Well-Known Member
That's why they're supporting Trump....
Are you implying that blacks are supporting Trump? You mean all 2% of them?
That's why they're supporting Trump....
Are you implying that blacks are supporting Trump? You mean all 2% of them?
Macbill was right. Just click on the user handle and then Ignore. There is no point trying to wade through all that wingnut stuff.
Thanks. Coming in here and speaking negatives about H has been daunting to say the least. But I try to be critical of both sides with hope that the dialogue will be fruitful.Listen guys, we've had a great thread going on here. While we didn't really get any serious Trump supporters here, we did get some serious Hillary supporters as well as some who were kinda in the middle camp that didn't really like either Hillary or Trump and so they brought up valid negatives and positives about both candidates and I want to personally thank you guys 'cause I've learned quite a bit that was outside of my preconceived ideas about all of this.
You just may if you continue to discuss Mod decisions in public . . .I may get a warning on this
Again, many thanks. I still dislike both candidates and I try to balance my remarks, positive or negative, on both. Not only have I learned a lot in this thread about the topic, but also how to contribute in a meaningful way on a very sensitive issue without burning the house down. I know I don't get much love for the things I write, but at least no one PM'd me with threats yet . . .Oh, one more thing. I need to clarify that I, as I am sure everyone else here WELCOMES dissenting opinions so much so that those that felt that they were in the minority being that didn't totally support Hillary and therefore felt that they had to leave, I, as well as others, encouraged them to stay because of their contribution to this thread
Oh, but abortions are always on zygots, not babies. Remember friend, and sleep soundly tonight.
If he's at 2% then drumpf's support from blacks has more than doubled.You mean all 2% of them?
Coming in here and speaking negatives about H has been daunting to say the least.
...I try to be critical of both sides with hope that the dialogue will be fruitful.
I know I don't get much love for the things I write....
Macbill was right. Just click on the user handle and then Ignore. There is no point trying to wade through all that wingnut stuff.
What is going on here is tantamount to yelling "Fire" in a movie theater.
If he's at 2% then drumpf's support from blacks has more than doubled.
Hillary's at 84% so it's no time to panic![]()
I have never supported Hillary. I just have to correct misinformation when people post lies.
Islam is not at war with Christianity, the only people protecting the Christians of Syria have been Muslims working with the Syrian government. Christians and Muslims are fighting side by side as members of the Syrian NDF, the SSNP, the Syrian Arab Army, the Syrian Republican Guard, the Syrian Arab Air Foces, the Iraqi PMUs, etc. They are fighting radical Islamists, but there are Muslims like me all over the world who support the Syrian government in their fight against Al Qaeda. I agree Hillary has been on the wrong side of this issue.
If Islam is a war with Christianity why would Ba'athism still have strong support among Arab Muslims? Ba'athism was founded by Michel Aflaq, a Christian, and incorporates many Christian values into its governing system. If you read Aflaq's Battle For One Destiny the Christian roots in the Middle East are highlighted and emphasized.
Likewise if Islam was at war with Christianity why would the Lebanese Christians have peace with Hezbollah? Why wouldn't they continue to support the Kataeb Party, which emphasizes Christian hegemony in Lebanon?
But I do not agree with your hateful rhetoric. Otherwise I'd have to hate myself and my family.
As a good rule of thumb replace the word Muslim with Jew and the word Islam with Judaism, and if it sounds bigoted it probably is.
I'm legal hispanic who happens to live in a mostly hispanic community and I haven't met a single hispanic individual supporting Trump, unless you provide evidence to substantiate your claim I will take it as another lie coming from the Trump camp trying to convince the uninformed.Legal hispanics are already backing trump.