Ahh that's what i figured. Oh well~
I wonder what will happen for the people who decided to leave behind the graphite ones and get the normal ones early? Did they just not get those shells made or do they still exist?
A small percentage of Fanatics opted for the standard black enclosure. Offhand it appears most of them have already been posting in the EVO thread. Most of the Fanatics elected to wait for the LE, which unfortunately was delayed for another week due to a supplier error. The LE's should begin shipping next week.
There have been a lot of questions about how VXL is prioritizing shipments (AFAIK there was no guarantee stated about this).
In general, the order is the same as on indiegogo, i.e., Fanatics, Early Birds, Fan Boys, Trade-In's. However, as illustrated by the Fanatics situation (above), most Fanatics will receive their LE's after many in the other categories have received their units. Early Birds were next, but not all were fulfilled quite yet, in part due to a shortage of Swagger's. To keep production at the max, some Fan Boy slots were moved up, as some Early Bird slots had been. There have also been some Trade-In's shipped, with those whose Clouds were broken having priority. When taken altogether, shipments have not been any later and actually many have been sooner, than they would have been were it not for the Fanatic LE hold-up. Deliveries were
estimated to begin in October; the first shipments went out Oct 31.
Do not use contributor numbers on indiegogo as a reference for anything. Those numbers are not at all accurate.
Since shipping began VXL has been fine-tuning its production line. Word is that the line is working smoothly. As posted earlier, 80 units went out this past week.
Over and out.