Yes, I soaked a heater, completely submerged in 91% ISO, for well over 10 hours straight; and I noticed no degradation of the awesome black rubbery outer coating of the heater. I just checked, and I cannot tell the difference between the heater that has been soaked and the one that has not...
As for the slippery sleekness of the DDGhost, I have to agree, it can be a negative if not mindful! My condolences to you @
Havelock Vetenari! I can only imagine being without my newly acquired friend...rather vivdly albeit, but still. I hope you get a replacement figured out soon!
I got out of the car a few evenings ago, and as I stood up out of the car, I felt the sudden urge to carefully scour the ground for the pen. Just after exiting the car I recalled that when I got into the car to head home, I had sat the pen in my lap rather than put it away (first mistake lol.) So I immediately looked down, and started to no avail seeing as how it was pitch black out, and my porch light doesn't quite reach to where I was. So I turned on the light from my phone, and within 15 seconds the pen was jumping out at me, inches in front of my feet. Mind you, I had taken several steps forward/backward getting out of the car, and looking around for the pen before grabbing the light; How I managed to not step on the pen I will never know, but forever be grateful lol.
Moral of that being, had I not happened to think "oh, the pen was in my probably fell on the ground when I got out...I better look!" I wouldn't have noticed until I went to medicate, probably at least 30 minutes later

and I would have likely not found the least not easily! The area I dropped it in wouldn't be easy to find it in had I not been standing right all worked out so perfect. So, take my almost disaster, and Havelock Vetenari's full blown loss as precautionary tales, and keep your DDghost close at hand, or in a secure location!