1 OG unit remains out of the 1st 20.

Thursday, we re-up at my neighborhood Longmont Colorado USA metal shop!

We will have 100 units, well, 90 to be precise, as the first 10 are spoken for overseas!

We have 220v cords, and they'll be burned off ready to go like the 110v ones.

The Electropaths will be done 2 weeks immediately afterward, quantity of 100 as well, and will be able to be purchased separately or with a deluxe kit we'll start offering. I wanna thank you guys here as this is the only place I've promoted these because I have no online presence. I started a youtube channel up and will start having short, informative videos about the FK and many others. Some of you may remember I was up in youtube years ago blasting from my back yard!

Seriously though, with the Electropath and the FK this vape is one of the most potent, flavorful, robust, and easy on the lungs vape on market today IMHO.

the Machining on these is second to none flawless work. These guys do metal for ball aerospace up the road. I'll definitely post here next week when they're here. Thank you guys so much again for making this possible and I'm looking forward to having an opportunity to grow this business into something one day that maybe I'll be able to stop working for the man and chase my passion like a good friend once said to me!

Have a great weekend gang, I appreciate you!
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