some random thoughts responses to my experience so far and a ? or two for those who have at least one extra battery...
i ordered FF after going to vapeworld to get tubing for my extreme Q...which i use a pinnacle pro water tool with...
so after seeing the firefly (shes sitting beside me right now..waiting patiently, but effeciently

) I went here first of course ( I started vaping 3 yrs ago with Extreme Q, then Pax, then PinnaclePro).
So I decided to order, but I was very skeptical ( i get it, they're all trying and the all have pros and cons (convect vs conduc, stealth, size, battery, combustion, smell, amount, grind-how much, cost,

What really intrigued me about it was Mark Williams. why? A product engineer for Apple who left the company to pursue his "baby"...took "4 yrs" to fully develop? It just sounded like a winner!
Just to back up a sec. My extreme Q is the shiiitttt!!!

I call her "Q". She has change MY LIFE!! Don't need to comment on the benefits of vaping vs combusting, but also the effeciency and versatility, and of course my peoples at FC, who helped me on the one MOD i have (pinnacle water tool), which has allowed me to eliminate the bag option (never used anyways too much work), and the whip (again too much for me cleaning/replacing tubing)
That being said, I wanted a "portable" that did the same. Effecient, hassle free, and of course EFFECTIVE!
Purchasing my first portable was the Pinnacle. I got it strictly on looks (stealth) and the chamber loading for ease. Well lets say Im not going to trash it (after I got the Pax, I never tried it again, but thats why I got the Pax in the first place

) It just didnt make the vape, make vapor... To me the temp settings were too low even on the "high" setting.
So my search continued.....PAX
Very impressed with it vapor wise, BUT....I think the chamber consumes too much goodies. Like .3? and yeah you can use less, but it affects the quality of the draw/longevity of the session.. Especially when Im at home and I throw a fine grinded .1g in my Q and get 3-4 nice rips...(i know Im not comparing the types of vapes, just the consumption.
Plus the cleaning maintenance for this little device is horrible

. Dont ever be "lazy" b/c when she gets dirty/sticky the cap will lock up and "fahget about i!". Plus "one and done" with the battery.
Then on to the Pinnacle Pro. ME LIKEY!!

higher temp offerings, the bullet method can be done conveniently with "preloaded" bullets when your portable. Only knock would be battery one and done, but shes good for one session, AND of course the WATER TOOL!!

(which I now use exclusively with my Q) By the way, those bullets hold and effecient consumption amount (.15-.20)
Ok, so back to the FIREFLY!!!!!
After playing/learning the right technique for the last 3 days, reading this thread for advice... I wanna start by sayin... I JUST ORDERED ANOTHER ONE!! and THIS IS WHY

Fine grind, medium about NO GRIND.
Someone said it in the early pages of this thread.
After having FF for 2days, I was certainly getting stoned, but I hated the technique. Im now pretty experienced when it comes to "certain" techniques like "slow draw", right grind, surface air, blah blah with the other portables I have...
What really was a turn off to purchasing was the "draw" technique so we dont "upset" the goodies posts in this thread. I felt that trying the FF would be another "pro and con" battle compared to the vapes I have now...
But something about Mark Williams leaving APPLE that gave me this "feeling" I still decided to try it.
SOOOO...all of that being said....grab you a .15 (or smaller, you wont fit any bigger) bud...slap her in that pretty little bowl...and WAHLAH!!!
1. bud doesnt move, allowing you to draw as slow/hard/fast/slow as you want!

2. Easy stir!, better yet NO STIR... when you sucked out all the good from the bottom of the bud, take of lid (I just slide mines to the side, it is magnetic) FLIP the bud over! (aha dont have to stir anything!) and it AINT hot in there to touch because of the GENIUS ingenuity... finish the other side of the bud (Ive already done a few sessions commuting from work driving with one hand)
3. that baked bud now easily drops in my storage until I get home...AND THE REST IS FINISHED OFF IN MY Q when i get home...(but you can certainly finish it w/ FF!!)
ThIS is the BEST vape for me. Its perfect for me... I feel like back when I had my bowl. Throw a bud in, light it, get high... its the same concept with out combusting. ITS A FUTURISTIC BOWL...
I only posted this for the people "on the fence" and to thank the person who tried using a bud instead of grinding. GET THIS VAPE!!! IT IS VERY WELL DESIGNED!!
I took the FF to my buddy's house who is still combusting. I wanted him to try it, but as with the other portables, he hates all of that "technique" shit. It is alot easier to draw from a blunt/bowl/joint than a FF w/ grinded bud in it...AFTER he held it and I told him the technique...he DIDNT EVEN TRY IT!!
When I wen home, I was just staring at her(FF) and it just hit me..."just put a bud in there and she how she acts" ....and the rest is HISTORY... Oh and I took it back to my buddy's house and just handed it to him and said, "forget all that technique shit..hit her as hard as you want!"...He loved it!
I've ordered a 2nd one (RED, first one SILVER), Im selling the other portables. I AM SET!! Extreme Q for home, FIREFLY for the go!!!
OH YEAH,....question about the batteries I have two replacements along with the included one, and when they're charging, The LED light never goes to sold blue indicating "fully charged" as the instructions say. Not only does it not go solid blue, while its charging, the blinking blue light will "randomly" switch to green/blue/amber making it difficult to figure out if its doing something "other" than charge like overcharge, etc....I havent noticed any mechanical problems (yet)..the batteries do seem to last a full session of vaping..but just wondered...
Anyone else having this?