V3 on Deck! Just arrived yesterday afternoon, so these are just some early impressions based on ~12hrs in hand:
The improvements over the V2 are quite apparent out of the box:
The cap:
The extra silver in the form of a larger band is a welcome improvement. I have been heating my V2 below the OG narrow band, so now I'm at about halfway between the new silver band and below it, which puts the flame right above the intake holes, essentially. Regarding the intake holes, they are definitely larger, and there is a marked difference in airflow between this and a stock V2. The V3 performs much closer out of the box to my modded V2 on a waterpiece. Airflow is really one of those preference things dictated by the power of your windbags, so it's hard to say for certain, but I
think the level of bong-restriction on the V3 will be acceptable to most folks. Natively, the airflow on the V3 is pretty much bang-on. I find V3 brings a very nice native experience, especially if you opt for a couple of heat cycles and keep it in that terpy zone.. just glorious.
The Tip:
The additional fins are tapered back to the diameter of the mid-section adapter, so there's no longer a big overhang where the fins meet the adapter: an aesthetic improvement, albeit a symmetrical one that satisfies my OCD. The fins are chamfered and no longer have that knife edge feel. The helix grooves on the tip have been knocked back, but I'd still like to see more chamfering done, as I still find them a tad catchy at times. More time is needed to ascertain whether the additional fins have much impact on cooling. The tip o-rings seem much better than those on the V2.
The Midsection:
Is quite a bit thicker, and comes in ~7g heavier than the V2 midsection. The nice thing about this change is that the midsection only gets about half as hot (if that) as the V2 midsection given the same degree of heat, and it is far easier on the hands after some use; my fingertips appreciate it. What can be said about that anodization job? wow.. I feel like I should be wearing gloves to even handle it.
510 Drip Tip Mouthpiece:
I like it. I'm not sure if it is adding anything meaningful to the experience... I'm sure there is some thermodynamic magic that happens when you funnel hot air through a narrowing, but I'm not a physicist... anybody who is, feel free to chime in on this one.
The Adapter Sections No Longer Require O-Rings:
Yep. You read that correct. LESS o-rings! Halle-fuckin-lujah! It is dead-tight too, there are no air-gaps caused by this change.
Overall Early Impressions:
There is a
hell of a lot to love with Dani V3. It makes multiple, notable improvements over the already solid V2, and does it while boasting an incredible value. This is absolutely the version of Dani I feel comfortable recommending people jump on board with.