Vaping is a way of life!
I actually live in the same city as TRVB, so I picked it up about a week/ week and a half.Since I've been out of the loop for a while when did you get your unit OG I just got a email from TRVb but don't see a date but it must be in the last week, I'm looking forward to try this high temp vape
Mèdical mark
I think he had mentioned last week that he already had sent it out to you, so you should be getting it shortly if you haven't yet.
I love the high temp vaping and the flower comes out uniform, if you leave the abv in there after your done for a good wile it can get darker but not much more extraction from it, the baker seems to do well with extraction and even cooking.
Huston, we got lift offfffffffffff!!!!!!!We got our units between Saturday and Monday, will be good to have you aboard!
Made the screen and had a great session. I think we have liftoff! I didn't go light on the load, so I am supposed to be feeling good, and I am. I took a screen from my LSV supply and domed it so that it fits very tightly in the bullet. It takes tweezers to remove it at the moment. I will adjust it later. I decided to leave nothing to chance, so I heated it up to 450 first, then backed it down to 390. Once it got down to 390 I dropped the bullet in and waited at least 30 seconds. I then used it inverted on the DH40 Chinese bubbler and got respectable clouds at that temp. I will try it again later tonight on a higher setting to see if I get even thicker clouds like I should. I took four to five draws 30 seconds long each, while giving it at least 30 seconds between hits. It may very well be able to withstand more (harder draws and lesser recovery periods) and I will keep getting harder and harder on it, but I wanted this to be an easy test out of the gate.
I think the instructions say to put the bullet in when you turn it on, but I don't remember. That's not how I would instinctively do it, but that may be the best thing to do given we are giving it a heat-soak anyhow. If the bullet is in the chamber from the beginning then the whole load will be at temp at the same time. The way we are doing it now, we drop a cold bullet in the chamber and it needs time to recover. One of these methods will smell more than the other.
@TherealVaporblunt -- I think a spacer included would work wonders. We just went through the Indica testing and they made a spacer for their unit that fits perfectly. Yours might be nothing more than a screen since it needs to account for airflow, but it would be a perfect screen that would maximize results.
Well this has been encouraging! I am going to go back to using it with a HT and even start some micro loads to see how it does. I thought it handled the smaller loads I ran through it the first time I used it very well.
Oh yeah, sweet!!!!!!

Good news so far, Iam excited to hear more from you!!!!
Thanks Sticks!!!!!!

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