I go where the thrills are
The solo bowl does get hot from conduction, but it don't think it is nearly hot enough to produce vapor. That only seems to happen when I draw heated air through the stem. Therefore, I'd say that the bulk of vapor production is due to convection.
As to taste, I've never achieved better taste with my firefly than my solo. At best, they are equal, but results with the solo are consistently good so, on average, the solo gives better results. I've yet to spoil a bowl with my solo before it was spent. With my firefly, if I (or, usually, my wife) wasn't careful, it'd get scorched, and the popcorn taste would taint the entire contents of the bowl. In fact, my firefly currently smells of it, but I'm too lazy to clean it.
In my opinion, especially given the massive price difference, a solo is a much better first machine than a firefly. I think this will provide a more positive experience for most people, will save them money and hassle. I wish someone would have told me that before I bought my firefly, but I was seduced by all the talk about "the flavor", etc., by prolific and experienced posters.
I agree the Solo is the best choice for a first vape, and I wish I had a dollar for every time I've espoused this opinion here and in the Solo thread. It has virtually no learning curve.
As to conduction vs convection...seems like no two folks agree on the Solo, or there are certainly a tone of differing opinions on how much of its "hybrid" is convection vs. conduction. For me, it's far from pure convection so I find it worth making a distinction.
Back OT though, flavor is obviously a matter of taste. The FF provides the most transparent, unaltered flavor of any of the 7 or 8 devices I've used over the years. To me if your material tastes good, the FF is a dream. If your material is not tasty, it's more of a nightmare. Easy fix for that problem.

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