My wait is over. Yay!
So here are some firt impressions:
On the outside, the unit looks the same... ...oh and yes, there is finally a temperature knob!

The former EVO arrived without one, so I had to put a knob from the old broken OG cloud on it. I've had only one broken cloud so i could get another one.
Next, I've given it a visual inspection:
-I've heard some rumors about the bamboo restrictions beign slightly remade - moved up higher. That is true, I think the last restriction has been moved up a lot, not like the OG, but about halfway. the lower ones seem to be in the same places as before.
-The bamboo appear to have slightly red tint to it under ceratins angles in dark, I don't know if thats a glass tint, reflected light from somewhere, color persistence, or my eyes tricking me, but I swear I can see some red in it sometimes.
-I can hear something tiny rattling inside when I shake the unit. This isn't happening with the old EVO. I hope it's not bad as I can't even look inside. It sound like some kind of large particle, if it is a screw then it's a really tiny one. And it's not the vent screen, I've tried fixing it in place and it didn't help.
I could also give some impression on the heat shield. I think it is slightly better as an insulant than my wristband mumification, and it can slide quite easily compared to wristbands. This bigger one will not slip as it's held by the power cord.
But I've put one wristband under it op the top anyway to enhance the grip.
Okay, that was all i could analyze before turning it on.
After turning it on I could see few more differenced to my old EVO:
-The old EVO flashed a quick green impulze and then went to red (if it's not on temp) when it turned on.
-The new one stays green for about half a second before it goes red (if it's not on temp).
-Right now the red/green light seems slightly brighter and better distributed on the new one. I'll see how it changes with age.
-First I thought that PWM red-green transistion is not there anymore, but after some more playing with it I could see it. It's just a lot sharper, when the temp goes over the transiotion fast enough, it's instantaneous.
-This one could be annoying: I've let the unit heat soak nicely and now everytime i turn it off I need to wait a minute or two before I can turn it on again. It would give me fast blinking green error code, which probably signals overheat protection. I've heard this new protection is very sensitive and can do this. It's just puzzling me why it only happens after a restart and not before. Well I should be thankful or otherwise the unit would be constantly shutting itself off

I think it's just programmed like that, so you can't turn the unit on when so hot. So far I think this happens on restarts above 1:30.
So this is everything i can say about it right now before the first hit. I'll update soon about how it vapes.
I want to thank vapefiend for resolving the delivery issue and also for adding a bonus pack of ELBs and Arizer caps free of charge. Thank you!
Oh yes and my old glitching EVO is still alive! It made it! A really long time for a EVO prone to overheating to survive. Now there are two weapons of mass extraction and the old one could be a backup.
For the first try I wanted the best taste possible, I took one of these new ELBs.
They look sooo new. I think no cleaning can get used ELB's color back to this brand new silver.
I loaded it with a special tasty stash and tried a hard pull on dial 3 oclock. Man it was probably the tastiest hit ever. Second hit was very weak and the chunky ABV very nicely brown.
Then I've tried a regular bowl with a regular stash and it vaped like the old one.
I tried different pull speeds to find any differences in vapor output, I think it's slighthly better. The vapor output feels even slightly more consistent on variable pulling speeds.
The old one was a little hotter when pulling slowly. I can't tell on the new one so far.
So I think it vapes even a little better than the old one, and most importantly...
...I couldn't get it to glitch and go crazy so far. I tried everything I knew so far to induce glitches and it's holding it's sanity really well. I think it's been on about 2 hours now, I wonder if auto shutoff timer kicks in, the old ones didn't have any funtional shutoff timer and could go forever insane or not., just as I was typing this I saw some red. The unit was showing both red and green together. And the heater probably went off. I quickly restarted and found the temperature sligthly below the previous spot. Was this the timer or a glitch? The old one is doing this randomly everyday. I'll run it again and see what happens next time.
One more thing, this one whistles less. Yes, every cloud whistles differently. And every whistle is only at a very thin interval of speed, but and different speeds. my OG had many weak whistles at many speeds, the old EVO whistled very loud at slow and fast speed and the new one whistles weakly only on very particular medium speed.
A picture is worth thousand words, this is how I would compare whistles of all the clouds a could try: