I am absolutely certain that the batteries are not in the air path. I'm not even gonna try to convince you.
The ff's glass bowl is great for flavor, and its metal vapor path works well for cooling it![]()
Same here. I use mine more like a few times a week, but have had it a few months longerI have been using my Firefly several times a day since April of 2014, and I have NEVER removed my bowl screen.
Howdy, I read this post every day. I have been using my Firefly several times a day since April of 2014, and I have NEVER removed my bowl screen. I do clean the bowl with iso alcohol (70%) on a cotton-tipped swab every 5 bowls. I saturate the swab, and, holding the Firefly upside down, gripping the swab very near the tip, I gently but firmly swirl it around the inside of the bowl for about 5 seconds. Before the bowl dries, I pack a square of toilet paper into the bowl and rotate it around for about 3 seconds. Presto ! The bowl is clean enough, and the screen never had to vacate it's position of function. NO anxiety with screen removal/installation. NO mangled screens. The entire Firefly cleaning process takes me about 2 minutes, if I take my time. Peace-n-Love![]()
Same here. I use mine more like a few times a week, but have had it a few months longer![]()
At around 7 months now, still on firefly number one, and still going strong.
My first one lasted 15 months. My second one lasted less than 2 months. I still got to mail in this sucker for my 3rd.
Damn...that's a pain :-( What were the defects?
The heating element stopped working on the first one. It still lit up, but the orange light around the bowl was dimmer and no vapor was produced anymore. The one that just broke after 2 months made a pop noise while I was using it, then I got a horrible taste of burnt electronics. I obviously am not happy about this but I still believe the firefly is one of the best portables right now. Hopefully my 3rd one lasts awhile.
Have you checked the battery? There was a bad batch of 750mah batteries, they will replace it with the new 770mah battery if you just purchased your firefly new and got one of the old batteries.
I got 2 770mAH batteries so I don't think that's it. I did finally get someone to answer the phone but he sounded REALLY cranky and clearly did not want to talk to me. He asked me if the FF had a lot of resistance (on the draw) but then wouldn't explain why he asked that. Did not want to talk to me AT ALL, but at least somebody answered the phone. Said he would send an e-mail about how to return it but I've not seen it and I think its been a couple of weeks now at least since I got hold of them over there. Its probably lost in my e-mail somewhere. I was sick as a dog right after, still recovering so it probably got buried. I guess I'll have to call again and hope he's in a better mood or that I get to talk to someone else.
It literally took me WEEKS to get through last time. I am not looking forward to it. I vape for medical reasons - even if they replace it, the hassle is more than its worth to me at this point, on top of all that goes along with being disabled to start with. Not sleeping well without my meds, and have had to stop burning it as my roomie is concerned about the "no smoking" policy in the lease. Even though he couldn't smell a thing. He's fine with vaping, but I REALLy need a functional vape.
Such a disappointment.
I call and instantly they pick up
I called at least 3 times a week or more for three weeks running and no one ever picked up the phone in any department. That's why I asked for an extension. There's an option to enter a specific extension # so I had hopes that if I could get a direct connection, I'd be able to talk to a human.
I did finally get through but the guy was short with me right off the bat. I can't find the e-mail he said he was going to send - its probably buried somewhere in my e-mail, I got deathly ill right after I talked to whoever it was and I'm just now recovering - so I'm going to have to call them again. Oh goody.
At this point I would rather sell the thing than try to deal with this any more, I'm just not up to the hassle. But I wouldn't feel good about selling an apparently malfunctioning device, so I am stuck at this point.
They moved half of my conversation about these issues into another thread (http://fuckcombustion.com/threads/please-help-me-transition-to-vaping.19203/#post-841808) and then they LOCKED THAT! And I have no idea why they (1) moved my pleas for help and (2) then turned around and locked the very thread they themselves created supposedly so I could get better help than from this thread. So I can't even respond to people on that thread who wanted to be helpful.
I really really REALLY do not understand what goes on around here. Between my apparently non-functional FF, and strangeness about trying to get some help with it, I am at a total loss. I just feel like crying. I was so excited to get my FF, and I gave it a good long try. This has all been such a let-down.
It's quite acceptable to go ape-shiz on social media nowadays if you don't get help. It's the new way of doing things. First ask nicely on Twitter and Facebook. If that doesn't help after a couple of attempts, you start to blast them. In moderation of course, you want other people to sympathize with you as opposed to thinking you're an azzhole...talk about being ill and at a loss, that will help.
Aw man ... I just can't do that. Even venting on this thread which is fairly non-confrontational as things go on the Intertubes sort of bothers me, LOL!
I'll try to remember to call them tomorrow - which is already today I guess, I'm not sleeping well again sans meds - and hope for the best. Maybe I just happened to catch them during a rough patch.
Doesn't your email have a search function?Its probably lost in my e-mail somewhere.
Doesn't your email have a search function?
If calling doesn't help then SM might be your last resort...I can understand that you don't like confrontation, I used to be like that too when I was younger. Now that I'm a grumpy old fart, I just let rip when I get treated unfairly/ badly and tend to get my way as a result. Is that my preferred way of dealing with things? Of course not, it's stressful. But it has worked out for me thus far. Sometimes you gotta be a dick to get your way. Good luck either way m8.
LOL, I am the exact opposite! In my youth, I had no problem wading right in and making it come out "right" - eg my way.
However I am now old, decrepit, and worn out. I just don't have the intestinal wherewithal for this kind of stuff left over after dealing with pain, fatigue, and general non-well-being.
Now that I've revisited herbal nirvana (as it were) I realize just how badly I sleep these days. You get used to a certain level of being and take that as your norm. I thought I'd been sleeping fairly well - until I got my first decent night's sleep in over a decade after a visit from our herbal friend. While I was still burning things, I did noticeably better all day on all fronts - pain, fatigue, memory, concentration, ability to think and reason more clearly.
Pain pills, sleeping pills, and all their ilk are all tolerated very poorly by my system. Pain pills in particular are right out, as they knock me flat (as in unconscious) and then I wake up not only still tired, still in pain, but now with nausea and a splitting headache.
But my herbal friend left me feeling refreshed, relaxed, and well-rested. I'll be glad when I can get it going again. Now that I have seen the promised land, I'm not tolerating the same levels of pain and fatigue to which I had become accustomed over the years all that well.
Sound. Look...need me to take care of it for you bloke? Because I am not a fan of how you were treated. Are you still looking for the email btw?
What do people use for a case? Anyone know of one that's smell proof and small enough to be pocketable? Maybe all you'd need is something to cover the mouthpiece?