IMHO, it CAN be a great vaporizer, but I wish it wasn't so dependent on technique.
I can employ perfect technique, hold down the button just the right amount, draw just at the right speed, and get lovely, tasty vapor.
But, if I share my bowl with my wife...popcorn, and I'm tossing it in the toilet.
Its not like I can tell her "no, you cannot hit my bowl, get your own" because: a) I value my marriage and b) I've only got one Firefly and I cannot afford to buy another one.
I think part of the problem is that the draw is not fast enough for us. In fact, it takes me a lot of will-power to maintain an even draw at the right speed, and I have to take some deep breaths before starting so I won't feel like I'm running out of oxygen. I wish I could draw faster, and I wish the Firefly was able to better regulate the temperature independently of draw speed.
Another annoying thing about the Firefly is that there is no capsule system, so once I start a bowl of XXX, I've got to finish it. Even if I feel like switching to YYY. But, you know, my needs change. Sometimes, I want more CBD, sometimes I want something to wake me up, or something to make me sleepy. My tolerance is low, so I don't always feel like finishing off that bowl of high THC Stavia that I started. But I don't want to waste them, either...
Another thing that's not ideal is that, after a few "popcorn-ed" bowls, my Firefly is kinda stinky, and not in a good way. And, on the subject of cleaning, removing and replacing the screen is not as easy as I would like.
Yes, it's a great vaporizor. But it could be better. If there was some kind of capsule system, better temperature control and a somewhat faster draw speed, it would be even better!