In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
False Flag attacks? (Just stirring pot)
Pun Intended?
False Flag attacks? (Just stirring pot)
A billion dollars in campaign funds for this eleventh hour candidate just might do it.Yeah but its not too late. If Gary Johnson stops either candidate from getting the 270 needed, it will keep either of the two main candidates from being elected, as it is guaranteed that the House won't elect either Hillary or Trump.
If he wins his home state and almost any two others, this happens.
The only reason he might not have hope is because everyone is so dam stuck on a two party system. If we took just half of the "No Hillary" camp and half of the "No Trump" camp, that's more than enough to keep either of them from the office.
My understanding is that this judge is a good judge, and more than likely ALWAYS thinks more than twice before making a ruling. The more Trump is goaded on this matter the better I like it. It will help to show again and again how this larger-than-life mental amoeba operates in the business world, and hopefully translate for even the most ignorant among the masses what a ginormous hot-air ballooned jerk he is.Wonder what Trump would do if he contracted a serious illness where the only doctor who could help him was a Mexican Muslim? The stuff dreams are made of......
As disgusting as his prejudicial views are I can't help but marvel at how he is leveraging them. The judge is right that Trump is (wagging the dog). The same ugly statements that would normally be used against him are now going to keep the judge on his toes. The judge will now have to think twice about any rulings that could go against Trump that might seem inappropriate.
But I thought Hillary was the one true candidate.Which Candidate’s Ideas Resonate With Biden And Obama?
While neither President Obama nor Vice President Biden are going to issue a public endorsement for the Democratic nomination, both are more in favor of solutions offered by Bernie Sanders than they are to those offered by Hillary Clinton.
In an interview with the New York Times, Biden takes issue with Secretary Clinton’s stance that we’ve got to be “pragmatic” because there are certain things we just can’t get done.
“I like the idea of saying, ‘We can do much more’ because we can,“ Biden said. “I don’t think any Democrat’s ever won saying ‘We can’t think that big – we ought to really downsize here because it’s not realistic. C’mon man, this is the Democratic Party! I’m not part of the party that says, ‘Well, we can’t do it.’”
Not surprising coming from the man who, when he made his first bid for the presidency in 1987, stated, “The clarion call for our generation is not ‘It’s our turn.’ We must rekindle the fire of idealism in this country.”
For his part, President Obama, who in 2012 put forward the idea of reducing Social Security benefits by changing the way those benefits are calculated – remember the big fight over chained CPI? – well, now he’s on Bernie’s page.
During a speech on economic policy in Elkhart, Indiana, the president said, “We can’t afford to weaken Social Security. We should be strengthening Social Security. And not only do we need to strengthen its long-term health, it’s time we finally made Social Security more generous, and increased its benefits so that today’s retirees and future generations get the dignified retirement that they’ve earned.” He said we can do this “by asking the wealthiest Americans to contribute a little bit more.” To be fair, Hillary Clinton has also adopted Bernie’s stance, although in a more cautious version.
Social Security has been one of the clarion calls of the Sanders bid for the White House. When he announced his candidacy, Senator Sanders said, “Instead of cutting Social Security, we’re going to expand Social Security benefits.”
It is no secret to anyone who has paid the least bit of attention that the Obama presidency has been the target of obstruction from Day One. He inherited a mess of monumental proportions, and in the midst of putting the brakes on the slide into economic oblivion and dealing with the outrage that a black man dared to sit in the Oval Office, he somehow managed to get the Affordable Care Act passed. I was among those who were disappointed that he let the public option slide, but given what he faced, it’s a miracle he did what presidents since FDR have tried and failed to do, imperfect though it is.
Secretary Clinton is always saying she wants to expand on President Obama’s legacy, but her ideas are a continuation of the status quo. If we really want to build on what Obama accomplished, we need to take the next logical step and join the community of nations that guarantee health care to all. If we want to be world leaders, we must hark back to what we once did before the privatization craze fostered by conservatives took hold and offer free tuition at our public colleges and universities – not just junior college, but all public educational facilities. Of course, it will take tax money to accomplish that, but other countries are doing it successfully without collapsing into economic ruin.
It comes down to this: Are we willing to be bold? Or will we be satisfied with baby steps that cater more to the interests of the wealthy and corporate interests? It puts me in mind of something I heard Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton, say regarding Hillary. He said that she is a great candidate and would make a great president for the system of government we have now. But that government isn’t working for the middle class. And that is why he has endorsed Bernie Sanders.
That is the crux of this entire election cycle. People face monumental struggles on a daily basis and are angry because our government has not served them well. It is why we have seen the ascendance of Donald Trump. It is why a little known senator from Vermont is giving one of the most famous women on the planet a real challenge for the highest office in the land.
The status quo is not working. It has not been working for a long time, but it took a long time before people realized how bad it had become. Now is not the time for half-measures and for so-called pragmatism. It is time to step up to the plate and demand better for our country and for our people. It is time to put forward bold ideas and fight for them, because, like Joe Biden said, “I don’t think any Democrat’s ever won saying ‘We can’t think that big – we ought to really downsize here because it’s not realistic.”
Secretary Clinton is always saying she wants to expand on President Obama’s legacy, but her ideas are a continuation of the status quo.
I knew I could count on you for detailed observation, closely argued yet impeccable logic, the small piquant twist revealing a subtle dig at an opposing viewpoint, and the original synthesis which transcends hackneyed tropes. Well done!
I pity the poor kitty on top of that shitty... SHIT HEAD!
It's going to take Trump's base turning away from him......
yes but do they vote?