When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
Trump is aligning himself with a large group of racist people. Not sure what he's thinking having Stephen Bannon on his team. All this info regarding the ALT Right Movement, it's associated with anti Semitic and racial viewpoints. I've been reading up about them. It works out well for the democrats. Why would Trump be calling Hillary a bigot? That's calling the kettle black. It makes Trump look foolish.
Hilary's next campaign add will blow Trump out of the water it looks like.
It was funny, I was listening to Trump yesterday, he was making fun of the celebrities that were backing Hillary. They were all washed up. Unlike the celebrities that Trump had at his convention, like Chachee from Happy Days. He is a damn cartoon character. Only 75 more days left until the election I think I saw today. Looking forward to the end.
I find myself tuning out all the stuff he's saying about Hillary because he's such a liar. The things he's saying are so outlandish. He gets a little piece of info and he puts the Trump spin on it - basically telling lies. Like she will do away with the Second Amendment.
I do think some of the info that they are getting from the emails look bad tsken out of context. Trump is too horrible of a person for most people to vote for him. That's what I'm telling myself. I really don't want to lose faith in the American people.
I must correct you Carol.
It is "alt-REICH".