The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I think another reason that Moore was saying that Trump could win is what Bill Maher said. Voters can't be complacent and just assume Hillary will win because Trump is such a nut case.

People could just decide not to vote thinking Hillary has it in the bag or they are pissed at the way politics works - they are just disgusted.


Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
Apparently if Trump backs out, the Republican National Committee chooses a candidate. Who do you think they would put up? Bound to be some ferocious, amusing squabbles over that one!
Trumps VP choice I'm guessing.
Why? To attempt to quell some (not the most rabid Chumps for Trump. They will still make trouble.) Trump might hand it over to him anyway. Pence has already played ball with the RNC.

Anybody other (i.e - more rational ) choice would might please those in charge of the RNC. But would peeve off all those new voters who came out special to vote and rally for Drump. Yes the folks that actually show up to those rallys have more leverage now than before. They are not just there for the spectacle. As much as I'd like to wish that was true. The lunatics have taken over the asylum.

Second choice - I'll give you a hint. Think of the biggest tool/lacky/hitman in the RNC that you can possibly imagine. 2nd hint - I have warned everybody about him almost as much as Trump.

I doubt they would have the cojones to put a mainstream puppet in office. And Christie will give Trumps crowd the red meat they crave. All the bluster without as much controversy.


Well-Known Member
I think another reason that Moore was saying that Trump could win is what Bill Maher said. Voters can't be complacent and just assume Hillary will win because Trump is such a nut case.

People could just decide not to vote thinking Hillary has it in the bag or they are pissed at the way politics works - they are just disgusted.

I'm with you on this. I think that this is Moore's motivation to say what he's saying.


Putin is a War Criminal
I doubt they would have the cojones to put a mainstream puppet in office. And Christie will give Trumps crowd the red meat they crave. All the bluster without as much controversy.

I think there is Zero chance they are promoting Christie. He is going to be featured, guilty or not, in federal trials beginning in September. That would NOT be very good timing or very productive for a party already covered in shit.


Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
I think there is Zero chance they are promoting Christie. He is going to be featured, guilty or not, in federal trials beginning in September. That would NOT be very good timing or very productive for a party already covered in shit.
Lock him up! :rant:Lock him up! :rant:Lock him up!:rant:Tar and feather him and ride him around on a rail. and MAKE HIM DRINK TEA!! and if he feels any remorse, let him vape weed!

Hopefully you are right and I'll sleep better knowing he is out of the election entirely. :lol: But, I will keep a watch on that trial and any fallout even closer.

However I don't exclude Clinton or Trump being dragged into court over any controversy seen or unforeseen until September.


well-worn member


Well-Known Member
Wish that was true. But the millions of dollars in small donations that Trump received is a bit of a concern.

I guess the question is, are these donations coming from his base or coming from others. My inclination is to think that it's coming from his base.

btw, 3 more polls came out today that showed that Clinton is leading by even a larger amount than the recent Fox Poll. What's even more impressive is her double digit lead in must-win states. She needs to widen her lead in Florida though and if she can do that as well as maintain the lead that she has in the swing states, it's all over even polls get closer on a national scale.

You guys may need to watch the clip again. He didn't use the word could, he said gonna win.

Maher actually just agreed, that the enemy is complacency.

Here's his essay, and the clip from the show.


I'm well aware of what he said and how he said it. My comments has to do with WHY he said what he said.


Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
Moore was correct in the same way a broken clock is twice a day. I don't have to read his essays to know his low opinion of the middle-lower class. He has said other negative things about the uninformed.

I liked him better when he had the show TV Nation and Roger and ME. He became unbearable to me after the screed anti-bush movies. Lost his sense of humor and ability to lampoon what needed to be brought to light.
Which is to sad cause TV Nation back in the day actually made some impact. Michael Moore please put down your screeds and bring back Love night!. :love:
What the world needs now is love, sweet love. That was the Michael Moore at his finest. IMHO.
Trying to find the clip where a Klan member was being followed by a black woman in a kissing booth. That was priceless.:rofl:
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well-worn member
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Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Director Clint Eastwood Just Made a HUGE Announcement About Donald Trump! - The Political Insider › director-cl...

He's for the lunatic.
Clint is 86 years old and thinks he can get away with BS.
He lives in a glass bubble and has for years. Why does he think that our country needs a racist president? He's 86 years old and thinks that folks need to get over racism? Shame on you Clint! He's showing his true colors.
I thought he went over the edge 4 years ago with the empty chair skit at the RNC convention.

They are trying to explain it on CNN. He's from a different generation. I guess the racist generation from the 1960s and before. Folks want to go back to a simpler age? WTF! When it was OK to disrespect people of color.
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When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.


well-worn member
Drumpf seems to be gaining strength from dissing the "establishment" republicans.

I'm not sure if pence is on board with this strategy, but he'll come around ;)
I think he's mostly there to keep the evangelicals on board.

America is living in (at least) two different political realities (edited) :2c:

That's quite a website, @CarolKing :o
I didn't find the eastwood thing yet, but it's pretty clear where they stand :shit:

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When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
Drumpf seems to be gaining strength from dissing the "establishment" republicans.

I'm not sure if pence is on board with this strategy, but he'll come around ;)
I think he's mostly there to keep the evangelicals on board.

America is living in (at least) two completely different realities :2c:

That's quite a website, @CarolKing :o
I didn't find the eastwood thing yet, but it's pretty clear where they stand :shit:


He is not gaining strength. He is losing.


well-worn member
He is not gaining strength. He is losing.
He is gaining strength; if you measure it by the recent increase in his popular support:

"Donald J. Trump all but erased his enormous fund-raising disadvantage against Hillary Clinton in the span of just two months, according to figures released by his campaign on Wednesday, converting the passion of his core followers into a flood of small donations on a scale rarely seen in national politics."



When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
He is gaining strength; if you measure it by the recent increase in his popular support:

"Donald J. Trump all but erased his enormous fund-raising disadvantage against Hillary Clinton in the span of just two months, according to figures released by his campaign on Wednesday, converting the passion of his core followers into a flood of small donations on a scale rarely seen in national politics."

The polls are not lying. He is weaker than ever. That he grifted the KKK republican base to send him money is not an indication of winning or losing.


well-worn member
:cool: This is what the "other side" is reading; it seems like they're getting fired-up to me:

“Obama-Clinton have single-handedly destabilized the Middle East, handed Iraq, Libya and Syria to ISIS, and allowed our personnel to be slaughtered at Benghazi. Then they put Iran on the path to nuclear weapons. Then they allowed dozens of veterans to die waiting for medical care that never came.

Hillary Clinton put the whole country at risk with her illegal email server, deleted evidence of her crime, and lied repeatedly about her conduct which endangered us all. They released criminal aliens into our country who killed one innocent American after another — like Sarah Root and Kate Steinle — and have repeatedly admitted migrants later implicated in terrorism. They have produced the worst recovery since the Great Depression. They have shipped millions of our best jobs overseas to appease their global special interests. They have betrayed our security and our workers, and Hillary Clinton has proven herself unfit to serve in any government office.

She is reckless with her emails, reckless with regime change, and reckless with American lives. Our nation has been humiliated abroad and compromised by radical Islam brought onto our shores. We need change now.”

~ Supposedly written by drumpf himself (on his facebook page) :rolleyes:

From that eastwood article website:








Well-Known Member
This is becoming more and more bizarre. Now trump says that he watched a video of the $400 million dollars being unloaded in Iran.
Campaign says, "He's mistaken".

And after the campaign said that he was "mistaken", he repeated it again at another rally in Maine.
See here...

What's really funny about that is that he continues to say that the reason why the Iranians made that tape was to embarrass Obama because he's incompetent. Now how's THAT for a bit irony?
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well-worn member
I wonder if it's something he saw in his one of his security briefings; that would not only explain the quick backtrack, but also provide an excellent example of why drumpf can't be trusted with state secrets.

Otoh the cat was already out of the bag on the cash, so a victory for transparency on the film?
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unbearably light in the being....
:cool: This is what the "other side" is reading; it seems like they're getting fired-up to me:

“Obama-Clinton have single-handedly destabilized the Middle East, handed Iraq, Libya and Syria to ISIS, and allowed our personnel to be slaughtered at Benghazi. Then they put Iran on the path to nuclear weapons. Then they allowed dozens of veterans to die waiting for medical care that never came.

Hillary Clinton put the whole country at risk with her illegal email server, deleted evidence of her crime, and lied repeatedly about her conduct which endangered us all. They released criminal aliens into our country who killed one innocent American after another — like Sarah Root and Kate Steinle — and have repeatedly admitted migrants later implicated in terrorism. They have produced the worst recovery since the Great Depression. They have shipped millions of our best jobs overseas to appease their global special interests. They have betrayed our security and our workers, and Hillary Clinton has proven herself unfit to serve in any government office.

She is reckless with her emails, reckless with regime change, and reckless with American lives. Our nation has been humiliated abroad and compromised by radical Islam brought onto our shores. We need change now.”

~ Supposedly written by drumpf himself (on his facebook page) :rolleyes:

From that eastwood article website:






Not prepared to give credence to that website or the things on it: I've kept up with the scum state-of-the-art, and those guys are right up there w/ the American Thinker, Worldnet Daily, Town Hall, Daily Caller and the rest.

I don't like Clinton & never have, but there really is a shit-ton of made-up bullshit in circulation about her that does not pass the smell test, and I hate to see it passed around endlessly (though possibly less inflammatory) as if it were true and therefore mattered: fact is, this is the politics of personal destruction, part 2: they've already decided who to hurt (Clinton) and everything is spun to fit, and the truth be damned - she's eminently hatable, and that seems to be enough.

I know that's not where you're coming from, Grokit, but there's just no 'there' on most of the anti-HRC stuff: the Benghazi fiasco found nothing, and we should drop the innuendo; Whitewater turned up nothing but...innuendo. If there's ever proof, like we now have about Nixon, I hope we know it eventually, but it only helps us NOW if we're in a clear-and-present-danger situation that pertains to HILLARY AND THE INNUENDO - but NOT to the lack of evidence of any wrong-doing.
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