Discontinued The Firefly Vaporizer

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Well-Known Member
I have to thank stud muffin for the 3-2-1 method! It works so well that it ought to be printed in the manual! Seriously though made my night.


Well-Known Member
Hey sanfranciscosadh, Yer mighty welcome ! It is pleasing to share something with someone who is appreciative. I live in the state of Washington, where I go to recreational cannabis stores, and I don't see the point in purchasing any monkeygrass with a THC percentage below 22 %, fer crissakes, Jimmy ! ! No doubt my method of utilizing the Firefly is at least partially dependent on the high potency pot I have access to. Now some 28 % locoweed is on the shelf. Schwengggggg ! I will endeavor to put a large brick into my pocket to prevent me from floating away during my next Firefly Magic Carpet Ride. I am on it. See ya,


I go where the thrills are
Well, the adventure never ends in Firefly Town...my Silver died today. Light flashes green, but no glow, no heat, no nothing, with any of my batteries. It's maybe 5-6 months old, and was the replacement for my first Silver almost a year ago, which replaced my very first Grey (which I returned in two days). On the plus side, this one lasted longer than any others by two months...on the downside, when I return it my total FF count will be up to 7 (plus a lid). For 2 purchased.

Oddly this one, about two weeks ago, stopped throwing a red light when the battery died...the green would go out, and you'd get no light at all. I wasn't super-worried about it since it otherwise behaved normally, but now that I think about it, that was probably a bad sign.

I suppose Shelby and I shall be chatting once again come Monday. On the plus side I guess a new FF is always nice this time of year....:bang:


Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
Having some weird trouble with my FF, seems to be battery related. Looking for any suggestions.

I just got mine in Sept and have been using it regularly, but platooning with my new Lotus. Last couple of times it doesn't seem to be holding its charge.
One time I charged it fully. Plugged in the unit and it was blinking blue, then unplugged a few hours later when solid blue. Go to take a hit and the bowl doesn't light up, little light blinking red. Plug it in again, blinking blue, check back a half hour later, back to solid blue. It then worked as usual, so I thought it was a fluke.

Last night I plugged it in until solid blue light, but put it away until today. Today I loaded it up and went to hit it...dead. It might of lit up for a second but then dead...bowl not lighting and red blinking light. I plugged it back in to the charger and got the blinking blue light. Now the weird thing is I check back less than 5 min later and it's throwing a solid blue light. So I give it a try and sure enough it works fine.

Do I have an intermittent battery? I'll be calling them up tomorrow I imagine.

**Edit: Well, it doesn't matter now. Just went to take a second hit and it's dead again And when I plug it in it still shows a solid blue light. So I guess she's taking a ride back to her birth.
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Well-Known Member
well the extra battery and charger are delayed until monday... oh well, still loving my firefly. I have never loved a portable so much before, I am so glad I finally found the right vape for myself.


Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
I'll report back. I need it back in my rotation. I really like my FF and the last hit before it called it quits was the best tasting hit I can remember. I have this Sour Skunk that when you hit it right tastes like you're vaping lemonade. I blew an awesome cloud that was so full of lemons.

Luckily I have my Lotus to get me through this dilemma.:brow:


I go where the thrills are
I'll report back. I need it back in my rotation. I really like my FF and the last hit before it called it quits was the best tasting hit I can remember. I have this Sour Skunk that when you hit it right tastes like you're vaping lemonade. I blew an awesome cloud that was so full of lemons.

Luckily I have my Lotus to get me through this dilemma.:brow:

The FF is a fickle mistress, right? When it's working, you get the coolest, tastiest vaopr on Earth. But it's propensity to find new and startling ways to not work anymore is frustrating to say the least. My wife said "would you still recoomend the FF after this last failure?" And my answer is "yes, because when it works the vapor is incomparable, and it works most of the time...and when it doesn't, the service is great..." But you'd surely have to warn a potential buyer that the device failure rate seems to still be in the, um, stabilization phase.

Seasoned Senior

Well-Known Member
I hate to hear about all these FF failures. I bought mine in July and it's still going strong, taking turns with a Lotus; lastly, a Pax when only it will do. I'm ready for something else to add to the arsenal in the portable realm. MFLB, Flowermate, Vapman? So many choices.

Hey Nineteen

Well-Known Member
I am glad it's not just me who thinks the FF is not worth it. I was beginning to think I was the only one. I wish it worked. The vapor taste was excellent.
Hey Nineteen,

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
The failures unfortunately don't surprise me. Ive wanted to try a firefly for a little while now, and dealing with an Imag+ failure and my third Solo failure is whats just about pushing me to finally pull the trigger and just go new instead of waiting for more used ones to pop up at only slightly better prices (the way my luck is going lately with most of my portables, something tells me I'll be glad I bought direct from Firefly...). I guess with these being such complex devices, mass produced little portable 400+ degree mini ovens, they can easily fail or be damaged, if the crafty can hold up maybe its price is somehow justified?

Anyway, I was thinking to cut costs and save $20 I could just go with only one extra battery? I definitely need at least one spare, and it charges fast yeah? 45min to full charge? I could deal with that and not having an external charger especially since I do have other more portable vapes I really enjoy overall (plus my underdog at home). And you can use it while its charging? How does that affect the battery?

Also some other questions: How easy to load and dump? I like to use film canisters on the go for this. Oh and does anyone use the firefly in the car? Thats something the Indica is particularly amazing at, and even the Elevape can work well (save for the stirring...)


I go where the thrills are
I am glad it's not just me who thinks the FF is not worth it. I was beginning to think I was the only one. I wish it worked. The vapor taste was excellent.

For me it's still worth it, despite the disproportionate failures I seem to have suffered. No other vape in my arsenal comes close to matching FF's vapor quality and the simple pleasure of using it. And the service is great, so the upside is amazing vapor and great service...if the downside is I get a new FF every six months, that's not the worst thing for my money. :2c:

Anyway, I was thinking to cut costs and save $20 I could just go with only one extra battery? I definitely need at least one spare, and it charges fast yeah? 45min to full charge? I could deal with that and not having an external charger especially since I do have other more portable vapes I really enjoy overall (plus my underdog at home). And you can use it while its charging? How does that affect the battery?

Also some other questions: How easy to load and dump? I like to use film canisters on the go for this. Oh and does anyone use the firefly in the car? Thats something the Indica is particularly amazing at, and even the Elevape can work well (save for the stirring...)

Full charge in about 45 minutes. You cannot use it while charging. It's easy to load and dump, except you need two hands to open it, and you have a heavy lid you need to hold (or set down) that's separate from the main body.

There's a 20% off deal that ends this month...you just have to take a survey. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/fireflysurvey1
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natural farmer

Well-Known Member
The FF is a fickle mistress, right? When it's working, you get the coolest, tastiest vaopr on Earth. But it's propensity to find new and startling ways to not work anymore is frustrating to say the least. My wife said "would you still recoomend the FF after this last failure?" And my answer is "yes, because when it works the vapor is incomparable, and it works most of the time...and when it doesn't, the service is great..." But you'd surely have to warn a potential buyer that the device failure rate seems to still be in the, um, stabilization phase.
I really don't think failure rates are high with FF... If you read this thread only a handful of cases showed up. And there are hundreds of FF's out there I guess so we couldn't possibly be in a position to make such a statement about failures. Mine worked like new until I sold it. And not cause I didn't like it, I am just not in a position to collect vapes and my VAS is still strong in me!
natural farmer,
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I go where the thrills are
I really don't think failure rates are high with FF... If you read this thread only a handful of cases showed up. And there are hundreds of FF's out there I guess so we couldn't possibly be in a position to make such a statement about failures. Mine worked like new until I sold it. And not cause I didn't like it, I am just not in a position to collect vapes and my VAS is still strong in me!

I agree, there's no way to know the real rate from anecdotal evidence. That's why I said it hasn't really stabilized...not sure what the actual failure rate is, but it appears the first-gen kinks aren't all ironed out. The fact that different types of failures continue to be reported seems to indicate a lack of consistency and stability somewhere in the manufacturing and/or QC process. Just my admittedly anecdotal view from living through multiple device failures.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
For me it's still worth it, despite the disproportionate failures I seem to have suffered. No other vape in my arsenal comes close to matching FF's vapor quality and the simple pleasure of using it. And the service is great, so the upside is amazing vapor and great service...if the downside is I get a new FF every six months, that's not the worst thing for my money. :2c:

Full charge in about 45 minutes. You cannot use it while charging. It's easy to load and dump, except you need two hands to open it, and you have a heavy lid you need to hold (or set down) that's separate from the main body.

There's a 20% off deal that ends this month...you just have to take a survey. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/fireflysurvey1

Yeah the 20% off is the only thing making me consider a new purchase, no use while charging is a real bummer though, especially with the weak battery life. Seems like a pretty basic need for a vape like this that would be used at home often...

I keep going back and forth between this and the Haze, I'm just not sure if the firefly is really going to offer me much different practical use from what I get with my Elevape (and I purposefully chose Elevape over firefly originally and was satisfied with that choice...) I really just want to try a firefly already, and was using my faulty Solo and Imag+ as an excuse, but maybe the Haze will be a better substitute (though itll come to more money now...).

Ugh I guess I have a few more days to decide... When does the code end exactly? Can it still be used like in the evening on Friday, or is Thursday the last day?
Shit Snacks,


Well-Known Member
Yeah the 20% off is the only thing making me consider a new purchase, no use while charging is a real bummer though, especially with the weak battery life. Seems like a pretty basic need for a vape like this that would be used at home often...

I keep going back and forth between this and the Haze, I'm just not sure if the firefly is really going to offer me much different practical use from what I get with my Elevape (and I purposefully chose Elevape over firefly originally and was satisfied with that choice...) I really just want to try a firefly already, and was using my faulty Solo and Imag+ as an excuse, but maybe the Haze will be a better substitute (though itll come to more money now...).

Ugh I guess I have a few more days to decide... When does the code end exactly? Can it still be used like in the evening on Friday, or is Thursday the last day?
This exact person was the guy who convinced me the to get the firefly, http://www.vaporizerwizard.com/
maybe his reviews can help you too! He sent me messages on reddit and gave tips and everything!
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