Ok, just ordered my stealth IQ; did not see the $51 credit at checkout. I fully trust having bought 2 Ascents, that it will materialize, lol Thank you
@Davinci_vaporizer for all the support on this page. Can't wait!
The $51 credit is applied to your DaVinci User account after your IQ ships. The $51 in credits is for future accessory and vaporizer purchases.
It looks like the can is painted on the inside? Don't want to get flakes in my bud.
Personally I am a big fan of grinding up a bunch of bud and packing it into a Doob tube for easy packing.
Been using this thing for a while now and the only 2 downsides that I can see is 1. The Pearl is slightly too small and let's herb fall out around the base getting stuck where it screws in. 2. I can't seem to get the Pearl unscrewed as it just snaps back into place. Other than that I can't find anything wrong. (makes for a great hand warmer for a night time stroll

The Carry can is not painted it is anodized so there should be no flakes on the inside. The Carry can is more for whole nugs on the go. Although you can absolutely grind and fit more herb. Although the doob tube method is a great one! Done that one myself on more than one occasion.
The reviews that you have seen by the Vape Critic he talks about how the pearl was loose and easy to lose. The reviews that you have seen for the IQ from VC were of a pre-production sample. For the final production IQ's we increased the strength of the silicone post. The pearl is definitely more difficult to adjust however once adjusted it will stay firmly in it's adjusted position.
Please let me ask you this unanswered passage again - there's at least one additional guy interested

There are several thoughts and ideas for the app that are on a list for future improvements. There are also a ton of features that are on the "cutting room floor" that will also likely find it's way into future versions as well. The more feedback we get from you all on what you like, what you don't like, or what you would like to see in the app. We can make it happen.
1) Yes, a boost limiter for sure! I would never use the top temp.
2) May I assume if you set a smart path to less than 10 min, (i.e. 6 minutes) that means it will then shut off after 6 minutes?
3) (If you aren't using a smart path), can you simply program a shut off after X number of minutes?
1) A boost limiter or adjustment is a great idea that we will definitely consider. I can't really comment on if or when that would happen.
2) Currently you can set a Smart Path™ to run the course of its "path" in as quick of a session as you would like to set it. However you can not currently adjust when the vaporizers automatic 10 min shut off initiates. For example you can set a SP to run from 360-400 over 3 mins. At the end of that 3 min cycle your vape would idle at 400° for the next 7 mins or until you turned the vaporizer off.
This vape has so much versatility that I am now getting to try things I've never done before!
Btw, I like this vape a lot! I'll be posting thoughts here over time...a living review if you will. Feel free to suggest things to try and I'll see if I can give it a go!
Thanks for the kind words brotha!
Some random thoughts...
I would not recommend using it without the flavor chamber installed. That is going to gum up the inside walls with oil that will make it a bitch to install and remove the flavor chamber later.
I ran my first ten bowls with some degummed hemp fiber in the flavor chamber and thought the unit was weak. Turns out I had too much fiber in there. When I pulled it out it was nice and gummy and vaped really well, and the IQ started performing like a champ. So I recommend getting to know your IQ empty first before going for infusion.
I'm having good sessions with a full load tamped or not. I'm also leaving my pearl fully extended and taking up 30%ish of the oven space. I'm getting good results with a load tightly packed that is half full or more after packing. Less than 1/4 full after tightly packing will vaporize but the clouds get thinner. Las night I threw a whole nugget in there and loved it, but I haven't done a post inspection of the abv yet (I know, bad stickstones).
As my pictures showed, the oven doesn't stain if emptied and brushed immediately after use. One bowl of reclaim in hemp fiber stained it immediately, though. I like hitting it native, but last night I tried the nibbler and liked it. Vapor was thicker without the bubbler, obviously, and the unit does such a great job of cooling without it that I won't use that much...but it is a perfect fit!
I'll start weighing loads now and testing different packs for light loads and report back. Now that I know what it works best with I can start quantifying that.
I did do a temp test of the bowl and was impressed. I placed my temp probe in the middle of a ball of hemp fiber to simulate a full bowl. The temps lagged behind the display by 100F at first and then by about 60F at the top end. But remember I am measuring the center of the load while the IQ is sensing the outer walls. After about 30 extra seconds at 446 to soak it stabilized to 445/446, which is incredibly accurate!
The unit gets pretty warm after a long session on high temps. My wife is not a vaporist and thought the unit was hot when she touched it. I've done this test with her in the past with other vapes and she is on the sensitive side for that test. No part of the exterior gets hot enough to injure, even on the sensitive lips. So for most it will feel like a nice hand warmer, like the log vapes, and for a very few it will will feel hot. I expect no more than a few of complaints about the outer temperature...it gets warmer than the Pax, but will feel normal to most vaporist.
The IQ makes an audible clicking sound that reminds me of a geiger counter. It's very faint and only noticeable when it is within about 18 inches of your ear. It does it anytime it is heating, so it's pretty constant. It doesn't bother me, but it's unique and noticeable.
The app is easily the best I've ver seen. I hate apps that are required, and this one is not. In fact, after initial testing I don't use it at all anymore. I'll use it occasionally to mess with the smart paths, but after that I can do everything I want without it...yay! The interface is cool and effective.
I've been using it almost exclusively since the weekend and am very happy with it. With a rotation of two or three batteries it feels like a workhorse.
Fantastic report on your experiences
@stickstones, I'm sure that everyone appreciates your opinion and your on-going reviews and comments about the IQ.
No, just tried a few broken up nugs in the chamber. Didn't notice more draw resistance versus just the flavor chamber, taste was noticeably improved
That is actually the best way to load it and not create any clogging or extra draw resistance. I like to take a nug and just kind of pinch it between my fingers and roll it until it starts coming out like a little nug torpedo and then load that in.
As a longtime happy Ascent user, I debate my need to make the upgrade to the IQ. However, stealth is a high priority for me and the size and improved load design have me very interested. The question I have not seen yet is how the smell is while in use compared to the Ascent? While using my Ascent, I always cap the glass mouthpiece with the rubber cap or cover with my finger between draws and when I'm done with a session. Does the IQ leak through the mouthpiece when not drawing? How strong is the odor when the unit is not in use? With no grill on the bottom, like the Ascent, I'm hoping the unit is more discreet. After years of use and routine cleaning, I can still tell what room I leave my Ascent in. This will probably be the deciding factor for me.
When designing the IQ we wanted to take the great aspects of the Ascent and carry them on. Also we wanted to improve as many if not all of the faults that our users found with the Ascent. When the device is not in use you shouldn't sense any odor unless your nose is up too the mouthpiece where there might be resin. In addition the IQ has a more solid oven door rather than the vented grill and swivel door of the Ascent.
Has anyone noticed the extended mouthpiece having a white discoloration after using it a few times in the hole as well as on the outside around the bottom of the stem. I haven't seen anything about it so i am wondering what is up woth my mouthpiece.
Did your mouthpiece arrive with this discoloration? Or did you notice this over time? It could be some sort of residue that is building up have you tried wiping with an alcohol wipe?
That sounds weird... Are the zirconia parts only coated with sth. (What exactly??) that wears off?
Maybe a pic would help
@Davinci_vaporizer comment on that?
Thanks for pointing that out.. Sounds odd
The Zirconia parts are not coated or dyed with anything. Zirconia is molded in white and then it is baked to gain it's black color and polished to get it's shine.