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Presidential Pardon to Secretaries of State to clear up murkiness.
Let's hope his wife and daughter can't control him.
Little bit. Its like fight club where it is there but not meant to be expressed otherwise . it explain the strength with males as they defer to the charmistic alpha male Tyler Durden fill-in. The democrats ended up alienating white men, that isn't what inclusion and diversity walked in with but nevertheless you see the output of identity politics.Someone mentioned Trump and the "silent majority" a few pages back, meant to touch on it, don't think I ever did.
Do you guys think this is true?
I do actually think that there may be a case for that.. I found this article:
That kind of touches on it. While I don't fully agree with her idea of the lefts "aim is to sow chaos and violence" I do think there is something kind of to this.
It also helps explain how Trump is able to say ridiculous things and still seemingly has support; are those that support him, could their support be almost a reflection of their disappointment with the political correctness of the world?
Just some thoughts I had. The "silent majority" thing had me thinking.........also my IRL experiences had me thinking. I've had numerous friends/casual acquaintances go out of their way to "sell me" on Sanders OR Clinton (much less Clinton). Just in casual chit chat at a restaurant or if I run into them in town or something....Regardless of the points they've brought up (some I agree some I disagree) I don't seem to have the same experience with Trump supporters.
I don't think that President Obama would presume to ask Bernie to drop out... that will takes it's course naturally without any urging from anyone, and Bernie knows that better than anyone. I do think it to be a possibility that realism and pragmatism were discussed as going hand in hand with a bid for the vice presidency. This would draw all of Bernie's supporters into Hillary's camp with few abstaining from their vote, and also help to keep Bernie's revolution alive while hopefully serving to keep Hillary somewhat honest.My understanding is that prior to Obama formally announcing his support and admiration for Hillary, he met with Bernie. Since Bernie still hasn't officially dropped out I can't help but wonder what that meeting was about. Anyone want to opine on the purpose for Bernie and Obama meeting in advance like that?
Was it just professional courtesy on Obama's part to let Bernie know it was coming? Did Obama ask Bernie to drop out? Would have loved to be a fly on the wall during that meeting.....
I don't think the POTUS cares if Bernie drops out. And I think he's right. It really doesn't matter anymore. The general has begun and it is Trump against the world.How successful do ya think Obama will be in trying to persuade Bernie to drop out?
As I have said before, a chimpanzee would be a better choice than Trump.For one, you really think it wouldn't be MUCH better with either one of those compared to Trump?
I don't think ANYONE can control him. Even morality. He has no superego. He can't see beyond his own reach.Let's hope his wife and daughter can't control him. We want to hear more. Now that everybody in the Republican Party have woken up.
The GOP has no leash that can hold him. They have nothing he wants but money, and he thinks he can get that without them. So much for that "self funded campaign". As far as his rebelling against the repubs, I think you can count on that.I was thinking that the GOP put him on a leash but maybe he doesn't have the self control even though they are keeping a close eye on him. Let's see if Trump gets pissed and rebels against the republicans for talking bad about him.
The President was getting ready to endorse Hillary, and he isn't the kind of guy to do that without letting Bernie know it was coming so he could prepare instead of just reacting. Often when Bernie responds to something he hasn't seen before his response is ... less considered and sometimes not what he means (I think).Was it just professional courtesy on Obama's part to let Bernie know it was coming? Did Obama ask Bernie to drop out? Would have loved to be a fly on the wall during that meeting.....
@BD9, do you have any sources to cite regarding libertarians being opposed to marriage equality? This lp.org release from last year seems to state otherwise.
I'd be hard pressed to think that any libertarian candidate, or informed member of the party, believes that bigotry is acceptable. Society has a role to play and bigots can be held accountable for their actions by the people.
So instead of blaming people like me who did not vote for either shit candidate.....
@thisperson I've never heard Bernie say many of these things on the above post. It's is scary. Some of those things I've heard him say. I wouldn't have supported Bernie if he had said all of that. This sounds like the Tea Party. Except for the separation of church and state.
Amazing read:
Trump made money by bilking investors, stiffing contractors and suppliers, and sucking huge sums out of companies as they went bankrupt. Some of it appears to have been illegal. The big picture is this guy is a total fraud and parasitic asshole.
The whole libertarian thing is a mutant form of republican tax-free, regulation-free, welfare-free, you-are-on-your-own anarchistic future utopia worship. Long term it has no prayer and short term what they want further increases inequality and the gap between rich and poor. In other words, libertarians are the anti-Bernie.
Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil![]()