The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread


When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
Trump is aligning himself with a large group of racist people. Not sure what he's thinking having Stephen Bannon on his team. All this info regarding the ALT Right Movement, it's associated with anti Semitic and racial viewpoints. I've been reading up about them. It works out well for the democrats. Why would Trump be calling Hillary a bigot? That's calling the kettle black. It makes Trump look foolish.

Hilary's next campaign add will blow Trump out of the water it looks like.

It was funny, I was listening to Trump yesterday, he was making fun of the celebrities that were backing Hillary. They were all washed up. Unlike the celebrities that Trump had at his convention, like Chachee from Happy Days. He is a damn cartoon character. Only 75 more days left until the election I think I saw today. Looking forward to the end.

I find myself tuning out all the stuff he's saying about Hillary because he's such a liar. The things he's saying are so outlandish. He gets a little piece of info and he puts the Trump spin on it - basically telling lies. Like she will do away with the Second Amendment.

I do think some of the info that they are getting from the emails look bad tsken out of context. Trump is too horrible of a person for most people to vote for him. That's what I'm telling myself. I really don't want to lose faith in the American people.

I must correct you Carol.
It is "alt-REICH". :)

Joel W.

Deplorable Basement Dweller
Accessory Maker
The sad thing for the Hillary haters is that she could be guilty of nearly all the things they accuse her of and still be a MUCH better choice for POTUS than Donald Trump. MUCH BETTER and certainly much more prepared and knowledgeable.

There is NO argument FOR Donald trump. None.

We are in agreement here 100%, but I am not a Hillary hater though.

A duck, is a duck.


Well-Known Member
Did anyone catch Hillary's speech today? I think it was one of her best as she blasted Trumps affiliation with the Alt Righters and it was especially shocking when she stated his support for a radio show host who actually believed and reported that the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting was nothing but a hoax and that the children who made it through were paid child actors paid by the government in an effort to abolish the 2nd amendment.

This was a conspiracy theory that I never heard before but here's a bit more on it, that is, if you can stomach reading it. I was only able to get through the first few paragraphs while thinking of the poor parents of those little kids who were killed....

Kinda makes ya wanna.....:puke:, and this radio host was Alex Jones.

"Jones says, "Sandy Hook is a synthetic, completely fake, with actors, in my view manufactured. I couldn't believe it at first. I knew they had actors there, clearly, but I thought they killed some real kids."

On the morning of Dec. 2, Jones hosted an extended, live interview with Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump. After about 30 minutes of mutual compliments, and Jones telling Trump that "about 90 percent" of his listeners support him, the presidential candidate wrapped things up by telling Jones, "Your reputation is amazing."

I'll say it again, even though it may belong in another thread......FUCK TRUMP !!!!


Well-Known Member
That's not the first time I've heard of that theory @lwien Pretty much every american based tragedy will have some fringe element that thinks it's a false flag op to further some new world order agenda.

edited for typo.
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Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
@ReggieB we've never had a presidential candidate aligning himself with hate groups in such a blatant way. All Hillary has to do is repeat what Trump has said. Read up on Stephen Bannon and Breitbart News it's really crazy shit. This idiot is his campaign manager. There's never been anything like it.

I'm looking forward to Anderson Cooper. He's going to interview Trump. It should be good. Anderson is waaaaay too smart for Trump.


I finally was able to download a video. Awesome, it's only taking me over 3 1/2 years. I use an iPad so it's tricky for me.
I downloaded the whole interview with Anderson and Trump.:love:
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Well-Known Member
I'm looking forward to Anderson Cooper. He's going to interview Trump. It should be good. Anderson is waaaaay to smart for Trump.

Anderson has been the ONLY anchor who has called out Trump like he SHOULD be called out all the time. When I first saw this interview and heard Cooper say what he said, I literally stood up and applauded:

And in regards to Hillarys speech, if ya missed it, here it is. It's one of her best yet using Trumps very words against him. Fast forward to 10:30:
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When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
Did anyone catch Hillary's speech today? I think it was one of her best as she blasted Trumps affiliation with the Alt Righters and it was especially shocking when she stated his support for a radio show host who actually believed and reported that the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting was nothing but a hoax and that the children who made it through were paid child actors paid by the government in an effort to abolish the 2nd amendment.

This was a conspiracy theory that I never heard before but here's a bit more on it, that is, if you can stomach reading it. I was only able to get through the first few paragraphs while thinking of the poor parents of those little kids who were killed....

Kinda makes ya wanna.....:puke:, and this radio host was Alex Jones.

"Jones says, "Sandy Hook is a synthetic, completely fake, with actors, in my view manufactured. I couldn't believe it at first. I knew they had actors there, clearly, but I thought they killed some real kids."

On the morning of Dec. 2, Jones hosted an extended, live interview with Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump. After about 30 minutes of mutual compliments, and Jones telling Trump that "about 90 percent" of his listeners support him, the presidential candidate wrapped things up by telling Jones, "Your reputation is amazing."

I'll say it again, even though it may belong in another thread......FUCK TRUMP !!!!

I agree that it was fantastic. And I more than agree on your last salvo:)
The question that must be asked of Drumpf supporters is, "Are you racist"?
Then when they say no, they must be asked why they are supporting an outed racist and the racist policies he is talking about.


Well-Known Member
@ReggieB we've never had a presidential candidate aligning himself with hate groups in such a blatant way. All Hillary has to do is repeat what Trump has said. Read up on Stephen Bannon and Breitbart News it's really crazy shit. This idiot is his campaign manager. There's never been anything like it.

I'm looking forward to Anderson Cooper. He's going to interview Trump. It should be good. Anderson is waaaaay too smart for Trump.
I am already well aware of breitbart and have been for quite a while, ukip supporters like to quote it as a bastion of truth, along with rt and fox news.


Well-Known Member
This dude just used Obama and his approval ratings as a human shield to walk back. The deporter in chief remarks worked out. It's like a chess move that you can't visualize until after you've seen it used against.

I am already well aware of breitbart and have been for quite a while, ukip supporters like to quote it as a bastion of truth, along with rt and fox news.
Breitbart is only funhouse mirror of Huffington Post, let's not talk them up.

Joel W.

Deplorable Basement Dweller
Accessory Maker
Gowdy: Clinton used special tool to wipe email server

08/25/16 06:22 PM EDT

Hillary Clinton’s lawyers used a special tool to delete emails from her personal server so that “even God can’t read them,” House Select Committee on Benghazi Chairman Trey Gowdy said on Thursday.

Gowdy (R-S.C.) said the use of BleachBit, computer software whose website advertises that it can “prevent recovery” of files, is further proof that Clinton had something to hide in deleting personal emails from the private email system she used during her tenure as secretary of state.

Clinton has long said that the deleted emails were all of a personal nature, relating largely to yoga and her daughter’s wedding, but Gowdy said he did not know whether the Democratic nominee considered emails pertaining to the Clinton Foundation to be personal. It’s a question he said he hopes reporters ask Clinton the next chance they get.

“She and her lawyers had those emails deleted. And they didn’t just push the delete button; they had them deleted where even God can’t read them,” Gowdy said Thursday morning during an interview on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom.” “They were using something called BleachBit. You don’t use BleachBit for yoga emails or bridemaids emails. When you’re using BleachBit, it is something you really do not want the world to see.”

Read more:

Trump still sucks 100x more! ;)


Annoying Libertarian
You might disagree with his politics (as I do as well) but he is not brain dead by any means. He is an incredibly intelligent man and a very successful prosecutor. He was in the top 10% of his law school. Maybe not your cup of tea, but not empty in there.

I think the equivalent would be a repub saying that Reid is unintelligent. Repubs think he's crazy, but that doesn't mean he's not intelligent.


Well-Known Member
Turning around the Trump suggestion that switching sides is appropriate because "what have you got to lose".

By A Whitney Brown
"To My Redneck American Community: What The Hell Do You Have to Lose"
Aug 24, 2016
"And now, to my Redneck American Community, … For generations, you have been giving your vote to the Republicans, and what has it gotten you? Nothing! Your lives are a catastrophe, believe me. You have no health care, your children are all dying of meth and heroin, you have no education, you are shooting yourselves with your own guns on accident every day. So sad. Just a disaster.

"You have been losing, losing, losing. The big banks are buying all your farms, you have nothing to eat but junk food, you all have diabetes, and your water is totally poisoned from all the fracking going on. Absolutely horrendous. A complete waste. And what do you get for it? Nothing! Even the gays are better off than you. They’re taking all your marriages. Your homes are totally broken, I can tell you.

"The Republicans have totally taken you for granted. They think you’re stupid! They are taking advantage of you and it’s got to end, believe me. The Democrats will straighten this out so fast it will make your head spin. We will give you Medicaid, if you will just vote in a Democrat governor, believe me. It will happen. I guarantee it. What the hell do you have to lose?

"We will fix your environment, we will clean up your water, we will help you get educated, and we will take the guns away from your crazy neighbor. It’s going to be beautiful, believe me. We will give you Obamacare, we will give you an Obamaphone, and we will help your children go to college if they are smart enough. We will fix your roads and and bridges and we will stock lunker bass in all your fishing holes.

"We are going to build bridges and roads, and send your kids to college. And who is going to pay for it? The billionaires, that’s right. They are going to pay their fair share once and for all. You are going to start winning again, and it is going to be beautiful. You are going to win so much you’re going to get tired of winning. You’ll say, Democrats, stop with the winning all the time, I can’t take it, and we will say, no, we are going to keep on winning for all the Redneck Americans. We will be your voice! What the hell do you have to lose, I ask you? And after 4 years, I guarantee you we will have 95 percent of the Redneck American vote. I guarantee it. Believe me. Just give us a chance."


When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
I would love to write an article about this in response to what gangabab posted:

Maybe you could post some evidence that what is in the picture is caused by Dems and not
ReaganVooDooTrickleDownGoldenShowerPizzOnYou economics 101.
Conservative redistribution of the wealth of the 99% to the 1%.
Nationalist Reagan Socialism, promoting a fascist aristocracy and disposable human beings.


Well-Known Member
You might disagree with his politics (as I do as well) but he is not brain dead by any means. He is an incredibly intelligent man and a very successful prosecutor. He was in the top 10% of his law school. Maybe not your cup of tea, but not empty in there.

I think the equivalent would be a repub saying that Reid is unintelligent. Repubs think he's crazy, but that doesn't mean he's not intelligent.

Reid has been an incredibly successful, powerful, consequential politician. Gowdy is a joke and is the perfect example of what Republican politicians do, which is nothing but oppose everything and contribute nothing. My father is in law. There are plenty of morons I've met working in the field with a license.


Annoying Libertarian
The fact that major urban areas have been under Democratic control since the 1950's. But I digress...


Well-Known Member
You do understand the difference between correlation and causation, don't you? You would actually need to find some evidence of Democratic policies that have failed cities to make this a credible argument. Hell, Republicans rule most states yet they somehow are always claiming that the country is sliding into chaos. C'mon, man.


Annoying Libertarian
Local politics is where rubber meets the road. If a city has been under the dominance of one party for the better part of a century and things have not changed (or in most cases, much worse), isn't it more likely the responsibility of the party in power? National politics plays a much, much smaller role than many think when it comes to urban development and planning.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
The fact that major urban areas have been under Democratic control since the 1950's. But I digress...
Most of those cities have republican governors yogo. I would imagine that could be part of it.

Both candidates are deeply flawed. I pick the one that Is the least evil in this election. The third party candidates don't have much of a chance unfortunately unless something really horrible happens. You never know.

The republicans for years have vetoed bills that would help the low income.

@yogoshio not wanting you to leave. This is a discussion, not everyone is going to agree with each other. We all end up agreeing to disagree most of the time.
Most of us are just giving our opinions.
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Well-Known Member
Local politics is where rubber meets the road. If a city has been under the dominance of one party for the better part of a century and things have not changed (or in most cases, much worse), isn't it more likely the responsibility of the party in power? National politics plays a much, much smaller role than many think when it comes to urban development and planning.

Maybe. It is, however, lazy to simply assume this is true without even picking a particular city and seeing the balance of power over time and the different decisions that were made. You're making a big leap without bothering to support what you're saying.
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