Grinders for Life
Grinder Manufacturer
Hey everyone,
Happy 420!
We just released a new product called the D-Capper. It's an accessory for the Dynavap that makes cap removal quick and easy. It's pretty simple. It consists of a magnet and a machined feature that grips onto the Dynavap's cap.
Check it out:
We kind of just designed and made this out of necessity. My brother and I, the founders of GFL, are both big Dynavap fans. We use them all the time. We needed an AVB bowl for our Dynavaps so we decided to make one.
One feature we wanted was a hot cap remover. We like to vape multiple bowls in a row and never liked waiting for the cap to cool down enough to grab it by hand. We tried embedded magnets, but those only worked some of the time and not at all for tighter caps. We wanted something more reliable.
We're also working on a D-Capper grinder. It will have an integrated debowler and will be a portable Dynavap session station. We'll post some photos soon.
Check it out and tell us what you think!
Happy 420!
We just released a new product called the D-Capper. It's an accessory for the Dynavap that makes cap removal quick and easy. It's pretty simple. It consists of a magnet and a machined feature that grips onto the Dynavap's cap.
Check it out:
We kind of just designed and made this out of necessity. My brother and I, the founders of GFL, are both big Dynavap fans. We use them all the time. We needed an AVB bowl for our Dynavaps so we decided to make one.
One feature we wanted was a hot cap remover. We like to vape multiple bowls in a row and never liked waiting for the cap to cool down enough to grab it by hand. We tried embedded magnets, but those only worked some of the time and not at all for tighter caps. We wanted something more reliable.
We're also working on a D-Capper grinder. It will have an integrated debowler and will be a portable Dynavap session station. We'll post some photos soon.
Check it out and tell us what you think!