Seeking My Shangri-La
No, it's not quite what I meant; I certainly would never judge another based on their looks. And for the record, I am a red-head too. I'm also an ethnic minority up here where I live. ...anyhow, i'm off topic...wait. did i make you feel better about yourself cuz you're not a chubby pale ginger? don't you see how inherintly boderline colorist that is? you wouldn't say thanks for making me feel better about myself if i talked about how tough growing up an ethnic minority was.
gingerism, the only form of racism that's still acceptable. (not you specifically WildChild) i'm sure you're a wonderful person. you didn't know i was the MLK of redheads.
Hope your experience with the FF continues to be better. I'm expecting mine in the next couple of days and cannot wait to start playing with it.
All the best. Remind yourself that you are a good person every morning.

EDIT: Just got my FF half an hour ago...looking forward to trying it later.
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