Well-Known Member
Weird, the used batteries from my tm lasted longer in the p80 then the tm, like the vtc6 I could barely finish 2-3 sesh in tm and same battery went 3+ all the time in p80 still.Why am I suddenly feeling stupid ?
@Touf2n1 : like this pattern. Enjoy now !
A pic of mine with its bendy stem, and FC's main page in the background. Might take one with the J-Hook too. Only criticism I could make so far is it literally eats batteries. Make three session max with my Molicels, sometimes a bit less. So either it draws a lot more than my TM, or it's more conservative when it comes to warn about low battery.
I went to molicel p26a and posted up my usage and battery % drops a few months back in this thread - way better then vtc4/5/6, lg h2, samsung 30q, tbh 18650 are still a consumable and after few months of use the molicel p26a start getting week batteries around 1 bowl on 70-80% battery life, very annoying, good thing I have 2 diff sets of 5 that I rotate in/out. The p26a that have weak batteries still give 8+ bowls on my tetrax with rxgen3 using 2 beat up p26a so not a issue for me.
I also would like a acrylic unit but don't like the nasty inconsistent brown stains of the base wood