well-worn member
The gop has actually had control of both houses of congress for over a year nowOne of the many reasons holding the Senate is so important.

The gop has actually had control of both houses of congress for over a year nowOne of the many reasons holding the Senate is so important.
What is most common between Bernie and Donald is that they are both selling the public a bogus bill of goods. Neither can accomplish what they promise they intend to do, but it doesn't matter to their followers because they are so angry with the staus quo that they will support anyone who promises to destroy it. The fact that they cant do what they promise (many of their followers must realize this) is less important than expressing their anger.
Bernie isn't selling a bogus bill of goods. Bernie is right about campaign finance, influence of 1%, inequality issues, etc. He's right about most of that stuff. He's great right up to the part where we talk about how he is going to change that. He says 'a political revolution'. But based on our experience with Obama, that doesn't seem likely at all. Bernie has the vision thing down but unfortunately it's not gonna fly. If you want someone who might be effective in implementing some change, even if not vast revolutionary change, Clinton is a better bet, IMO.What is most common between Bernie and Donald is that they are both selling the public a bogus bill of goods. Neither can accomplish what they promise they intend to do, but it doesn't matter to their followers because they are so angry with the staus quo that they will support anyone who promises to destroy it. The fact that they cant do what they promise (many of their followers must realize this) is less important than expressing their anger.
Sadly, what they don't realize is that selecting EITHER of them to occupy the White House would do incredible damage, not just to America, but to how we are viewed around the world and any influence we may have in moving humanity forward. And should we lose that influence, who gets it as a result may lead to the next world war...
This is pretty scary stuff...
Thank goodness Obama will be able to appoint someone else.
Bernie is making promises he can't keep. That is a bogus bill of goods. I'm not saying what he wants is bogus. What he wants is what we ALL (progressives) want. But he has absolutely no way to deliver it, and implying that he can is deceptive. And if people vote for him based on that deception, we will end up with a republican in the White House. And that serves none of us...Bernie isn't selling a bogus bill of goods.
Obama needs pull out his brass knuckles on this one --- if he has a set. Possibly THE single most important appointment of Obama's entire presidency would be to replace Scalia.
Bernie is making promises he can't keep. That is a bogus bill of goods. I'm not saying what he wants is bogus. What he wants is what we ALL (progressives) want. But he has absolutely no way to deliver it, and implying that he can is deceptive. And if people vote for him based on that deception, we will end up with a republican in the White House. And that serves none of us...
Well I kind of agree with you up to a point that we should aim high and all that. I fear that Bernie is ill-equipped to handle the actual - ie not very revolutionary - role he would inevitably play were he elected. He is great thumping podiums and making speeches, but how effective would he be as head of the executive branch under the constrained circs we know he is going to face? That is the job these two guys are applying for. When I look at it dispassionately and think about who might get results...@Gunky you may be correct that Clinton would be most likely to be able to implement incremental change quicker than achieving the revolutionary change that Bernie speaks of, but is that good enough for you? I mean right now with the conservative congress, it would be hard for any democratic president to accomplish much. My whole point is BIG change takes time! Society in general is becoming more liberal especially in regard to social issues. The milliniels are leaning further left than ever.. That said, don't you see the possibility of Democrats controlling the Senate and even the house in the not so distant future? And if that happens, yes I think It's possible for a true progressive President to push for radical change and social and economic justice!
Bernie is promising you a revolution. It's not gonna happen and after 30+ years in government he knows it isn't going to happen. So, if he is promising you something he knows you aren't gonna get, isn't that deception?How is Bernie deceiving anyone?
I think it is not as bad as all that. He is advocating a direction and goals which are not very achievable at present. He is pretty vague in terms of what he actually expects to accomplish in his first term, for example. Strictly speaking he isn't promising much of anything. I agree it sounds great but recent experience suggests not much is achieveable in the way of big, radical change at this point.Bernie is making promises he can't keep. That is a bogus bill of goods. I'm not saying what he wants is bogus. What he wants is what we ALL (progressives) want. But he has absolutely no way to deliver it, and implying that he can is deceptive. And if people vote for him based on that deception, we will end up with a republican in the White House. And that serves none of us...
Bernie is promising you a revolution. It's not gonna happen and after 30+ years in government he knows it isn't going to happen. So, if he is promising you something he knows you aren't gonna get, isn't that deception?
a revolution in politics takes years....
Tonights debate should be interesting, eh? Could get kinda nasty.
Americans can achieve anything, even a political revolution,
if enough of US are inspired enough to get behind their new president![]()
In my opinion, in the US..........decades.
I don't think anyone is suggesting that. And I, personally, will tilt at windmills all day long as long as doing so doesn't expose my balls to someone I know wants to crush them with a rock. I know better, my balls already hurt.Perhaps, but does that mean you not try? Does that mean you don't vote with your core values? Does that mean you just give up, stay at home and say fuck it on Election Day?
I don't think anyone is suggesting that. And I, personally, will tilt at windmills all day long as long as doing so doesn't expose my balls to someone I know wants to crush them with a rock. I know better, my balls already hurt.
I would probably vote for Sanders. If Bloomberg decided to enter the race I would have to think about it. There would be no way I would vote for any of the republicans.
If it looked like Bernie had been beaten to his knees, which is what I would expect to happen, I would likely vote for Bloomberg.
I am definitely not on the far left, but I consider myself a liberal progressive. This is far from my first rodeo. This will the the 12th Presidential election I have voted in.That makes sense then because you're obviously more of a moderate if you'd even consider Bloomberg.