We will all soon have EVOs and totally bitchin HTs. Patience will be rewarded. VXH is coming through, showing strong this time around. How glorious!
Believe in the monkey. Viva la Monkey!
O, no doubt I have trust in the company. But that doesn't mean I can't admit they performed below my expectations. they've been less candid through there obligated backer updates on there official indiegogo campaign compared to almost all of the 20 crowd sourcing campaigns i've donated. I never never had to scourge through forums. Most keep you updated throughout the entire manufacturing process, taking you along through the highs and lows. By doing this not only do they reduce complaints by aligning you in their mindset and pitting you on there side against the problems with them in the process, but it increases customer loyalty significantly.
I'm still content as there is no alternative to the assumed magic of the EVO, and will still wait squeeling in excitement like a little school girl. I trust in there integrity, but i'm not going to sugar coat it, they disappointed me in their public relations. Also capitol raised through crowdsourcing projects are contractual obligations to use directly in perk fulfilment. I understand a company's desire to spread capitol into marketing (sending evos to reviewers that got lost in the mail) and other long term sustainable company practises, but that is not the point of a crowd sourcing. It is used directly in perk fulfilment which funds manufacturing process so they can bulid profit once it is fulfilled. It is the negative that counteracts the positive of a huge amount of funding without the needs to take out high interest bank loans, going public and issuing shares, or losing company control to investors.
Im going to grin and rep this when I get it, but i'm not going to be blind about my disappointment. And the large aspect of this is the public relations, not that actual application of capitol. The uncertainy from the lack of public relations leads to the other uncertainties. They are symptoms of that, so yes I find it dissapoining.
EDIT: this was hastily written while i'm pounding out a case review and two term papers so i'm just saying i'm not proofing it, forgive all the errors it contains. Also i'm not including a tl;dr, because without full context I'd sound like more of a dick then I do