The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread


Well-Known Member
Whining about political correctness tends to feel a lot like those who complain about how hard white people, or men, or Christians have things in the modern world. I guess a struggle for equality really does feel like oppression to some of those who have enjoyed privilege. It's probably most ironically apparent when religious folks demand the right to discriminate against others lest they feel oppressed themselves. (???!!!)


Well-Known Member
So I went on Clintons site 'cause I wanted to send in a donation but when I went to pay for it, I noticed that they didn't have any PayPal option which kinda bummed me out being that there's been so many hacks going on with them lately, the last thing I wanted to do was to send them my credit/debit card info, so I didn't.

I then thought about sending them an email stating my concerns and that I have no doubt that they have lost other donations by not having the PayPal option. But then I thought, with the millions of emails that they get everyday, with many of them being vicious attack emails, there is no way in hell that they read them, but then I thought, what the hell, so I sent it to them.

Within 24 hours, I got a response. Blew me away.....
Dear Friend,

Thank you for your support for Hillary for America. We are a people-powered campaign that relies on contributions from individuals like you, and we very much appreciate your input and ideas.

We are always looking for new ways to make ourselves more accessible for those who want to be involved in the campaign, and will take your feedback into consideration as we expand our website and outreach.

Though at the current time we do not offer payment via PayPal, you can donate to Hillary for America online at, through our call-center by calling 646-854-1432, or by mailing a check or money order addressed to:

Hillary for America

P.O. Box 5256

New York, NY 10185

Again, thank you for your ongoing support and your input on how we can make this campaign more accessible to you! With your help we can continue to build an inclusive, nationwide campaign at the grassroots level.


Hillary For America
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You Must Unlearn, What You Have Learned...
So I went on Clintons site 'cause I wanted to send in a donation but when I went to pay for it, I noticed that they didn't have any PayPal option which kinda bummed me out being that there's been so many hacks going on with them lately, the last thing I wanted to do was to send them my credit/debit card info, so I didn't.

I then thought about sending them an email stating my concerns and that I have no doubt that they have lost other donations by not having the PayPal option. But then I thought, with the millions of email that they get everyday, with many of them being vicious attack emails, there is no way in hell that they read them, but then I thought, what the hell, so I sent it to them.

Within 24 hours, I got a response. Blew me away.....
Dear Friend,

Thank you for your support for Hillary for America. We are a people-powered campaign that relies on contributions from individuals like you, and we very much appreciate your input and ideas.

We are always looking for new ways to make ourselves more accessible for those who want to be involved in the campaign, and will take your feedback into consideration as we expand our website and outreach.

Though at the current time we do not offer payment via PayPal, you can donate to Hillary for America online at, through our call-center by calling 646-854-1432, or by mailing a check or money order addressed to:

Hillary for America

P.O. Box 5256

New York, NY 10185

Again, thank you for your ongoing support and your input on how we can make this campaign more accessible to you! With your help we can continue to build an inclusive, nationwide campaign at the grassroots level.


Hillary For America
Wow, slick willie himself! ;)


well-worn member
:razz: From the another one bites the dust dept:

Trump’s Last New Jersey Casino Is Now Just Another Failure In His Empire of Failures


Donald Trump does not ever admit failure, even when it stares him right in the face and calls him a dumb lunatic, and implores him to get rational and admit defeat. No, Donald Trump doesn’t know failure because at the first sign of trouble, he picks himself up by the straps of his pennyless loafers, and then sells off as much as humanly possible without technically being labeled the source of another monumental clutsterfuck. Sure, there might be “Trump” branding in big, gold letters on the facade, but that’s just a decoration left over from the last owner, who legally is not Donald Trump anymore.

The Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort, now set to close after Labor Day, is soon to be just another in a series of HUGE embarrassing failures with Trump’s name attached. What is being called the perfect metaphor to Trump’s empire of false hopes and shattered dreams, the Trump Taj has SHOCKINGLY been a smoldering money pit from the very beginning.

After Trump took control of the fledgling, half-built casino resort that was already over budget, he went before the New Jersey Casino Commission in February of 1988 and bullshitted his way to something close to an answer when asked how he could even finance the project. Let’s set the scene for full effect: picture 1980s Trump, with the pouty duckface jowls and that feathery pompadour-mullet thing, confidently looking a bunch of concerned regulators square in the face and boasting that he would be better than other investors because he was Donald fucking Trump. He was fabulously wealthy; constantly being pestered by banks to borrow money because his name made creditors swoon and faint into their Scrooge McDuck cash pools.

“I also, as I said before, don’t have to use junk bonds. I can use my own funds or I can use regular bank borrowings, so I can build at the prime rate. I mean, the banks call me all the time. ‘Can we loan you money? Can we do this? Can we do that?’…It’s easier to finance if Donald Trump owns it. With me, they know there’s a certainty they would get their interest. I get it done, and everybody is happy and it turns out successfully.”

Less than a year later, Trump was forced to secure funding from junk bonds to finish the construction of Taj. When it opened, at a total cost $1.1 billion, Trump’s two other Atlantic City casino’s were in the toilet $1.3 billion, with an additional $2.1 billion owed to other lenders. Trump claimed to be worth $1.4 billion at the time, but a Forbes piece called shenanigans and said it was maybe more like $500 million. Of course, the commission reported it was REALLY only $206 million. Minor details, a slight miscalculation!

Just seven months after opening the Taj, Trump defaulted on his debt for it, in November of 1990. In July of 1991 Trump filed for bankruptcy with half of his controlling stake going to bond holders to reorganize his HUGE fuck up. Pretty much everyone who invested in the Taj got screwed, including Atlantic City as the following year his other two casinos, the Castle and the Plaza, went bankrupt. Trump had to sell his yacht and his airline, Trump Shuttle (which was its own separate bullshit excursion into the annals of Trump’s stupidity), but the Taj still went through three more bankruptcies before he finally lost majority control of the hotel.

Since 2009, Trump has had not any management control of the hotel, and only held a 10 percent stake as a penitence for keeping his name plastered on the side. That is at least until 2014 when another bankruptcy pulled that too.

Carl Ichan bought the Taj this past February, and things have only gotten worse. In a May 2015 memo from the Health Department, the mice in the Taj were ballsy enough to stroll right up to a service dog, prompting the guest to comment, “They were very brave.” The rot inside the Taj is so bad that reports of bed bugs go back as far as 2010. And as grandma always said, where there’s rats, there’s roaches.

Recently, food, beverage and housekeeping staff from the Local 54 of the Unite-HERE union were in the middle of staging one of the longest strikes in Atlantic City history after workers lost health care and pensions benefits in the most recent bankruptcy. Coincidentally, the workers lost their benefits in March when Ichan took over, and Trump lost his 10 percent stake in the company. One way to look at the 3,000 people who will lose their jobs (joining a growing pool of 8,000 jobless casino workers in Atlantic City) as a result of decades of mismanagement, would be that those blue collar workers who helped to support a Trump branded product just got a bad deal.



well-worn member
This doesn't bode well for hillary. I still believe that michael moore is on point, and the msm is promoting a false reality. This is the highest-grossing documentary of the year, and it's not flattering to say the least. The msm seems to be deliberately making liberals complacent, while secretly promoting trump. They know that there is no such thing as bad publicity, and they are giving the wannabe demagogue major free air time. At the same time, we get this: "Harvard Study Says Media Coverage Built Up Trump, Tore Down Clinton."

:o:cool: Check the difference between the critic's, and the audience's, scores for this hillary hit piece:



Unrelated but :haw::

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Well-Known Member
I have a feeling that poor state department rep hates his job. Considering he has to stand up for an administration that supports people who behead 10 year olds and use chemical weapons. Just look at his face when he has to answer questions about these issues.


Well-Known Member
This doesn't bode well for hillary. I still believe that michael moore is on point, and the msm is promoting a false reality. This is the highest-grossing documentary of the year, and it's not flattering to say the least. The msm seems to be deliberately making liberals complacent, while secretly promoting trump. They know that there is no such thing as bad publicity, and they are giving the wannabe demagogue major free air time. At the same time, we get this: "Harvard Study Says Media Coverage Built Up Trump, Tore Down Clinton."

:o:cool: Check the difference between the critic's, and the audience's, scores for this hillary hit piece:


In 2012, this same idiot released, "Obama's America" in which he gave "proof" than an Obama re-election would mean armageddon for America. Didn't seem to hurt his reelection. Check out his bio....'Souza

Here's just a few of his activities:

"On July 7, 2015, D'Souza circulated a photoshopped image of Clinton, purporting that it showed her with a Confederate flag in the background. The original image had no such flag."

"In January 2014, D'Souza was indicted on charges of making illegal political contributions to a 2012 United States Senate campaign, a felony under U.S. law.[9][10] On May 20, 2014, D'Souza pleaded guilty in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York to one charge of using a "straw donor" to make an illegal political campaign donation. On September 23, D'Souza was sentenced to eight months in a halfway house near his home in San Diego, five years probation, and a $30,000 fine."

And the list goes on.....

The guy's a scumbag.....
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well-worn member
The guy's a scumbag.....
Agreed, but it seems that you missed the entire point of my post.
I am not endorsing him, just pointing out that his movie is doing quite well with the voting public.
Which was still just one part of the point I was trying to make.
In 2016, the public's collective lack of nuance bodes well for drumpf's campaign.
The future is now, and it looks bleak.

In the last 30 days,
there has been 141 "radical islamic" attacks in 22 countries,
in which 1165 people were killed and 1803 injured.

Our continued bombings and drone strikes just add more fuel to the jihadists' flames.

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Well-Known Member
It seems that you missed the point of my post.

I am not endorsing him, just pointing out that his movie is doing quite well with the voting public.

I didn't miss the point. I totally understand that you're not endorsing him. If I implied that, I apologize. I just needed to add some context here.

As far as his movie doing well, I think it also needs to be pointed out that Bill O'Riellys books as well as Ann Coulter's books have been on the NY Times best sellers list for years and FOX is the number one cable news channel. What I would be interested in, is the demographics of those that are paying money to see his movie.

His movies as well as Fox News as well as conservative authors as well as conservative radio shows have VERY high ratings, but are mainly listened to and viewed by an audience that already supports the issues that they propagate and as such I don't think D'Souza's movie will impact Hillary's campaign at all.

So when you say that "this doesn't bode well for Hilary", I disagree with that statement and put forth the reasons why. Is it part of the overall effort to keep her from becoming President? Yup. Does it add to that overall effort? A bit, I would think, but I view it as just a blip, nothing more.
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Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
These are the folks that live Trump. A bunch of haters.

video Voices From Donald Trump's Rallies, Uncensored - The New York Times
The New York Times › politics › donald-...
1 day ago - Continue reading the main story Video ... BERENSTEIN, NICK CORASANITI and ASHLEY PARKER on Publish Date August 3, 2016. ... Not everyone attending a Trump rally behaves this way. .... Don't have an account?
Watch CNN's Don Lemon Press Trump Surrogate On Releasing Tax Returns - Media Matters for America

I've heard some folks that are into name calling called Trump - Ronald McDonald. I think it fits because he's a damn clown.

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well-worn member
I didn't miss the point. I totally understand that you're not endorsing him. If I implied that, I apologize. I just needed to add some context here.

As far as his movie doing well, I think it also needs to be pointed out that Bill O'Riellys books as well as Ann Coulter's books have been on the NY Times best sellers list for years and FOX is the number one cable news channel. What I would be interested in, is the demographics of those that are paying money to see his movie.

His movies as well as Fox News as well as conservative authors as well as conservative radio shows have VERY high ratings, but are mainly listened to and viewed by an audience that already supports the issues that they propagate and as such I don't think D'Souza's movie will impact Hillary's campaign at all.

So when you say that "this doesn't bode well for Hilary", I disagree with that statement and put forth the reasons why. Is it part of the overall effort to keep her from becoming President? Yup. Does it add to that overall effort? A bit, I would think, but I view it as just a blip, nothing more.
I did introduce it as a "hillary hit piece", so I thought I had that covered.

It sounds to me like you are speaking of 2008, with some 2012 holdover dynamics. This is a very different time with daesh's worldwide jihad, and the culmination of all of those hillary attacks over the years.

Plus you can't discount the potential pendulum swing from any two-term administration.

My state's demographics seem to be much more blue now, so I will probably hold my nose and vote for the turd sandwich, because I just can't stand the giant douche. But many americans are so anti-hillary, it's genuinely frightening. So I am trying to prepare myself psychologically for a drumpf administration.

Hopefully I'm wrong!

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Well-Known Member
But many americans are so anti-hillary,

I agree, but the question is, who are they more afraid of, eh?

So I am trying to prepare myself psychologically for a drumpf administration.

I don't even know where I would begin in that process. I guess the best way to prepare yourself is to stick your head in the toilet right after you took a dump but before you flushed and take in a lung full of that through your nose and mouth. Do that every day for next 100 days, and maybe, just maybe, you may be a bit more prepared for a Trump Presidency.


Well-Known Member
I don't see any nefarious plot by the mainstream media to make us complacent, but it's good to worry that Trump could win because complacency is always a problem on the Left. The fear of a Trump win should provide the motivation that is lacking in those who don't feel inspired by Clinton. Given the alternative the candidate of the status quo or Obama's third term shouldn't really seem so bad. Do we want a flawed leader (keeping in mind this is all that is really possible, hopefully) or a complete fool who lacks experience, intellect, and a heart?


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I don't want to live in America with a Trump presidency. I can't even begin to think that way. I think his questions about the nuclear weapons and why don't we use them, tells it all we need to know.

If all these nut cases actually vote for him, I'm hoping there's enough people with some IQ points that wont vote for a president with a possible personality disorder. A person that could cause great harm to our country. Trump is a frightening possibility that I can't wrap my head around.

Folks can't assume that he can't win because maybe he can.

Trump is saying the election is going to be rigged. The president did a good job making fun of him.
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Well-Known Member
I don't want to live in America with a Trump presidency. I can't even begin to think that way. I think his questions about the nuclear weapons and why don't we use them tells it all we need to know.

If all these nut cases actually vote for him, I'm hoping there's enough people with some IQ points that wont vote for a president with a possible personality disorder. A person that could cause great harm to our country. Trump is a frightening possibility that I can't wrap my head around.

Folks can't assume that he can't win because maybe he can.

The one good thing that Trump is doing by his outrageous statements is demolishing complacency brick by brick.......on both sides.


well-worn member
I don't see any nefarious plot by the mainstream media
Not necessarily intentional, just a lot of coincidental free drumpf airtime and anti-hillary bias :suspicious:

The one good thing that Trump is doing by his outrageous statements is demolishing complacency brick by brick.......on both sides.
Yet his individual contributions are now setting gop records with sanders-like numbers, and his rallies are drawing thousands of supporters (as well as quite a few protesters) to hillary's hundreds.

One thing for sure is that polls don't seem to matter anymore.

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Well-Known Member
Yeah, the media is kind of locked in to reporting what Trump does because he's so famous and controversial. Negativity is bound to stick to a partisan politician that sticks around and is as successful as Clinton, as well. I get what you mean, though.

Why don't polls matter but crowds at rallies do?


well-worn member
Why don't polls matter but crowds at rallies do?
If you conduct a poll by phone, only those that actually have a phone and want to be polled or answer without screening will be part of it. Or if you conduct a poll in person, say outside a conservative church, or a liberal one, or at a university, or a mosque, even an nba compared to an nhl game; it's hard to get a reliable cross-section, or the converse is that they're easy to manipulate. We've even seen exit polls go haywire in recent elections, which is an indicator of corruption at the voting booth. As far as rallies go, the folks that attend them reliably vote, and they are enthusiastic enough to load up the van with as many like-minded supporters they can find on the way over, to make sure all their friends and neighbors participate.
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Well-Known Member
Yet his individual contributions are now setting gop records with sanders-like numbers, and his rallies are drawing thousands of supporters (as well as quite a few protesters) to hillary's hundreds.

People go to his rallies because he's entertaining. By comparison, Clinton is boring. But I believe that the fear of a Trump presidency will draw out those that are against him in droves.


Well-Known Member
If you conduct a poll by phone, only those that actually have a phone and want to be polled or answer without screening will be part of it. Or if you conduct a poll in person, say outside a conservative church, or a liberal one, or at a university, or a mosque, even an nba compared to an nhl game. So it's hard to get a reliable cross-section, or the converse is that they're easy to manipulate. As far as rallies go, the folks that attend them not only vote, but they are enthusiastic enough to load up the minivan with as many like minded supporters as they can find and make sure all their friends & neighbors get the vote out.

Okay, that stuff regarding anachronistic info-gathering techniques is definitely relevant (depending on the poll, I assume). I've wondered about this when considering how high Trump's numbers have been despite seeming to alienate every demographic group imaginable that isn't cranky old white men. When it comes to polls about national elections, though, they seem to be fairly reliable. Republicans were trying to disbelieve the polls last time 'round but were disappointed. On the other hand, this could be the year that is the biggest anomaly in every way possible where that is turned on its head. It has been so far.

We know that there are many people who support the hate Trump pushes. The thing that I try to take some comfort from, however, is that he has to get all those people plus a good deal more unless he really is bringing out significantly more people than he is alienating which is hard to believe. Hopefully his floor is high and the ceiling low which should result in an electoral landslide for Clinton.
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