What I've learned meanwhile, but still not understanding is, even box mods and regulated devices behave different with different cells. High quality, with needed specs and all.
What I understand less, my TETRAx and TUBOx behave completely different on different mods. Firmware and settings are correct and identical (beside resistance of course), I've double and triple checked.
I have an 5 years old Evic VTC paired with my Tetra and a P80 paired with my Tubo. Both are working great. The Tetra is my most used vape beside WoodScent and LSV, the Tubo is my "office backup" with it's fixed place on my desk. Grab it regularly too, when the other two are not right by hand, not charged or so.
Yesterday I had the great idea to switch mods. Don't ask why, never change....
Now it's driving me nuts. Non of both new cominations is working. And I can't figure out why. Played around halfe night.
It's somehow resistance related I think. Please correct me, if I'm wrong.
Tubo + Evic VTC: One of the best vapes out there.
Tubo + P80: When I start preheating, wattage stays nearly at 70W, coils begin to glow and you've to stop immediately. This indicates set resistance is too high (?)
Tetra + P80: Not as powerfull as the Tubo, but still great and in daily use.
Tetra + Evic VTC: When preheating, wattage drops quite (too) fast, indicates temperature is reached, mod switches to Cruise, but temperature is not high enough to produce vape yet. This indicates, set resistance is to low (?)
Can someone help out and explain me this?