
Well-Known Member
...winter has been rough in FL so I am poolside yet again.Watching what I consider to be the greatest rivalry in college basketball Duke vs UNC.
Thanks for posting this. TV sucked tonight and tuned in for the second half. Great game.
We're in Punta Gorda, checking out FL

almost there

Well-Known Member
sorry to slow things down with an amateur question but do the batteries from IMR batteries come charged? Working all day today and not getting home till late, expecting my IQ to arrive today along with some spare batteries from IMR. I'm just hoping for the chance I'll be able to test my new IQ upon getting in the door. I'm dreading that long wait watching the charge light blink as I pace holes into the floor:bang:. Finally I can relive the anticipation and excitement of opening the box all over again. Lets hope this time I'll get to enjoy the other half of the experience once everything is out and unpacked:evil:. Told my wife not to leave the house for any reason until she has all my packages:wave:


Well-Known Member
sorry to slow things down with an amateur question but do the batteries from IMR batteries come charged? Working all day today and not getting home till late, expecting my IQ to arrive today along with some spare batteries from IMR. I'm just hoping for the chance I'll be able to test my new IQ upon getting in the door. I'm dreading that long wait watching the charge light blink as I pace holes into the floor:bang:. Finally I can relive the anticipation and excitement of opening the box all over again. Lets hope this time I'll get to enjoy the other half of the experience once everything is out and unpacked:evil:. Told my wife not to leave the house for any reason until she has all my packages:wave:
No they should not come charged it is illegal to ship a fully charged battery i believe. There should be a partial charge but def not full.


Consumer Advocate
sorry to slow things down with an amateur question but do the batteries from IMR batteries come charged? Working all day today and not getting home till late, expecting my IQ to arrive today along with some spare batteries from IMR. I'm just hoping for the chance I'll be able to test my new IQ upon getting in the door. I'm dreading that long wait watching the charge light blink as I pace holes into the floor:bang:. Finally I can relive the anticipation and excitement of opening the box all over again. Lets hope this time I'll get to enjoy the other half of the experience once everything is out and unpacked:evil:. Told my wife not to leave the house for any reason until she has all my packages:wave:
I think you could plug the power cord for your IQ and use it a little without doing harm to the battery. Much of the current will come from the the external power?
This IQ will not disappoint. It will take some practice to get the best performance for your style of consumption.


Well after being disappointed by a FireFly 1 & a Focus Pro I'm going to bite the bullet on this one also. The other biggie for me also was the batteries. Already have the charger & 3 batteries already charged & ready to go. They take the same ones as the Focus Pro's. Also I'm a real geek so the whole bluetooth interface looks good also. Plus the reviews help & the vendor is giving me a good deal with free shipping.


Clean First Technology
Hey @Davinci_vaporizer ! Firstly, thank you for staying active - I think that really helps to show that Da Vinci is committed to a quality customer service experience. Two questions...

1) I remember you had mentioned that the aromatherapy products were out of stock, but would be replaced soon? Is that still the case?

2) I'm curious why the recommended approach is to put the glass spacers between the load and the pearl? Logic would tell me it shouldn't matter all that much, and I'm thinking that the spacer towards the bottom would help reduce some of the more frustrating aspects of keeping a clean bowl in the IQ. Is it that the heating element starts near the bottom of the bowl and works it's way up?

1) Yes it is still the case the aromatherapy herbs and possibly some essential oils will be back on the site soon.

2) We recommend having the spacer between the load and the pearl for 2 reasons. First because the honeycomb airflow in the spacer would not perfectly line up with the vents of the oven. It dosen't take too much a difference but can effect airflow. The next reason is because the spacer behind the load at the end of your load will start to retain some heat and transfer that heat back to your herbs and give better vapor production.

Well after being disappointed by a FireFly 1 & a Focus Pro I'm going to bite the bullet on this one also. The other biggie for me also was the batteries. Already have the charger & 3 batteries already charged & ready to go. They take the same ones as the Focus Pro's. Also I'm a real geek so the whole bluetooth interface looks good also. Plus the reviews help & the vendor is giving me a good deal with free shipping.

You're gonna love it! Make sure to post your thoughts on your first session back on here for your fellow IQ lovers.


Well-Known Member
1) Yes it is still the case the aromatherapy herbs and possibly some essential oils will be back on the site soon.

2) We recommend having the spacer between the load and the pearl for 2 reasons. First because the honeycomb airflow in the spacer would not perfectly line up with the vents of the oven. It dosen't take too much a difference but can effect airflow. The next reason is because the spacer behind the load at the end of your load will start to retain some heat and transfer that heat back to your herbs and give better vapor production.

You're gonna love it! Make sure to post your thoughts on your first session back on here for your fellow IQ lovers.
I received my IQ today...getting ready to experience it....I like the feel and weight of it...i got a blue one...it looks silver with a blue tint...doesn't look like the pics you see....i heard the copper color looks silver as well...any way....i just wanted a new toy.... I go the GH last week....not crazy about the GH...I do like the immediate heat up though...I'll give it some time...I'm sure it's a nice device...


Well-Known Member
Spacers look interesting. Would think another benefit of placing the spacer in the middle would be keeping the pearl clean. The herb always sticks to the pearl if you don't dump while it's still hot. Also, you don't have to mess with trying to extend the pearl on the rubber post.
Any plans on loadable capsules for quick changes on the fly?


Actively Dismembered
I ordered the spacers and bag, my girlfriend is pretty excited to try the spacers out.
The "extra post laying around from a returned unit" that I was told was shipped to me on 1/26 never came in.
That time was after the ... https://imgur.com/a/u8r2y shibackle that started this all..
Fool me twice...
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Well-Known Member
Emailed DiVinci a week ago about the issues I've been having with my unit. The rep (Tim) asked for my contact info and said they would get it fixed. I gave him the information he requested and haven't heard back in 7 days... really disappointed with the lack of CS...



I was sent the wrong color davinci iq. Tomorrow will be 1 week since I first emailed customer service. I have not even gotten a reply.after I emailed , I waited 72 hours and then I called customer service and left a message. Nobody ever answers the phone there. Nobody returns calls or emails?! Apparently I'm not a valued customer.

It's redicuolous that People have to sign up for a forum to get help on a product with a 10 year warranty lol.

In comparison, I recently had a problem with my pax 1. I received reply to my email warranty request within hours. And 1 week later they sent me a brand new pax. And this was right when they released the pax 3. Great customer service! I'm sure they were busy but still valued their customer even though it was a pax 1!

So I am yet another disappointed customer with da Vinci. It seems like there are a lot of issues with the davinci and that is why they customer service is so busy?

Not sure what more I can do here to get a reply from customer service. I have a 300$ baby blue paper weight. Kinda wish I could try my new vaporizer but obviously I can't use it and then return it for the color that is on my receipt.

Obviously I want my problem fixed, but also I want people looking for a new vaporizer to hear about issues myself and others are having with the company before buying


Well-Known Member

I was sent the wrong color davinci iq. Tomorrow will be 1 week since I first emailed customer service. I have not even gotten a reply.after I emailed , I waited 72 hours and then I called customer service and left a message. Nobody ever answers the phone there. Nobody returns calls or emails?! Apparently I'm not a valued customer.

It's redicuolous that People have to sign up for a forum to get help on a product with a 10 year warranty lol.

In comparison, I recently had a problem with my pax 1. I received reply to my email warranty request within hours. And 1 week later they sent me a brand new pax. And this was right when they released the pax 3. Great customer service! I'm sure they were busy but still valued their customer even though it was a pax 1!

So I am yet another disappointed customer with da Vinci. It seems like there are a lot of issues with the davinci and that is why they customer service is so busy?

Not sure what more I can do here to get a reply from customer service. I have a 300$ baby blue paper weight. Kinda wish I could try my new vaporizer but obviously I can't use it and then return it for the color that is on my receipt.

Obviously I want my problem fixed, but also I want people looking for a new vaporizer to hear about issues myself and others are having with the company before buying
Send a PM directly @Davinci_vaporizer, you should get a reply this week.


Vape swap shop
Come to the conculsion this vape is not for me.


Form factor fits well in the hand.
Like the precision temp selection.
Removable batteries.
Reliably produces lots of vapour.
Good party vape or with a group of friends.
Heats up quick.
No learning curve.
Built well.


Too fidlly with lots of little parts. Not essy to clean.
Taste is good for conduction - but nothing special. Find that the tasty first few pulls dont last very long.
Smartpaths are pointless why not just change the temp manually?
Bowl too big. Even with a spacer bowl lasts ages. Cant always be bothered to do 2 back to back sessions for 20mins to finsh one. End up feeling like puffing billy. All that puffing leads to chest irritation for me.
Takes a lot of herb to fill a bowl.
Switching between smartpath mode and precision mode is fidly.
Not good for vaping with 1 person.
Scratches easily.

I think this vape has made me realise that i really am not a "conduction session" vape kinda of guy.

The IQ is good at what it does - make sure you like session vapes before you buy it.

I brought a swift pro at the sametime and it gets way more use. My IQ sits in a draw.

However my new omnivap beats them both.....
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Forbin's Dog

Well-Known Member
I received my spacers and Honeybird combo on Friday. These accessories have elevated the IQ to a new height for me, and I was already pleased with my purchase. I've only used the larger spacer so far, and it works great. I use a fraction of what I'd use on a normal load with the pearl extended, and get very satisfying results on Smartpath 3. The hits are very full, and the load is just about spent at the end of the 10 minutes. If one of your complaints about the IQ is the oven size then you need to buy a set of spacers. The Honeybird also works great. Also picked up the carrying case, and am happy with that as well. The best part is I got it all for free thanks to my rewards points.


New Member
*Update on my first IQ pack*

(Packed full and tight)

Session 1:
Smart path 1 for 2-3 small hits. I was head changed and where I wanted to be and powered the IQ down. After powering the IQ down, I continued to puff to take the remaining vape out of the oven and opped the bottom cover quick to release the air in the oven.

Session 2: Same as session 1

Session 3: Same as session 1

Session 4: Same as session one with the 3rd puff being a power boost to see what it could do.

Session 5: Smart path 2 with a friend. 3 hits a piece. Unit was powered on for about 3-4 mins.

Stirred herb and noticed it is almost spent but still has some life left.

Session 6: 2 small hits and powered down immediately when finished. Did not draw excess vapor or open the case this time to cool the oven.

When I stirred, I noticed the bowl is almost spent but still has some more usage. I haven't gone above Smart Path 3 other than the one time I used boost mode for one hit. I will probably use Smart path 3 next session if the circumstances are right...don't want to over medicate and I will reiterate, I have a low tolerance and prefer to micro dose.

Session 7: 4 hits on smart path 2. Hits are getting less powerful, although definitely still effective. I took one more hit than usual to make up for the inevitable decrease in strength. I am going to keep going with this first pack to see how far it will go taking ultra short sessions. Please keep in mind I am not looking to get really stoned or anything. Just a quick head change before working out to make it more enjoyable. I think at this point I could still fire this thing up on smart path 4 and get a group session successfully. I will keep hitting this the way I have been just to see the stamina of a full pack. Even though I bought the spacers, I may keep using full packs because it is working extremely well for my application. I don't mind that it is getting less powerful as I am not looking to get too crazy. Anyways, thought I would keep this ultra short session test going until the first pack is cashed. Very happy with the results so far as I have gotten well over 20 hits out of this thing so far including a small group session with a friend.

I also received the spacers in the mail but obviously have not used them yet. They were lighter than I anticipated but in a good way. I feel like if I dropped these on concrete, they wouldn't even break. Not sure about this just a feeling when I felt them. Almost feel like plastic in the hand but they are not plastic.


almost there

Well-Known Member
Guess who finally got their RMA back, that's right, me:rockon::rockon::rockon:!!!! Got 2 packages from Davinci and a third from IMRbatteries. After a long day of counting down the seconds I raced to the bus, to catch the train, transferred to a connecting train, got off and made a half mile dash home. With that being said you can imagine why I've been hurting so much for my IQ's return, it's been a long lonely trip everyday:freak: in it's absence. Anyway I made it home, walked pass my wife and ignored the dinner she had set on the table and sat down to open my packages one by one with my coat still on and all:drool:. Here's what I have to say...

package 1- started with the smallest one, took out the pearl and spacers. pearl's a pearl, one of the spacers is broken:bang:. The longer of the 2 spacers had chips on the side of both ends. Small matter, Tim from CS, will take care of me, he's been kicking ass so far in the few times I had to contact CS. I believe @sixtysix said he haven't heard back on an issue, hope that reply came thru for u.

package 2- pair of spare sanyo batteries, some battery cases and a Nitecore D2 charger(Charger winded up being defective-left slot charges in 3.5 hours and right side takes 6.5 hours to charge a battery. I didn't figured this out till later but anyway I'll sort that out with IMR today:\)

package 3-by this point my wife got the hint and she took my plate away:disgust:. I thought I'd try being more civilized so I took off my jacket and got right back to my seat to inspect my prize. Box was clean and smooth-goood, definitely a nice start, my first IQ came in a box with smudges and the IQ had oil on it. Taking out the unit unit made me remember exactly why I chose to get this over any other vaporizer on the market, it's absolutely gorgeous. Davinci has definitely been paying close attention to all the suggestions and comments because I can tell you I'm holding a perfect model in my hand. To start the mouth piece fits perfectly tight and snug into place now. All hinges move is perfect precision and all doors shut perfectly into place, last unit the bottom door sits slightly lopsided when shut. Magnets seem stronger too because it grips the doors much tighter than before, the mouthpiece use to push my top lid open when I put my IQ into my pocket. Buttons, as @Glass004 said, much more sensitive and less resistance. I use to struggle with the 5 buttons but I don't bother with the app now to turn on the IQ, so much happier about that.

As to the function, I'm blown away!!! Let's just say despite the fact I knew my old IQ wasn't working properly I held to the belief a replacement will just be the same thing only with a hotter oven. I thought all these grand praises were just VAS enthusiast with new toys which is why I put off the RMA for so long. I couldn't be more wrong, this monster never stops producing:goon::goon::goon:. Using the none broken spacer, I'm able to use 1/2 my previous material, and the vapor never stops coming:brow:. It finally occurred to me that moment why people enjoy session vaping. I've inspected my new unit in every detail, it is everything Davinci promised. Thank you Davinci, you guys developed a work of art. Thanks also to Tim at CS for always responding quickly and efficiently.

BTW-RMA process took 2 weeks from the time the unit was received by Davinci till the arrival of my new unit for anyone who is waiting


Consumer Advocate
Guess who finally got their RMA back, that's right, me:rockon::rockon::rockon:!!!! Got 2 packages from Davinci and a third from IMRbatteries. After a long day of counting down the seconds I raced to the bus, to catch the train, transferred to a connecting train, got off and made a half mile dash home. With that being said you can imagine why I've been hurting so much for my IQ's return, it's been a long lonely trip everyday:freak: in it's absence. Anyway I made it home, walked pass my wife and ignored the dinner she had set on the table and sat down to open my packages one by one with my coat still on and all:drool:. Here's what I have to say...

package 1- started with the smallest one, took out the pearl and spacers. pearl's a pearl, one of the spacers is broken:bang:. The longer of the 2 spacers had chips on the side of both ends. Small matter, Tim from CS, will take care of me, he's been kicking ass so far in the few times I had to contact CS. I believe @sixtysix said he haven't heard back on an issue, hope that reply came thru for u.

package 2- pair of spare sanyo batteries, some battery cases and a Nitecore D2 charger(Charger winded up being defective-left slot charges in 3.5 hours and right side takes 6.5 hours to charge a battery. I didn't figured this out till later but anyway I'll sort that out with IMR today:\)

package 3-by this point my wife got the hint and she took my plate away:disgust:. I thought I'd try being more civilized so I took off my jacket and got right back to my seat to inspect my prize. Box was clean and smooth-goood, definitely a nice start, my first IQ came in a box with smudges and the IQ had oil on it. Taking out the unit unit made me remember exactly why I chose to get this over any other vaporizer on the market, it's absolutely gorgeous. Davinci has definitely been paying close attention to all the suggestions and comments because I can tell you I'm holding a perfect model in my hand. To start the mouth piece fits perfectly tight and snug into place now. All hinges move is perfect precision and all doors shut perfectly into place, last unit the bottom door sits slightly lopsided when shut. Magnets seem stronger too because it grips the doors much tighter than before, the mouthpiece use to push my top lid open when I put my IQ into my pocket. Buttons, as @Glass004 said, much more sensitive and less resistance. I use to struggle with the 5 buttons but I don't bother with the app now to turn on the IQ, so much happier about that.

As to the function, I'm blown away!!! Let's just say despite the fact I knew my old IQ wasn't working properly I held to the belief a replacement will just be the same thing only with a hotter oven. I thought all these grand praises were just VAS enthusiast with new toys which is why I put off the RMA for so long. I couldn't be more wrong, this monster never stops producing:goon::goon::goon:. Using the none broken spacer, I'm able to use 1/2 my previous material, and the vapor never stops coming:brow:. It finally occurred to me that moment why people enjoy session vaping. I've inspected my new unit in every detail, it is everything Davinci promised. Thank you Davinci, you guys developed a work of art. Thanks also to Tim at CS for always responding quickly and efficiently.

BTW-RMA process took 2 weeks from the time the unit was received by Davinci till the arrival of my new unit for anyone who is waiting
Your post is great. I have enjoyed everyone of your moments exactly the same. :rofl::clap:
About the buttons, anyone with difficulty using the five button start, consider that your buttons are not functioning properly. I am glad you noted this. I have started just packing 8 hit microloads at 430 when not doing sessions. Then with the Honeybird I am reminded of the old time bong hits I used to love. The IQ is very functional even without the app. I haven't used the app much at all.
Tim is a star at CS, I agree:nod:
I am gonna build up my store credits to get a free set of spacers by purchasing a 6 month warranty for my Ascent to replace the batteries. There are many ways to save with DaVinci. :clap:
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