Come on now, I do not believe there is no viable option and I never claimed such a thing so please refrain from putting untrue words in my mouth. The choice a person makes to choose a nominee for president can be very simple and uncomplicated. Just because the system has a large degree of corruption does not mean that my best strategic choice would be to support neither candidate when I have the option to choose a nominee that has the ability to speak, form complete sentences, and communicate comprehensively where the other cannot. If there is even a remote chance that the nominee that cannot communicate in a comprehensive manner could possibly win it would be a more logical choice to support the other nominee rather than neither.
The problem with you and your philosophy is that you cling to it at the exclusion of other and better possibilities. You hold too tightly to your own perspectives which actually limit your flexibility to make the best choices for yourself. You are simply far to rigid which make you incorrect and limited.
Yup!Nah you've lost the plot, what are you talking about? Whose said you don't believe there is no viable option? Listen if you've got some self hate issue going on that you're seeking to justify, then just forget about involving me in it, cos being all up in negativity ain't me by any stretch of the imagination.
Just so that we're clear, If you wanna vote Clinton, then do that, I ain't looking for your justification for doing so - if that's what you think this is about! Listen, don't hate on me simply because I have the freewill to choose not immerse myself in plain old fuckery, i,e, politics! So that we're clear here, I ain't hating on anyone who is of the genuine conviction that their participation in the voting 'fraudulent' exercise is going to do them some good, good intentions and all that! Ya certainly don't need to be getting into insults and hatred to make a point, that's kinda the old way, that's on the way out!
I suppose the problem here is like Neo puts it, 'is about choice', and the fact that in this kinda bullshit,
I choose not to exercise my choice and give away my sovereignty to the likes of the cabal whether it be Clinton, Trump, or Tresemme, (Theresa May) Jeremy Corbyn, Angela Merkel or Justin Trudeau, cos at the end of the day, I ain't in the habit of willingly becoming a slave. A case in point here, is to look at the mad man whose currently running things in the Philippines! That mad fuck is promoting the wholesale summary execution of drug addicts (vigilante style, without trial) on a scale similar to how Canadians slaughter baby seals! Now that might be an extreme example, but that is the stark warning of what can happen when you make a cabal dictate to you how you should live.
Yeah, so maybe I'm rigid and I'm clinging to my thing, but why does make me incorrect? What better possibilities is on offer -as according to you? How can you deem to know what choices are good for me? By the way, I'm just a passer-by, observing whilst on my way!
Not sayingJust saying
Without saying
Pure Peace![]()
Nah you've lost the plot, what are you talking about? Whose said you don't believe there is no viable option? Listen if you've got some self hate issue going on that you're seeking to justify, then just forget about involving me in it, cos being all up in negativity ain't me by any stretch of the imagination.
Just so that we're clear, If you wanna vote Clinton, then do that, I ain't looking for your justification for doing so - if that's what you think this is about! Listen, don't hate on me simply because I have the freewill to choose not immerse myself in plain old fuckery, i,e, politics! So that we're clear here, I ain't hating on anyone who is of the genuine conviction that their participation in the voting 'fraudulent' exercise is going to do them some good, good intentions and all that! Ya certainly don't need to be getting into insults and hatred to make a point, that's kinda the old way, that's on the way out!
I suppose the problem here is like Neo puts it, 'is about choice', and the fact that in this kinda bullshit,
I choose not to exercise my choice and give away my sovereignty to the likes of the cabal whether it be Clinton, Trump, or Tresemme, (Theresa May) Jeremy Corbyn, Angela Merkel or Justin Trudeau, cos at the end of the day, I ain't in the habit of willingly becoming a slave. A case in point here, is to look at the mad man whose currently running things in the Philippines! That mad fuck is promoting the wholesale summary execution of drug addicts (vigilante style, without trial) on a scale similar to how Canadians slaughter baby seals! Now that might be an extreme example, but that is the stark warning of what can happen when you make a cabal dictate to you how you should live.
Yeah, so maybe I'm rigid and I'm clinging to my thing, but why does make me incorrect? What better possibilities is on offer -as according to you? How can you deem to know what choices are good for me? By the way, I'm just a passer-by, observing whilst on my way!
Not sayingJust saying
Without saying
Pure Peace![]()
...nor is there any such thing as a pure democracy.Again, there is no such thing as pure peace.
Seriously, I do not hate you but this is a forum and I am going to reply to you, like it or not.
This is really a simple math problem like 2+2=4. With a little bit of thought and effort I believe you will gain a better understanding.
My personal opinion is both candidates are terrible, however, one is much, much worse.
You overstate and exaggerate the dysfunction of the U.S. government. The fact is the government, though systemically corrupted, still functions in many ways. People must still pay taxes, the military functions, I get my mail regularly, social security still works and I could go on and on. I am not saying the U.S. is not in desperate need of change, that is obvious. I am saying we have a government and no matter how undesirable the two nominees may be it is a fact that one of them will become President of the United States whether I choose to vote or not. Now if you are saying both candidates are equally horrible then there may be a reason not to participate in the election but the truth is that is a false equivalence and they are not equally horrible. The race is fairly tight between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump so by not voting I may actually be foolishly supporting a candidate without my best interests and that is clearly Trump. I base my decisions on which nominee to vote for from watching, listening to, and studying the nominees personal behaviors and their positions on the issues. There is no doubt in my mind that casting a vote in support of Hillary Clinton is vastly superior to casting a vote for the very unqualified Donald Trump or ignorantly not casting a vote at all.
Again, there is no such thing as pure peace.
The reason I want to debate with you is because I feel you're thinking is seriously flawed. I also feel that you overstate your case as in far too much explanation. It would be nice if you could make your case in a more concise manner.
There is one hundred percent zero chance I would ever see things your way, but that's okay isn't it?
Guys, guys guys, I appreciate your passion, but this is a thread about the Presidential Candidates in the 2016 election, not politics politics politics.
Please, guys.
Come on now, I do not believe there is no viable option and I never claimed such a thing so please refrain from putting untrue words in my mouth. The choice a person makes to choose a nominee for president can be very simple and uncomplicated. Just because the system has a large degree of corruption does not mean that my best strategic choice would be to support neither candidate when I have the option to choose a nominee that has the ability to speak, form complete sentences, and communicate comprehensively where the other cannot. If there is even a remote chance that the nominee that cannot communicate in a comprehensive manner could possibly win it would be a more logical choice to support the other nominee rather than neither.
The problem with you and your philosophy is that you cling to it at the exclusion of other and better possibilities. You hold too tightly to your own perspectives which actually limit your flexibility to make the best choices for yourself. You are simply far to rigid which make you incorrect and limited.
O'Keefe has dropped his first video.
Seems to be standard US election dirty deeds, the videos purportedly will show worse information with each new video released.
Part one, for those that are interested.
This is not about political siding?...but your points are NOT clear...even with all those excessive words. More words does not make your point correct and never will. Another way of saying it is your ideas lack basic logic.
...but your points are NOT clear...even with all those excessive words. More words does not make your point correct and never will. Another way of saying it is your ideas lack basic logic.
AMEN! I get ya loud n clear... not a word wasted on me! Definitely NOT a rant, but a well-posited conviction I share.In answering your post, I will begin with your final sentiment "Again, there is no such thing as pure peace." Yet again I will reiterate what I said earlier, "with that mentality how can one even begin to seek for peace? But yet it has been stated' "peace becomes but the fleeting illusion, to be pursued but never attained, cos everywhere is war!" But never mind that, Right now I'm kinda half interested in your thinking, you say 'the system is corrupt, but yet still you comply? WTF!!
You then even have the sheer audacity to state that you could go on, go on! Go on about what?
Cos after reading what you're bigging up, it don't really sound like it's all that, to me! Certainly not enough to give away my sovereignty/consent away! Never will it be recorded that I condoned the system in any way, shape or form!
But to be fair I sort of understand the thinking behind your comment! However, yet here we are! So after reading your endorsement of that, which no right-minded person should endorse, lets deal with a very convenient fact that surprised me and may either have passed you by or if you're aware of it, then your omission is ominously LOUD! The fact is, the United States has been at war for 222 years out of the last 239 years. That’s 93% of the time! Since the Declaration of Independence was written in 1776, the U.S. has actually been at peace (albeit planning for further wars) for a total of only 21 years. Not one U.S. president actually qualifies as a solely peacetime president, and the only time the United States lasted five years without going to war was between 1935 and 1940 — during the period of the Great Depression.
Let that sink in for a minute…
So whilst you're basing your vote on what you believe, just balance that with the following fact,
Today, the U.S. economy is now so dependent on war, there is no incentive for the U.S. government to strive for peace — it simply isn’t profitable. The U.S. defense industry employs a staggering 3.5 million Americans, while the private companies supporting the military generate in excess of $300 billion in revenue per year.
So let indulge the hypothetical for a moment;
Even if I was gullible enough as to want to participate in the election, I'd really have to bear in mind that neither candidate is gonna be telling me the hard facts (the truth) that I need to know! Cos whosoever is in charge ain't gonna be representing me, especially once they're in position, and even though I was foolish enough to readily give over my consent!
That's enough to make a conscious person not vote at all!
Just so that we're clear, I don't vote period cos I am not a slave, period
In answer to question from @OldNewbie,
Do I consider myself a Sovereign Citizen?
No! However I try to be, I do not comply when I don't have to, to be honest, I just get on with what works for me, and given I'm not in the business of causing anyone any harm or loss, I find that it works great for me, I have all that I need! and most of what I want, you can't ask for more than that! Well you can if want, but I ain't greedy, I know contentment when I find it.
PS; If we all tried to emulate the sentiment expressed by John Lennon, Imagine! And this world could be as one!
Not saying (War) Just saying (One Love) Without saying (Politics)
Pure Peace![]()
Yeah, this has been fairly easy for me because I have supported Hillary from the beginning. It has always been obvious to me that she had the most and the best experience, and that we are in a time (in the world) when there are critical things that must be managed (climate, nukes, alternative energy, refugee issues, rise of Putin) and mishandling them could/will have catastrophic results. Domestically the same is true, income inequality must be addressed, and we must stop this tendency for all the profits to go to the 1% rather than helping the nation at large. And we have to reverse this effort to go back in time to the bad old days of Jim Crow and women in their place.This thread started May 2015, a lot has gone down in that period of time. We have talked many subjects at length and gone through a lot together. Some folks might want to check how attitudes have changed for a lot of us except for @cybrguy and @Gunky. Many of us were against Hillary Clinton and voiced our opinions loud and clear.
(stuff about US elections, deleted)
@Trypsy Summers, hey I'm not finished with you yet my friend.
I have said everything you are ranting about earlier in this thread nearly verbatim. Go back and read it if you are curious. My perspective was not to participate at all because either choice is not looking out for my interests or had no way of addressing the nation's problems. I did like what Bernie had to say and even sent in a donation, however, Hillary eviscerated him in the primary, fair or not. I have never supported or approved of Hillary and I still don't. With the beginning of the general election and because my perspective of not being willing to participate in a pointless situation. I get it and I have those feelings. In fact I think most all Americans have experienced that sort of apathy.
When the general election kicked off I looked at the fact that whoever will be president is going to be someone I do not support at all. As time past is became clear to me Mr. Trump, one of the two that would be president, is mentally disturbed and has zero self control, and wonders what in the world is wrong with using nuclear weapons. Another problem is that in the event Trump is elected you will be looking at a Chris Christie or Rudy Giuliani as the nation's attorney general, both have stated their opposition to marijuana legalization and Chris Christie has said he would shut it down nationwide. These are some of the inherent risks of a Trump presidency.
Are there risks to a Hillary presidency? Sure, there are many. It is clear she lies, and has sold her soul to wall street but I am still going to cast a vote for Hillary as my small hedge against a Trump presidency.
You're right that a single person's vote may not be as good as toilet paper, however, a voting block of hundreds of thousands or millions of like minds may be able to sway the results of an election. As in defeating Trump.
While the key point of most posts here is Trump a stinkyhead, when we get to issues, I suspect I am the opposite side of Hillary in almost all.Yeah, this has been fairly easy for me because I have supported Hillary from the beginning. It has always been obvious to me that she had the most and the best experience, and that we are in a time (in the world) when there are critical things that must be managed (climate, nukes, alternative energy, refugee issues, rise of Putin) and mishandling them could/will have catastrophic results. Domestically the same is true, income inequality must be addressed, and we must stop this tendency for all the profits to go to the 1% rather than helping the nation at large. And we have to reverse this effort to go back in time to the bad old days of Jim Crow and women in their place.
Hillary might not be my first choice if I could choose anyone, but she is certainly the best choice from what we have been given to choose from.
And the insanity, willful ignorance and disgusting persona of Trump make this last decision a no brainier.