Sorry guys for lagging!
My family showed up unexpectedly yesterday as I was pulling up home. No fun, oh well.
I had a few chance's to briefly test the baker out today, I havent perfected my technique yet, but so far my first impressions are really good. I love the look simple but nice & all the info you need is in the diital display, I commend TRVB Team for implementing the 5 degree knob setting. I tried a few .2 sized bowls on lower temps (360-375) and had really geat flavor that actually lasted for a while and decent sized clouds, a bit whispy but real nice blue vapor clouds.
I then proceeded to try it bumped up to 385 and the unit once hot gets to temp really fast, very impressive. The heat up time for oils is much longer ( A min or 2) but well worth it.
I havent tried the oils as much yet due to the top not staying on, but that will be addressed I believe TRVB stated , in a newer design top.
This little guy is small and compact but packs a heavy punch, even more than the pinnacle pro, which I love because the conduction and convection aspect seem to hit my body a lot harder. With The lower temps I had this great sativa buzz from some sour diesel and super silver haze mixed together. Great effects , mild on the vapor density but 3 minutes later I was flying.
Later after coming down a bit I tried a bowl at 390-400 and started feeling really heavy sedative type body high from the same sativa mixture.

Even with smaller clouds and lower temps I get really "BAKED" more so than other vapes I have tried or own, just like the pinnacle pro but on steroids. My 3rd attempt was higher temp vaping (my personal favorite), I started on 420 and eventually ended at 430 and was milking my tube very nice and blowing out large vapor clouds. The taste starts off really good then drops off quickly on the higher temps as expected.
Did I mention that I have almost put my self to sleep Twice now from feeling overmedicated from the power of the baker. Still need more testing but thats my initial take on it so far.
I hope to have more for you all soon, pics,and vids as well.
I like the screw on top , very sturdy and feels solid. My unit is pretty airy, more than most of my vapes , I kinda like it , but most of the time its a slow to medium draw to get good results.
I tried the whip and herbs with good results, then the whip to gong to my Water piece, pinnacle Water tool, & the unit upside down and directly inserted into my gridded up perc water peice.