The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread


Putin is a War Criminal
Is Trump Still Shocking?
by Martin Longman
October 19, 2016 2:56 PM

Here’s how I’m feeling about Donald Trump at this point in the campaign:

Martin Longman @BooMan23

I’ve kind of tuned Trump out at this point. I wonder if I am alone.

9:25 PM - 18 Oct 2016

I just don’t care what he’s saying and doing anymore and I get the feeling that a lot of other people have reached the same point. He’s lost the ability to shock me and, as a result, he can no longer even offend me.

My friend Al Giordano has some observations (subscription newsletter) on the same topic, but from a broader angle.

This election won’t just determine domestic and foreign policies. It will also set the course for cultural norms in the United States for years to come. The social consequences could be worse than those directly related to governance. “Make America Great Again” truly is code for “Get Home By Sundown.”

This will be the last presidential election in which white Americans hold a majority (a slim one at 51 percent of the population). By 2020 that will slip under fifty percent: thus the collective freak-out that resulted in the nomination of Donald Trump for the GOP nomination, and Trump’s success at selling to part of the GOP base a level of authoritarian discourse unseen from a major party candidate in any living person’s lifetime.

When we see or hear fifty-year-old guys in the media threatening coups d’etat or assassination attempts against a Hillary presidency, keep in mind that these dudes couldn’t win an arm-wrestling contest. Theirs are expressions of profound impotence: a lament that their whiteness and maleness does not today infuse them with the automatic privilege and power they were promised as boys.

Such expressions – whether from some asshole on social media or a bitter relative at the family Thanksgiving table – are meant to inflame. They respond to social cues that the rest of us provide them. Guys like that figure out what words are likely to offend or traumatize others and they shout them precisely to upset. In their lives of loud desperation, the moment when they cause stress to others may be the only time anyone pays them any attention at all. It provides a fleeting illusion of the power that they thought was their birthright. Alone at twilight, many with a couple of divorces later, with kids that generally hate them, causing trauma is the only move left in their playbook to say: “I am,” and to be noticed at all.

Donald Trump lives out their aging white male fantasy on a national and international stage. He’s a hero to these bros. It doesn’t matter to his base whether, as president, he would make their lives better or worse. We’re dealing with a passive nihilist impulse here. Trump upsets everybody else – women, people of color, religious minorities, youth – therefore he thrills his supporters.

With every outrageous comment he is saying for the group: “We are. We exist.”​

But the act has grown old.

What is really happening is that chunks of the Trump base have become demoralized. The “enthusiasm deficit” that pundits assigned to Clinton’s vote has inverted and now the specter of voter apathy haunts Republicans more than Democrats.

Two related factors especially demoralize the Trump voters (and make it less likely some of them will vote at all): The sense that his outrageous statements-du-jour no longer shock and offend “the other people” that this sector of white folks enjoy bothering. And the regular reminders that Democrats are simply better organized when it comes to grassroots voter contact (phone calls, door knocks, GOTV) and, above all, early voting. Media images of the long lines – particularly of African-Americans – flocking to early vote polling places are devastating to the morale of the potential Trump voter.​

On the subject of African-Americans voting early, Michael McDonald noted two days ago that the numbers out of Georgia are strong:

Michael McDonald @ElectProject

In Georgia today 91,951 people voted. 31% were African-American, pushing the overall African-American early vote percentage from 19% to 27%

9:34 PM - 17 Oct 2016

That 31% matches the black population of the state as a whole. Four years ago, Georgia was one of many states where black turnout (by percentage) actually exceeded white turnout. We could be seeing a repeat even though Barack Obama is not on the ballot.

And, yes, there are lines. On the first two days of in-person early voting, the wait times were reportedly as long as five hours in some locations.

I think there is an element of Trump’s appeal that is collapsing due to the widening consensus and perception that he’s a certain loser. It just doesn’t seem like much of an F.U. to show up to the polls to vote for a guy who’s going to get smooshed.

But maybe it’s just that his opponents’ are now so confident that they’re beginning to shrug off the outrages and insults.


Well-Known Member
Four states has just moved from leaning GOP to battleground.

The fat lady has already sung and is now in her dressing room changing into her street clothes.
Rule #1:

“Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.”


well-worn member
Gary Johnson Deserves a Look Beyond a 10-Second Soundbite

I am so tired of saying I support Gary Johnson and hearing that he didn't know where Aleppo was, or that he can't name a single foreign leader. His foreign policy address, a speech he gave at the University of Chicago, proves he is actually really smart and sophisticated and should be considered a serious candidate. Please look past the 10-second soundbites and watch this video.

"As president, I would not need to be talked out of dropping bombs and sending young men and women into harm's way, rather I would be the president who would have to be convinced it is absolutely necessary to protect the American people or clear U.S. interests. I will be the skeptic in the room."

~ Gary Johnson​

Can he earn your vote? [Click on the title, or the video link to watch]



Well-Known Member
^The most telling thing about the whole Aleppo gaffe is how the media manipulates the narrative by focusing on certain things more than others. In the case of Gary Johnson, the media hardly covered him until the Aleppo comment.

To make it even worse, the New York Times didn't know what Aleppo was either. In an article slamming Johnson for his comment, the NYT called Aleppo the "Capital of Syria" (which is really Damascus). Then they corrected it to "The ISIS capital" (which is really Raqqa) then they corrected it to "an ISIS stronghold" (which it is not).

The best part is none of those corrections are true. Even the most die hard Syrian Government supporters who support the siege of Aleppo will tell you that ISIS is not present in Aleppo.

But the media is not held accountable for anything.


Well-Known Member
......~ Gary Johnson......

At the video start he mentions what is of supreme importance to him, not being a hypocrite .
The is extremely important to me too.
In this race, we have a total slime-ball running vs the world's biggest hypocrite IMO. Those choices are both extremely distasteful.

He offers a choice or a method to send a message to the dems and repubs, that neither of them represent the American people.

I still don't know who I'll vote for ???


Well-Known Member
I still can't figure out why peoples here in the US still insist on calling them ISIS.

Why not just IS, ISIL, or Daesh like everyone else does.
ISIS tends to be more related to where they are physically and ISIL tends to be more about the broader philosophy.
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well-worn member
:disgust: Killary can be generously considered to be pragmatic; drumpf otoh is dangerously pathological.

Federal judge orders Trump's counsel to court to review alleged violent rape of 13-year-old girl
Oct 19, 2016 · 8:24 AM PDT


A lawsuit was filed last June by a “Jane Doe” alleging that at the age of 13 she was repeatedly raped and her life was threatened by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The crimes reportedly took place in 1994 during penthouse parties thrown by Florida financier and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein (who was convicted and jailed for underage sex crimes in 2008). On October 12, 2016, a federal judge issued a court order for counsel representing Trump and Epstein to appear in court along with the alleged victim’s attorney . The Guardian reports:

A federal judge in New York has ordered counsel for Donald Trump and the disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein to appear in court along with the attorney for a woman referred to only as “Jane Doe” who alleges the Republican presidential nominee raped her when she was 13.

Judge Ronnie Abrams has slated an initial status conference in the civil lawsuit for 16 December in a New York district court.

Below are four screenshots from Judge Abrams court order via Scribd.





Trump, of course, denies all allegations calling the lawsuit a conspiracy that’s meant to smear his name and derail his chances of becoming the next president of the United States. Trump has also been accused of multiple sexual assaults in recent weeks and has been heard on audio bragging about grabbing/assaulting women—an audio first released by The Washington Post.

The lawsuit by Jane Doe is on public record and is extremely disturbing to read and may cause strong emotional triggers for rape/sexual assault victims. A former employee of Jeffrey Epstein known as “Tiffany Doe,” who was paid to bring young girls to Epstein’s parties, has also come forth claiming and describing violent, illegal and illicit acts against and upon Jane Doe, by Trump and Epstein.

It can’t be stressed enough that these are accusations have not yet been proven, regardless of the numerous debunked lies Donald Trump has told in front of the world during this campaign cycle. The crux of this story is to inform the public that the New York Federal Judge, Ronnie Abrams, has deemed the allegations by Jane Doe and Tiffany Doe serious enough to call to order an initial conference with the plaintiff’s attorney and counsel for Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein.

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Well-Known Member
:disgust: Killary can be generously considered to be pragmatic; drumpf otoh is dangerously pathological.

Federal judge orders Trump's counsel to court to review alleged violent rape of 13-year-old girl
Oct 19, 2016 · 8:24 AM PDT


A lawsuit was filed last June by a “Jane Doe” alleging that at the age of 13 she was repeatedly raped and her life was threatened by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The crimes reportedly took place in 1994 during penthouse parties thrown by Florida financier and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein (who was convicted and jailed for underage sex crimes in 2008). On October 12, 2016, a federal judge issued a court order for counsel representing Trump and Epstein to appear in court along with the alleged victim’s attorney . The Guardian reports:

A federal judge in New York has ordered counsel for Donald Trump and the disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein to appear in court along with the attorney for a woman referred to only as “Jane Doe” who alleges the Republican presidential nominee raped her when she was 13.

Judge Ronnie Abrams has slated an initial status conference in the civil lawsuit for 16 December in a New York district court.

Below are four screenshots from Judge Abrams court order via Scribd.





Trump, of course, denies all allegations calling the lawsuit a conspiracy that’s meant to smear his name and derail his chances of becoming the next president of the United States. Trump has also been accused of multiple sexual assaults in recent weeks and has been heard on audio bragging about grabbing/assaulting women—an audio first released by The Washington Post.

The lawsuit by Jane Doe is on public record and is extremely disturbing to read and may cause strong emotional triggers for rape/sexual assault victims. A former employee of Jeffrey Epstein known as “Tiffany Doe,” who was paid to bring young girls to Epstein’s parties, has also come forth claiming and describing violent, illegal and illicit acts against and upon Jane Doe, by Trump and Epstein.

It can’t be stressed enough that these are accusations have not yet been proven, regardless of the numerous debunked lies Donald Trump has told in front of the world during this campaign cycle. The crux of this story is to inform the public that the New York Federal Judge, Ronnie Abrams, has deemed the allegations by Jane Doe and Tiffany Doe serious enough to call to order an initial conference with the plaintiff’s attorney and counsel for Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein.


Ok, as Americans we all need to come to an agreement on a particular issue. The issue is this:

At what point do a person's actions disqualify them from holding one of the most powerful positions in the world?

How many times can a person commit sexual assault and still be allowed to be elected President of the United States?

Where there's smoke, there's fire. With this many reports there's not a doubt in my mind that Donald is up to at least 1 sexual assault. Like a victim said "We can't all be lying"


Space is the Place
ISIS tends to be more related to where they are physically and ISIL tends to be more about the broader philosophy.

Well... right now we are taking part of an action against them in Iraq and not Syria so I don't understand what your trying to say at all.

Is the Levant not the Physical location? I myself know of no philosophy called the Levant although I do know where to find and can point out The Levant on a map.


Well-Known Member
Well... right now we are taking part of an action against them in Iraq and not Syria so I don't understand what your trying to say at all.

Is the Levant not the Physical location? I myself know of no philosophy called the Levant although I do know where to find and can point out The Levant on a map.
Does "The Levant" you find on the map include Israel?
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well-worn member
This got me thinking that maybe he doesn't want to win?
The Donald Trump TV Network Could Be Just Three Months Away
You must have missed my earlier post (;)along with everyone else, I blame the headline):
Forget The White House, This Is What Trump Really Wants

Donald Trump may be trying to lose the election – claiming instead a bigger prize.

Current polling looks bleak for Republican nominee Donald Trump. “In a four-way match-up, Clinton enjoys 46 percent support this week among likely voters, while Trump drops a single percentage point to 40 percent support,” according to the latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll. “In a two-way race, Clinton leads by 8 points with majority support of 51 percent to Trump’s 43 percent among likely voters,” and, as NBC News adds: “Her margin over the GOP nominee has grown steadily since her successful first debate performance.”

Polling data aggregator Real Clear Politics reports similar results with Clinton enjoying a national polling lead of 6.9 percent and Nate Silver, the statistician and polling expert with a long history of accurate predictions, reported on Monday that “Clinton’s big lead means a steadier forecast” moving forward.

“Trump himself is to blame most of all for his faltering bid,” global media brand Good reports. “It’s hard to compensate for such a litany of grotesque remarks and actions—but Trump hasn’t even embraced campaign basics like disciplined messaging or a proper ground game.”

Now, more details have emerged that could explain these baffling moves. Rather than just an unhinged boor handling defeat badly, Trump might be positioning himself for a different kind of victory. For a guy who was tired enough of his real estate business to mount a run for president, there’s a more suitable prize out there than 1600 Pennsylvania Ave—a media company catering to the massive minority of angry Americans who find delight in Trump’s elite lifestyle and populist rhetoric.

Vanity Fair was the first to report the possibility that Trump’s endgame was the creation of a “mini-media conglomerate,” in an article published this June.

Reporting that Trump has “masterfully—and horrifyingly—demonstrated an aptitude for manipulating the news cycle, gaining billions of dollars worth of free airtime, and dominating coverage on every screen,”Vanity Fair concluded that “Trump is indeed considering creating his own media business, built on the audience that has supported him thus far in his bid to become the next president of the United States.”

According to several people briefed on the discussions, the presumptive Republican nominee is examining the opportunity presented by the “audience” currently supporting him. He has also discussed the possibility of launching a “mini-media conglomerate” outside of his existing TV-production business, Trump Productions LLC. He has, according to one of these people, enlisted the consultation of his daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who owns the The New York Observer.


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Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Trump said he would not respect the American people's decision if it wasn't him that was elected president. He disqualified himself to be commander in chief.

His explanation of the situation in Iraq and Syria was pathetic. It was jibberish. He didn't know what he was talking about.

He's not only a flawed candidate he is a flawed individual.

Chris Wallace did a marvelous job as moderator. He did his best to keep the two on track.

He's losing big time. :2c:

Talking about a crooked system - I don't think the democrats are going to need to cheat on Election Day.
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Well-Known Member
He's going to keep us in suspense as far as accepting the election results?

We just witnessed someone committing suicide on national television.

I said previously that the fat lady has sung and that she's in her dressing room changing into her street clothes. Well, she not only left the building but has climbed into bed, turned off the lights and is now drifting in z-land.

And yeah, I agree with CK. Wallace was the best moderator out of all of them. Kudo's to you Chris. Job well done. :tup:


Well-Known Member
You're a puppet! You're a puppet! You're a bigger puppet! You're the biggest puppet EVER!!! :puke:

I couldn't look at the tv. I mostly stared at the floor or the cat. trump denigrating America was childish and over done. "We're losing." "We're losers." "We don't do anything." Anyone else notice how trump stayed behind the lectern after the debate. I thought that was also childish.
It seemed HRC was channeling Biden. She said too much at times. I was saying out loud, "STOP Talking!".
It was hard to watch and listen to for the most part. I'm very happy it was the final debate.

I agree with @lwien and @CarolKing Chris Wallace did a great job as moderator.

Chris Wallace did a marvelous job as moderator. He did his best to keep the two on track.

And yeah, I agree with CK. Wallace was the best moderator out of all of them. Kudo's to you Chris. Job well done. :tup:
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