one does.
So, it was a bit of a pain in the ass to get this done through GotVape, but in the end they came through and I still think it's a good buy.