Recovering Idealist
Thanks for the info! Sorry that yours didn't make it. Hopefully they'll be able to get it back to you soon. That experience with delivery must have been painful.yours made it further than mine did. I never saw international anything. after looking more closely it was delivered to some place in .PA (back to sender) I think you can be confident in yours getting there!it was super confusing to see the email with my address as the delivery address and yet it also says delivered, but that was back to sender. (in small text to the right)
however @VapeNStone, thats the same situation I was in. no updates since sat, and then today. "delivered!". sit tight. yours may come through yet as if it was returned you would probably see the same thing I see on my tracking by now.
@VapeNStone mine also had no updates from Saturday until today. It said it was "in transit" in the US on Saturday morning then it gave the next update today after 5pm.