I agree OF, and I'm one that appreciates quality. However, I was on the market for a group-friendly method of quick, convenient medication.
If someone were looking for a personal concentrate vaporizer, I would definitely recommend something from the TV or Omicron lines. Throw a power adapter in there and you're set, all day.
But, I just ordered an Inhalater and I'm planning on ordering a Pax soon. The budget has to take a hit elsewhere..
For $60 (what I would consider the bottom end of the price spectrum for vaporizers) this makes a great party piece without the complications of a TV.
So I took the G-pen to a Neon Trees concert @ The Wiltern in LA. It worked WONDERFULLY!
We would inhale, place the G-pen in a pocket, and exhale upwards. A few seconds later, people in front of us were looking around trying to figure out where the smell comes from.. So yes, there is a bit of smell, but it's pretty minimal IMO. And it comes from the exhale, naturally, and not the device!
It was hilarious watching people try to pinpoint the source of the odor.
I'm loving it so far. One thing to note, the air path can get clogged if you place too much concentrate onto the heating element. Not a huge deal, but it turns a 10 second hit into a 20 second one (which isn't as.. stealthy), if the device is dead cold.
It's scary how easy it is to raise my tolerance now, now that I have access to such a convenient way to vape concentrates. Discretion is key, and I think this is as close as it gets for me.